Nihil nisi Iesum
Nothing except
Who we are, What we
do, and
Why we do it:
hold to the very clear mandate of Jesus Christ:
accepistis, gratis date
Freely you have
received. Freely give.”
(St. Matthew 10.8)
We want nothing
from you (except your prayers ... much needed) certainly not want your
money — we want your
souls ...
for Christ.
Boston Catholic Journal,©
founded over 20 years
ago, in 2004,
a completely free online publication affiliated with no other organization
or publication, and is dedicated solely to promoting a deeper understanding
of the authentic Catholic Faith of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, fidelity to
the Sacred Deposit of Faith entrusted to the Holy See in Rome,
and to the authentic Magisterium of the Church.
In addition to critical Catholic
commentary on significant issues within the Church, we provide a
audio library of traditional Catholic prayers,
devotions, and audio books, together with all
150 Psalms in Latin,
as free, downloadable, audio files.
We do not, however, stop here. Our
website has provided critical Catholic commentary within the
long-established framework of authentic Catholic teaching
articulated in both the constant Magisterium of the Roman Catholic
Church and within the 2000-year Sacred Tradition to which the
Catholic Church is forever bound. This teaching, we believe, is most
clearly, and with the greatest certitude, elaborated in what the
Catholic Church constantly and unerringly taught before the great
confusion engendered by, and the crisis of faith subsequent to,
Vatican II. This crisis, we further believe, culminated in, and has
reached critical mass through, the profoundly dissident and
subversive papacy of Francis.
In this deeply deliberated alienation
from the constant and unbroken teachings of 2000 years of the
Catholic Church, the present papacy stands in repudiation of it. Our
small part is maintaining one golden thread in this magnificent
fabric that stretches from Apostolic times even to these dark and
evil days, is somewhere in the pages of this unlikely Journal.
No one receives
any income or money from this site. Our staff is unpaid and contributes
its own time, money, and materials to sustain it. Everything we have,
we have received from Christ — Who gave freely. Can we do less?
You will find no
mailing address to us. We do this to prevent anyone from sending us
To Mary Immaculate, Mother of God,
we entrust this publication
All articles contained
in the Journal are original, or are published with permission from their
respective authors or publishers.
Contributors to
Boston Catholic Journal are both Religious and lay and
the message is the same, yesterday, today, and always: the Sacred Teachings
of Holy Mother the Catholic Church (the authentic Magisterium
that preceded Vatican II for over 2000 years), and faithfully retained
in the inviolable Sacred Deposit of Faith entrusted to the Holy
Roman Catholic Church by Jesus Christ through Saint Peter and his faithful
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and that it
not be, by any means, sold for profit.
We desire one
thing and one thing only: the Salvation of Souls — the sole purpose
for which Christ established His Church
We wish to bring
Christ to the world and the world to Christ through His Holy Catholic
Church. Period.
In the Immaculate
Heart of Mary,
Editor, Staff, and Contributors
of the Boston Catholic Journal |
Asst: Editor: J. Hesych
Graphics: J. Maria del Campos
Web Architect: S. Mariposa
Totally Faithful to the
Sacred Deposit of Faith entrusted to
the Holy See in Rome
opera tua ... quia modicum habes virtutem, et servasti
verbum Meum, nec non negasti Nomen Meum”
know your works ... that you have but little power,
and yet you have kept My word, and have not denied
My Name.”
(Apocalypse 3.8)
Copyright © 2004 - 2025 Boston Catholic
Journal. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise stated,
permission is granted by the Boston Catholic Journal
for the copying and distribution of the articles
and audio files under the following conditions:
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