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Boston Catholic Journal - Critical Catholic Commentary in the Twilight of Reason



Mary, the Mother of God
and the Month of May



We are now opening the door wide to spring-time. We are on the threshold of the beautiful month of May.

The month of May is traditionally set aside, dedicated, by Holy Mother Church, by the love in our hearts, to the honor of Mary Our Mother and Queen.

The blossoming tress, the emerging spring flowers, the singing of birds, the great surge of life within nature — all speak to us of Mary, whose beauty is reflected with it, inviting us to seek the

Mary, our beloved Mother, is truly the most beautiful flower in the Garden of God. Within this blossoming Garden we find a pale reflection of the inexpressible beauty of  Mary — a suggestion only, of  the most beautiful of all God’s creation. 

In the hustle and bustle of life, let us be content to sit at times and unite our hearts to that of Our Mother, to pray to her, to spend time in her company.

Pray that this may be for you and for your family a time of grace, a time of seeking God and his Mother in the beauty that surrounds us.

Many very beautiful Catholic traditions, such as building May Altars, having May processions in honor of Our Lady, crowning Our Lady as our Queen, are — for the moment — just living memories in our hearts. But they are practices which can bear rich fruits for those who are mindful of such. Perhaps you are blessed and fortunate enough to belong to a parish where such celebrations still take place! If so, give thanks to God! If you are not so fortunate, then for the love of Mary, seek and find ways in which you can either, in your home, garden or even parish, re-introduce these beautiful customs.

A May altar is usually a movable indoor structure, perhaps in the corner of a room, or on a shelf. It is a little home made into a shrine to Mary, where each day prayers and flowers are taken to the Mother of God. Do you think she does not know this, see this, love this?

It is practice that can be meaningful for children and adults alike. At some point, as the month progresses, crown Mary as your Queen claiming her Queenship over your heart, your family, your home. Take photographs of your loved ones to the shrine, both living and dead, and place your petitions at her feet.

Do not think yourself too sophisticated for such innocent and beautiful devotions. Remember that unless we become like little children we shall not enter the kingdom of God. In doing such things in honor of Mary we are offering a childlike trust to our heavenly Mother. She will not be unmindful of it ...

Pray to the Holy Ghost and ask Him to inspire and guide you through the month of May in the company of Mary.

This month, this May, is a time of conception: all nature prepares! Let us too prepare ... our hearts and lives to receive Christ more fully, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.


Hail Mary! Full of Grace!


A Poor Clare Colettine Nun

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Boston Catholic Journal

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Scio opera tua ... quia modicum habes virtutem, et servasti verbum Meum, nec non negasti Nomen Meum 
I know your works ... that you have but little power, and yet you have kept My word, and have not denied My Name. (Apocalypse 3.8)


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