The Odor of Sulfur ... not Sanctity
thee behind Me, Satan, thou art a scandal unto Me:
because thou savorest not the things that are of God, but the things
that are of men.”
Matthew 16.23)
were Christ’s words ...
to Saint Peter — the first pope — when, of himself,
decided the way that Jesus should go ... the way that he himself
deemed the best path. Imagine ... for that moment — Peter
was Satan!
And now it is Francis!
Who has not Smelled it?
to the pope presumes the pope’s obedience to Christ, and to the
nearly 2000 year old Sacred Deposit of Faith that Christ entrusted
to His Bride the Church. In Holy Scripture, in Sacred Tradition,
and in the Deposit of Faith we find the fullness of truth and
the unerring certainty of the will of God in all things. Who defects
from any of the three defects from all and who teaches otherwise teaches
heresy. He is separated from the Church. 1
No one is exempt because no one is immune to grievous sin — sin
so grave that excommunication is incurred latæ sententiæ (automatically:
as soon as the sin is committed). Canon Law 1463 states:
“Certain particularly grave sins incur excommunication,
the most severe ecclesiastical penalty, which impedes the
reception of the sacraments and the exercise of certain
ecclesiastical acts, and for which absolution consequently
cannot be granted, according to canon law, except by the
Pope, the bishop of the place or priests authorized by them.” |
what if the pope himself is the excommunicate (latae sententiae)
... or even worse?
Who is not Confused?
In the face of the near daily assaults
— by the present papacy itself and an episcopacy in apparent complicity
with him — on 2000 years of the consistent teaching of the Church, on
the very Deposit of Faith, and on the validity of Sacred Scripture itself,
what Catholic has not asked — in the fearfully deep and most secret
recesses of his soul — the question “Whence?” From whom
and from what comes this relentless scourging of faith — even
at the vertex of the Church itself — this overwhelming defection
from all that is holy to all that is vile?
“There is smoke in the sanctuary”
and instinctively we perceive it, recoil from it. It is proffered
as incense but is pungent to our senses — as the fume of smoldering
We are confused between the
of God”
become Man and the
of man become god.”
What a fearful divide rends the Body of
Christ anew! See how the sheep are scattered! Need we tell
you who is the father of confusion and lies ...?
No Longer Inconceivable
... the pope himself as the principle cause of confusion
— and defection — in the Catholic Church. It is nothing less
than ... diabolically clever.
It is
Francis indeed whom satan (no typo) has
sought to sift like wheat 2
— and sadly, it would appear, with
much success and to great measure.
Complicity with Evil — and
father of Lies”
In our obligation to Charity (one of the
three Theological Virtues: Faith and Hope being the other two),
we should pray that Francis, together with the cardinals and bishops
complicit with him, should renounce their complicity with satan,
the father of lies and their collaboration with the manifest evil
that they have embraced and propagated — and through which they would
pull down the walls of the Church and make Christ a liar! Indeed,
did not Jesus speak of this current Brood of Vipers when He said:
“You are of your father the devil, and the desires
of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the
beginning, and he stood not in the truth; because truth
is not in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own:
for he is a liar, and the father thereof.”
John 8.44) |
Mass Defection
frightening number of
cardinals, bishops, and priests have lost their faith altogether
and no longer believe what Christ Himself and Holy Mother the Church
taught for 2000 years. Formally, this is called apostasy. They
have defected from the Bride of Christ because She is pure and
their desires are evil — She is not of this world — but
they are! Her Body is chaste and their desires are perverse,
corrupt, and defiled. It is precisely in the paradigm of
The Third Temptation of Christ that we find the provenance of this
defection (apostasy). What Jesus Christ spurned (worldly “power and
), they have lusted for
— and in exchange for it have given the required tribute to the “father
of lies” — satan — who openly boasts of the “power” and “the glory of
this world,” that:
“to me they are delivered, and I give
them to whom I will.”
(St. Luke 4.5-6).
The Tribute due to the father
of lies
And what is that tribute? Lies.
If the father is a liar, then his brood can only be liars,
too. Christ has already told us:
“the desires of your father you will do ... for he is a liar,
and the father thereof.”
In exchange for power and perversion they have traded lies: lies
about Christ’s teaching, lies about the authentic teaching
of the Catholic Church, lies about the Sacred Deposit of Faith, lies
about Catholic Doctrine and Dogma, lies about morals, lies about Heaven
and Hell — lies about Sacred Scripture itself! They have
lusted for power — perhaps even more than they have shamefully
and perversely lusted for other men — and to acquire this power
they have traded truth for lies!
is, we will find, through the Faithful, the Laity, that the Church will
be delivered — just as it was in the days of the early heresies
when miter and crozier, cardinal and bishop, were bent in submission
to apostasy from the Faith — apostasies to which the laity, having learned
the truth in holy simplicity, gave no heed. They could smell a wolf
under the greatest abundance of wool.
Himself is the Good Shepherd.
sheep follow Him, because they know His voice. But
a stranger they follow not, but fly from him, because they know
not the voice of strangers.”
John 10:4-5)
fast to the Faith of our Fathers! Cleave to Christ and to what He
has taught us, to what Holy Mother Church taught us prior
to Vatican II — and fear nothing, and no one — no matter his power or
how ruthlessly he demands submission.
there is no other name under Heaven given to men, whereby we must be
(Acts 4.12)
not Christ Himself promise:
will not forsake you.”?
John 14.18)
must we ever forsake Him through any inducement to sin — by
1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excommunication_(Catholic_Church
Saint Luke 22.31
Geoffrey K. Mondello
Boston Catholic Journal
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Comments? Write us:
Further Reading on the Papacy of Francis:

Totally Faithful to the Sacred
Deposit of Faith entrusted to the Holy See in Rome
opera tua ... quia modicum habes virtutem, et servasti verbum
Meum, nec non negasti Nomen Meum”
know your works ... that you have but little power, and
yet you have kept My word, and have not denied My Name.”
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