Cardinal Cupich: “We must let go of “cherished beliefs”

Cupich and the now disgraced and defrocked apex homosexual
predator Theodore McCarrick receive “the Spirit of Francis” award
Chicago July 2018
Where do we go when the “Church of Discernment”
Replaces the Holy Catholic Church?
U.S. Cardinal Blase J. Cupich appointed
by Francis to the powerful Vatican Congregation for Bishops made
the following unimaginable statement: “If Catholics want to engage
in “discernment” like Pope Francis does, they must let go of
“cherished beliefs” and outlined the “rebuilding and re-imagining
of the Church through “discernment” and “dialogue” — nouveau concepts
dear to Pope Francis’s vision of a new Church emerging from the
ashes of 2000 years of history, teaching, and tradition that Vatican
II ignited and Pope Francis is determined to consume in a conflagration
that will obliterate all distinctions between Catholics and Protestants
— and perhaps a totally “inclusive” pan-religious “Faith Community”
that will abolish the Roman Catholic Church — much as the Communist
Revolution was to abolish all class distinctions in the “withering
away of the State”. It will be, as Cupich flatly states, “a revolution”,
a process and a Church that will necessarily have its “own
“Graduation Day” for
Indeed, Cardinal Cupich
maintains that we must graduate from our Catholic “adolescence”
into what we presume he understands as a largely Protestant spirituality
based on conscience:
According to Lifesite
News, “In June, the Cardinal interpreted the Pope’s 2016
exhortation Amoris Laetitia (Joy of Love) as a call
for Catholics to graduate from “an adolescent spirituality into
an adult spirituality” where they will be able to
use their “freedom of conscience” to “discern truth” in their
life ... Cupich has argued that active homosexuals should be
able to receive Holy Communion and is a public supporter of
Jesuit priest and homosexualist Vatican adviser James Martin.”
How are we to understand his
clearly pejorative description of genuine Catholic spirituality as “adolescent”?
After 2000 years is it in need of maturation? Is it not much
more a matter of accommodation — specifically ecumenical
accommodation to better align Catholic with Protestant doctrine and
spirituality? Indeed, the admiration of Pope Francis for the arch-heresiarch
Martin Luther and his recent ebullient “Commemoration” of the Reformation
is unmistakable ... and deeply regrettable. It is an exuberance equally
shared by Cardinal Cupich. 2
What does it say, however,
to the faithful of the past 2000 years? That they have lived in spiritual
immaturity, replete with all the devotions and practices that characterized
Catholics before (and even after) Vatican II — and which were the very
beliefs and practices which Luther reviled, and many Protestants since?
An “Imaginary” Church?
First let us be clear about
terms — specifically the word “re-imagine”.
We can only re-imagine
what was first imaginary to begin with. If
we “imagine” something, it is clear that what we envision
does not exist (or, possibly, once did and no longer does)
— it is so remote from recollection, so distant in the past, that we
no longer have a clear idea of what it really was and certainly
no contemporaneous connection with it — hence we must resort
to imagining what it was, which is to say that our concept
of it is imaginary: it does not pertain to what actually
exists, but but to a mental fabrication, a mere ideological construct
that has no correspondence in reality. At best, it is what we imagine
might possibly exist or what had existed
in some long-forgotten primeval haze ... but no longer does, or is no
longer present to us.
Does this describe the Holy
Catholic Church? Is Cupich, then, an imaginary cardinal since
the Church that conferred this office upon him is itself imaginary —
as are, eo ipso, her sacraments, doctrines, dogmas, teachings,
and discipline?
Where will Catholics faithful
to the Magisterium and the Sacred Deposit of Faith
go once this revolution materializes? To what Church — after the
Roman Catholic Church has been “re-imagined” — indeed,
we hold that it was never imaginary at all (and therefore
in no need of re-imagining) to begin with, but a beautiful
reality in the ugly and impoverished world of the City of Man? To
the nearest Lutheran or Episcopal “church” with a female priestess
— or, for that matter, even a transgender male-female/female-male
“officiant”? The logic of “ecumenism” does not exclude this blasphemy
— indeed it does not even exclude the mosque!
Of course this sounds
nonsensical. Why? It is nonsense! We cannot
go to a Lutheran church or a mosque — however ecumenically magnanimous
we are urged to be — for nowhere else apart from the One, True,
Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church will we find Jesus Christ —
in the most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, in Holy Communion, and in
the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.
An “imagined” or “re-imagined”
church has none of these — and never will. In a word
such an “imagined” church — even were “re-imagination” possible
— would be an utter imposter: not the beautiful and
spotless Bride of Christ, but a meretricious harlot with many “lovers”
upon the altars of many religions in the world — and of
the world. (1 John 2:15)
Geoffrey K. Mondello
Boston Catholic Journal
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Faithful to the Sacred Deposit of Faith entrusted
to the Holy See in Rome
opera tua ... quia modicum habes virtutem, et servasti verbum
Meum, nec non negasti Nomen Meum”
know your works ... that you have but little power, and
yet you have kept My word, and have not denied My Name.”
(Apocalypse 3.8)
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