A Sober Reflection on
a Deeply Defective Encyclical

has become a sad and painful realization that not all the popes
of Holy Mother the Church have been holy.
Only during the tumultuous and
deeply troubling pontificate of Francis did ordinary Catholics have
any motivation to question the personal sanctity or the competence of
any pope. In our efforts to find precedence, we have, of course, subsequently
come to learn that Pope Honorius was anathematized in 680 A.D.,
condemned as a heretic and excommunicated — forty years
after his death! If we looked further, we found the inexcusable moral
turpitude of the Borgia Pope Alexander VI which brought the papacy and
the administration of the Church into nothing less than disrepute. In
modern times we have the widespread dissension, division, and disaffection,
occasioned by Pope John XXIII in convening of the Second Vatican
Council for no pressing or apparent reason — and whose prescient
last words — which went unheeded — were: “Stop the Council!”
1 The destructive
aftermath, of course, is clear to everyone, and the Church is still
— after more than 50 years — reverberating with that monumental collapse
and everywhere we look it is crumbling. It will not be destroyed, but
it may be torn down to its foundations.
In a climate of spiritual license
we now find current popes canonizing virtually all their immediate predecessors
— a scandalous state of affairs given the utter mediocrity of Paul VI
(who surrendered the sacred Papal Tiara — the Triregnum used
by all popes since the 8th century — and all it signified) to the Buddhist
U Thant who presided over the U.N. — and which was never to be
worn again), and the outrageously blasphemous
convergence of all the world’s
leaders at Assisi in October 1986 called for by John-Paul II
in pursuit of the Second Vatican Council’s emphasis on the non-denominational
avenue to salvation open to every adherent of every religion,
however primitive and profane — whether or not it so much as acknowledged
Christ’s sole, unique, and absolutely necessary Sacrifice on the Cross.
In Francis, however, we find
the papacy going beyond
— even beyond religion itself.
In his present and deeply defective encyclical, “Laudato si”
we find the present Pope, Francis, issuing encyclicals
on the environment and economics!
Let us be frank: none
of these issues falls within the scope of Francis’s (quite limited)
competency or divinely invested power, nor are we able to reconcile
them with the Petrine Office which has been entrusted to him. When Christ
said to Saint Peter,
my sheep.”
(Saint John 21.17) we do not believe that He had in mind “the tragic
effects of environmental degradation on the lives of the
world’s poorest” (Laudato si,13)
or “the intimate relationship
between the poor and the fragility of the planet”
(16). Yes, as Saint James is clear (St. James 2.16), we have a very
real individual responsibility for providing for those in need. This
matter is not in question in the least, nor has it ever been.
But it is imperative to understand
that Christ also recognized a greater and more pressing need still:
“ Amen,
amen I say to you, you seek me, not because you have seen miracles,
but because you did eat of the loaves, and were filled. Labor
not for the meat which perisheth, but for that which endureth
unto life everlasting, which the Son of man will give you.” (Saint John 6.26-28).
It was in this regard
that Christ told Saint Peter to
My sheep.”
It was a spiritual command … not an
economic mandate.
If the Pope pontificates
on economics we must ask ourselves, can an economist pontificate
on Canon Law?
course not”, you say, “The province
of expertise embodied in an economist does not qualify him as a theologian.
It's not his job description. He may have opinions on the matter
but that is all they are: opinions.” By the same reasoning,
neither can a pope pontificate on economics. It's not
his job description. His job description is spiritual:
proclaiming the Gospel, retaining the Deposit of the Faith, leading
the Church faithfully in the ways of Christ, and saving souls. In
fact, his Master very clearly states, to avoid all confusion, that
His Kingdom is not of this world.
Meum non est de hoc mundo.” (Saint John 18.36)
An economist’s job description, on the
other hand, is explicitly temporal and material: to research
and analyze economic issues; it precisely pertains to the world, matter,
money, and financial assets. Pope Francis, by contrast, has an individual
right, as do all men, to an opinion on economic issues
— but even as Pontiff he possesses no authority in them since
he has no credentials for them.
To better understand the incongruity,
let us ask: Would you go to Warren Buffet for
“spiritual advice on moral matters?”
And, conversely, “Would you go the pope for
“economic advice concerning your
retirement options?” Really? It is a matter of competency and invested
authority. Would you attend a seminar featuring Warren Buffett on the
topic of “saving your soul and going to Heaven”? Would you go to one
featuring Pope Francis on “efficiently organizing your work strategy
and finances”? You would cock your head in bewilderment and politely
decline both. Say it is not so! Or do we have a deal for you on ocean-front
property in Nebraska!
