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Pull the Plug!
A Vignette on the State as the Agent of Death
Britain decides
whether your life is worth living — and no Parent can keep its Hand off the
(and don’t count on your cardinal
or bishop either)

Malcolm McMahon OP, Archbishop of Liverpool
on behalf
of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales — with
their hands on the plug, too: (
... all “Catholics”)
would like to express my deepest sympathy at this moment
of loss to Tom and Kate as we hold little Alfie in our prayers.
All who have been touched by the story of this little boy’s
heroic struggle for life will feel this loss deeply. But
as a Christian Alfie has the promises of God, who is love,
to welcome him into his heavenly home.”
— even though we didn't so much as lift a finger to help
him, his mother or his father. The official
Vatican News Agency stated the following: “The
Catholic bishops of England and Wales issue a statement
highlighting the professionalism of staff at Liverpool's
Alder Hey hospital.”
(We wonder if their admiration for the “professionalism”
of those who collectively end the lives of others, extends
to other relatively recent, and present regimes
which excelled in it — beyond our darkest imagination)
* Pope Francis:
Act for another’s good — as
you see it — not as God sees it ... nor as the
Church teaches:
the past few weeks have been difficult with much activity
on social media, we must recognise that all who have played
a part in Alfie’s life have wanted to act for
his good,
as they
see it.
Above all, we must thank Tom and Kate for their unstinting
love of their son, and the staff at Alder Hey Hospital
for their professional care of Alfie.”
In other words, depending on how you look at it (more
of the situational ethics of Francis), “if you
think it is good to pull the plug on a child for some insane
reason — go for it!
Who am I to
In other words,
no plea for Alfie, his mother or his father, from
“prominent Catholics”
... only from a prominent Muslim ... on behalf of a Christian:

Listen to Wajid Khan address the EU Parliament

“You have collected all my tears in Your bottle.
You have recorded each one in Your book.”
(Ps. 56.8)
A Frightening Prologue
are witnessing the death — not only of Alfie Evans — but of Western Christian culture;
of the collective and seared conscience of the tattered remnants of a once Christian,
but now militantly secularized society that has no tolerance for religion ... and
even less for life itself.
This is the frightening prologue
of things to come — and from a once enlightened people who fell into darkness.
Boston Catholic Journal
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Totally Faithful to the Sacred Deposit
of Faith entrusted to the Holy See in Rome
opera tua ... quia modicum habes virtutem, et servasti verbum Meum,
nec non negasti Nomen Meum”
know your works ... that you have but little power, and yet you have
kept My word, and have not denied My Name.”
(Apocalypse 3.8)
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