Are We
all Children of God
... no matter what?
Francis made the
following statement in 2017 — and I think it is now time
to revisit it in light of his vitriolic denunciation of
Catholic Tradition in favor of Ecumenism — a heretical
concept altogether prior to Vatican II — one which
Francis frenetically promotes at the cost of authentic Catholicism.
He asks — as though the question itself is altogether rhetorical:
“Is it possible God has some children He does not love?
No! We are
God’s beloved children.” (pope Francis)
What is more troubling still, is that this question is, in fact,
received by most post-Conciliar Catholics as merely rhetorical,
that is to say, as though the answer is already understood
in the asking — and that answer, of course, is a resounding:
“yes — of course! After all, everyone goes to Heaven. The
pope himself routinely tells us so!” — despite what Christ
teaches us about the “hard and narrow” way to Heaven:
“Enter in at the narrow
gate: for wide is the gate, and broad
is the
way that leads to destruction, and many
there are who go that way.
How narrow is the gate, and strait is
the way that leads to life: and
few there are that find it! Beware of
false prophets, who come to you
in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly
they are ravening wolves.”
Oh, yes, concerning the “false prophets, who come to you in the
clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves,”
may we suggest that you consider five:
Paul VI
3. John Paul I
4. John Paul II
3. and the APEX WOLF: Francis
That is to say, in short, every pontiff who instigated, promoted,
or was complicit in what we have come to know as Vatican
II which decimated the Church and Religious Orders, contemned
and vitiated Her teachings, effectively abrogated Her Sacred
Tradition, laid siege to Her Sacred Deposit of Faith, outlawed
her language (Latin), abolished the Mass of the Ages (Tridentine),
defiled the Sanctuary with women “Ministers” of
Communion (note that they are no longer designated “Extraordinary-ministers”),
secularized the Liturgy, and homosexualized Her priests,
bishops, and cardinals — so this includes every pope
that you may have admired since 1958).
Consider the following: Catholic Mass attendance was 75+% in 1955
and plunged to 20-30% in 2017. In 1970, 55 % of American
Catholics went to Mass every Sunday, and in 2019 that figure
dwindled to 20%. “The Center for Church Management at
Villanova University projects an attendance rate in
the neighborhood of 12 percent by next year or the year
2 “Altar girls” vastly outnumber “Altar-Boys” and both are “socially/correctly”
called “Altar Servers” — thereby abolishing any distinction
in gender in deference to the rise of “Woman Church” and
the poison of Feminism.
All this — all of it — is the fruit of Vatican II ... every
effeminate and recreant priest, bishop, and cardinal; the
feminization and homosexualization of nearly every aspect
of the Catholic Church — has left it in ruins, pallid and
prostate before the World which it loves more than God.
There are good and faithful traditional priests —
who are persecuted mercilessly by their bishops, cardinals
... and even the pope. Good men. Manly men. Priests of Almighty
God! Men who do not lisp — and who would die before kissing
the Muslim Quran! Not so Francis. Not so!
Does Vatican II really sound like a success story to you? If no,
then I suggest that you go to the essay “Vatican II:
The Model of the Failed Corporation” in this book.
We might take the earlier citation from Holy Scripture (Mat.7.15-23)
as a prologue merely to the many disagreements between Francis
and Jesus Christ in this matter (and many, many others.)
Consider the following:
Jesus Christ:
“You do the works of your father … Why do you not know my speech?
Because you cannot hear my word … You are of
your father the devil, and the desires of your
father you will do. He was a murderer from the
beginning, and he stood not in the truth; because
truth is not in him … he is a liar, and the
father thereof.” (John8.41-44)
“He that commits sin is of the devil: for the
devil sinned from the beginning. ... In this
the children of God are manifest, and the children
of the devil: Whosoever is not just, is not
of God, nor he that loves not his brother.”
(1 John3.8-10)
“Not everyone that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into
the Kingdom of Heaven: but he that doth the
will of My Father who is in Heaven, he shall
enter into the kingdom of heaven. Many will
say to me in that day: Lord, Lord, … have we
not done many miracles in Thy name? And then
will I profess unto them, I never knew you:
depart from Me, you that work iniquity.” (Mat.7.21-23)
Citations from Holy Scripture in which Francis openly
contradicts Christ are too many to enumerate.
Whom do we Believe?
The point is simply this: whom shall we believe? The Master
or the servant? Truth Himself — Who stood before Pontius
Pilate on the day He was crucified
while Pilate pedantically asked, “What is Truth?” ... even
as Truth bled in his presence 5 — or His
feckless vicar who either distorts or contradicts the truth
entrusted to him? In other words, are we to believe Truth
Himself or His recreant proxy who speaks in
open contradiction to the Truth?
