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Boston Catholic Journal - Critical Catholic Commentary in the Twilight of Reason


The Catholic Church we once knew and recognize no longer: the destruction wrought by Vatican II

On The Imminent Passing of the Catholic Church

From All Memory


The despotic and heretical reign of Pope Francis will end. It was a papacy unlike any other, for we found in the Seat of Peter the erstwhile unimaginable ... a heretic. Not a promoter of the Faith, but a destroyer of the Faith.  A man whose gods were many and whose scruples were few; who seized the House of the Master and pretended it was his own, throwing down the walls that the martyrs built and bled upon; clearing the Altar for strange new gods. He was ever a grievous wound in the side of the Church, and like all healthy bodies, the Body of Christ, which is the Church, developed a hard and ugly response to it.

As a scab that has been pulled off a wound, leaving it painful and bleeding once again ... but beginning to heal ... the ill-starred papacy of Francis, once it has been peeled away from the unblemished Body, will begin to allow the healing so desperately needed in a deeply infected body.

But it is almost equally certain that the return to a state of health will be painfully long. The Church will not soon recover from the horrific damage inflicted upon it by Francis. The foreign pathogens and deadly toxins that he inserted deeply into the body will not go away at once, or, indeed, anytime soon. His death is not likely to result in warring factions between cardinals and bishops in a stark theological divide separating traditional from progressive prelates; those faithful to a Church forged in a crucible of 2000 years of suffering and sanctity … prior to Vatican II, and those who would cast that crown of thorns and glory into the cesspool of “modern man,” eager to make a new ecumenical god to accommodate their new religion.

Would that this were so! …. that there were clear battle lines drawn between two clearly distinguishable and mutually irreconcilable camps!

But it will not be!

Why? Because in his eleven-year tenure (and counting) Francis has, to use a political term, “packed” the episcopacy with his own, hand-picked, men — men of the same radically liberal, progressive, and often-heretical mindset as Francis. And it is these men who will elect Francis’s successor … from among themselves! And we have learned today, Sunday October 6th that Francis will be creating 21 new Cardinals in a consistory on December 8, of this year, 2024 — the 11th consistory that he has called in his 11 year pontificate! By contrast, John Paul II called only 9 consistories in 27 years.

Yes, that is alarming!

To give you some perspective, in 11 years:

Francis appointed 142 of the Cardinals (soon to be 163) and 407 Bishops

To give you some perspective, in 11 years:

Francis appointed 142 Cardinals and 407 Bishops

  • That is more than twice the number of bishops in only 11 years … as John Paul II appointed during his entire papacy of 27 years — and 2/3 as many cardinals in only 1/3 the span of time.

  • And nearly three times the number of bishops in 11 years as Benedict XVI — with almost 1.5 times more cardinals than Benedict … in 8 years.

Numbers like these virtually ensure that Francis’s successor will keep his warped vision of a horizontal Church alive; a Church more deeply invested in, not God-made-man (Christ) but man-made-god, the creature ... not the Creator; an “ecclesial forum” structured around diversity, equity, inclusion, climate, indigeneity, social justice, environment, aboriginal cultures, mother earth … in a word, the “World” as we presently know it.

The Church will recover from the papacy of Francis and his predecessors, but in all likelihood — apart from Divine intervention — it will not be within our lifetime. Nor, perhaps, in the lifetime of our children. So much, so very much, remains to be undone! So much more remains to be recovered! And it seems all too likely that Franciss successor may expand the destructive initiatives that he has already implemented; indeed, he may well exceed them! All this points to a protracted recovery — or, within the increasing realm of probability, accelerated through, not an act, but a recognition, of de facto schism — on the part of Francis & Friends.

The 11th Hour

Sobering as it is, we must come to terms with the reality most likely confronting us in the very near future: the Catholic Church as history had known it for 2000 years — as it had been lived for two millennia by saints, scholars, sinners, and the simplest of Faith — may soon be recognizable no more. As a distinct entity apart from the world, it may effectively cease to be.

That is a staggering statement ... and except for Francis, almost impossible to imagine! Yet, so deeply have things evil leached into the highest echelons of the Church, infecting every organ of the body itself, that it is almost equally impossible to imagine its continuance!

Except … except for the faithful few … for those who held steadfast to the One, True, Holy, Catholic Faith whose source and summit was, and remains, the Latin Mass of the Ages; bearing all insults and scorn, all the mockery and derision that we heaped upon them — when we, with the world, went the way of the innovators beginning with John XXIII — except for them, the true Faith, would have been extinguished in a mere generation (so virulent was and is this evil within the bosom of the Vatican II Church). Memory of the 2000 year “pre-Conciliar” Church in all its sanctity and majesty, would have been ... academic at best.

And now it is the eleventh hour. God gives us the grace to return to our true Mother, the Holy Catholic Church, and all that she ever taught and unchangingly teaches; to the Sacraments so long disparaged, disdained, and dismissed by the Post-Catholic-Conciliar Church that brought our True Mother to Her knees, weeping for her children …

Francis will certainly, one day, be no more. And so will his successors for a time. But our Holy Mother the Church remains imperishable … and ever will!

Let us cleave to her all the more closely in these evil days, whose incensed breath is the vestibule to eternity ... indeed, to Paradise.


Geoffrey K. Mondello
Boston Catholic Journal

October 2, 2024 Feast of St. Francis, Confessor, founder of the Order of Friars Minor

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I know your works ... that you have but little power, and yet you have kept My word, and have not denied My Name.
(Apocalypse 3.8)

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