In 1521 Luther wrote to Philip Melanchthon (Luther’s closest
collaborator in heresy) “Love God and sin boldly ... No
sin can separate us from Him, even if we were to kill or
commit adultery thousands of times each day.”
The correspondence between Francis’s:
“Is it possible that God has some children He does not
love? No! We are all God’s beloved children.” and
Martin Luther's “No sin can separate us from Him,
even if we were to kill or commit adultery thousands of
times each day.” is unmistakable. This is the most
manifest and deadly fruit of the heresy called
Therefore, despite all that Christ taught us, no matter
what we do, say, promote, believe, or not believe, is
irrelevant. No sin is so heinous, no act so horrendous,
no belief so criminal, no unbelief so absolute, that it
can disqualify us from going to Heaven with all the
other ... “Saints” ... like Hitler, Josef Mengele, Stalin, Hideki Tojo, Nero,
Mao Zedong, Genghis Khan, Caligula, and Diocletian, to name
a few. For Francis, these men — despite the magnitude of
their malevolence and the enormity of their atrocities ...
are nevertheless “God’s beloved children.”
Who can so much as conceptualize God uttering something like,
“These are my beloved children: Adolf and his
brothers Diocletian, Mao, Josef , Stalin, Tojo, Nero, Genghis, and Caligula.”?
Who, indeed, is their father? Are they the “beloved
children of God” whom Francis would have us believe
— or are they those of whom Christ spoke: “You are of
your father the devil.”
They cannot be both.
Either Christ is a deceiver — or Francis is.
However, being God with the Father and the Holy Ghost, Christ
can neither deceive nor be deceived.6
Francis can, will, and does.
“Such a harsh, even cruel statement!” you will reproach me.
Less harsh, I will respond, and far less frightening than the
words of Christ at the Last Judgment:
“And when the Son of Man shall come … He
shall separate them one from another, as the
shepherd separate the sheep from the goats: He
shall set the sheep on His right hand, but the
goats on His left. Then … He shall say to them
also that shall be on His left hand: depart from
Me, you cursed, into everlasting fire which was
prepared for the devil and his angels.” 7
The god of Francis, it turns out, is not the God of Sacred
Scripture. He fabricates his god to assuage the guilt and
fear of men — the better to accord with the World, the Flesh,
and primeval things of darkness that have no place in the
Light ...
Let us
be Clear:
We have
stated it
and we wish to state it again: we hold that Francis is
the legitimate pope.
We equally hold that he is very likely a heretic,
and possibly an apostate.
We do not argue that the Seat of St. Peter is empty — which is
to say that we are not Sedevacantists (from the Latin
“sede vacante,” “the chair being vacant”) indeed,
we maintain that the Chair is, in fact, occupied.
That it seems likely to be occupied by a heretic, pantheist, and madman,
in no way invalidates the statement that the papacy is indeed
Some popes have been Saints. Some have been scoundrels. Francis,
regrettably, is certainly and most notoriously among the
latter — and we will not, cannot, accept his repudiation
of Jesus Christ Himself in Sacred Scripture together with
the perennial teachings of the Holy Catholic Church before
the many heretical credenda foisted on the Church by that
most unfortunate event called Vatican II; that is to say,
Francis’s chimerical understanding of himself — as the
paradigm of Conciliar progressivism — and, lately,
pantheism — and also as the law-giver preeminent, the
law-maker who tolerates no dissent — indeed, who
punishes it ruthlessly — does not coincide with
the 2000-year-old understanding of the Petrine Office in
the Economy of Salvation. Francis is a vicar only. Not the
Does a mere Vicar dare correct his Lord or amend His mandates?
Of course not! Therefore does Christ say:
“Amen, amen I say to you: The servant is not greater than his
neither is the Apostle greater than He that sent him.” (John14.16)
Must we therefore follow his teachings? We will let Pope Innocent
arguably the most effective pope ever,
answer this:
“It is necessary to obey a pope in all things as long as he does
not go against the universal customs of the Church, but
should he go against the universal customs of the Church
he need not be followed.” (
Francis, however, has done something more sinister still — something
that no other pope preceding him, however corrupt, had done:
He made the Catholic Church unrecognizable.
Geoffrey K.
Boston Catholic Journal
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3 John14.24 — Mat.17.17-19 — John3.18 — John8.41-44
— 1 John 3.8-10.
4 John14.6 “I am the way, and the
truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father, but by
18:38 “Pilate
saith to Him: What is truth?”
7 Mat 25.31-33 & 25.41