Until the pontificate of Francis we, as Catholics, had two holy Mothers:
... and now ... to our incredulity,
a third — we find foisted upon us, a third:
“our holy Mother Earth”...?
Indeed, Pope Francis, in his encyclical,
Laudato si, insists that we:
“Love the land as Mother earth”
“Make alliance with Mother Earth”
“This sister [Earth] now cries
out to us because of the harm we have inflicted on her by
our irresponsible use and abuse of the goods which God has endowed
her with. We have come to see ourselves as her lord and masters,
entitled to plunder her at will. The violence present in our hearts,
wounded by sin, is also reflected in the soil, in the water, in
the air, and in all forms of life.”
“We human beings are united as brothers
and sisters on a wonderful pilgrimage, woven together by the love
God has for each of his creatures and which also unites us in fond
affection with brother sun, sister moon, brother river and
mother earth.”
“One thing is certain: we can no longer
turn our backs on reality, on our brothers and sisters, on
Mother Earth.” (speech at the Pontifical Catholic University
of Ecuador)
Yes, Saint Francis of Assisi
wrote the beautiful Canticle of the Sun from which Pope
Francis selectively draws in this encyclical — but he egregiously
neglects (with most “progressive” bishops and clerics, to say nothing
of the stultified laity) to mention even once Saint
Francis’s stern admonition in closing that same Canticle:
to those who die in mortal sin!
Happy those she finds doing Your most
holy will.
The second death can do no harm to them.”
Pope Francis, on the other hand,
absurdly asserts that,“to commit a crime against the natural world
is a sin against ourselves and a sin against God”
It is worthwhile noting that he is quoting
— ecumenically of course — “His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew”
(On Earth as in Heaven: Ecological Vision and Initiatives
of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew) the worldwide leader of the
Orthodox Churches — which are not in communion
with Rome. Prior to the Second Vatican Council, popes quoted from Christ,
His Apostles and His Saints within the Catholic Church.)
Let us be Clear:
Cannot Sin against “Mother Earth!”
is not only a ridiculous but a blasphemous notion. We cannot sin
againt “Mother Earth” any more than we can sin against a stone:
it is not a person created in imago Dei, and it certainly
is not a deity, except in pagan religions, New Age Theology, and Wicca
— and, it would appear, the present papacy.
How far Saint Francis’s spiritual vision is ... from Pope
Francis’s economic vision: With great urgency, he insists that
“The system of production and distribution of food must be radically
rethought.” (We do not know what school of theology this
derives from; very likely Jesuit in origin, for the Jesuits, once so
fiercely loyal to the Church and the papacy are now, by and large, today’s
modern apostates within the Post-Modern Church that Pope Francis
appears intent on constructing, even as he “deconstructs” the Church
of the Ages). The Holy Father is not aptly named, after
all. “Francis: re-build my Church, which as you can see is falling
into ruin.” Thus Christ spoke to Francis of Assisi in 1206. He did
not direct Francis to reform feudal economics.
If much of this is reminiscent of New Age thought and the culture of
the 60's, we are at least inclined to wonder at the correspondence,
We pray for Pope Francis, that God lead him and guide him in His
ways — and not the ways of the world, for we have greater
authority to which to appeal than “His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch
Bartholomew.” As Catholics we have the unimpeachable witness and
admonishment of two:
“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If
any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”
(1 St. John 2.15)
world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.”
(Gal. 6.14)
In our humble — and perhaps even mistaken opinion — the last truly holy
and absolutely faithful Pontiff was Pope Pius X (the veritable
bane of the liberal and “progressive” mind-set that permeates our Post-Modern
Church) . We do not assert that the Seat of Peter expired after
his death. We are not Sedevacantists — yet. Whether or not it
has been heroically Catholic in the last 50 years is, in our opinion,
very questionable. The Church has suffered much and terribly as a consequence
of Vatican II. But just as Pope Pius X sat upon the Cathedra
that Honorius and Alexander stained, another Pope of heroic Catholic
sanctity may await us and restore what had been — once again, in our
opinion — illicitly expropriated from us. In that sense we are, indeed,
Faithful to the Sacred Deposit of Faith entrusted to the Holy see in
Rome when it is exercised as such in conspectu Dei, and in complete
continuity and agreement with that 2000 year Deposit of Faith — which
is susceptible to being (illicitly) ignored or prescinded from to the
ends of man, but from which no one can deprive Catholics, and which
none can abolish.
Remember the admonition of Saint Paul to Saint Timothy:
there shall be a time, when they will not endure
sound doctrine; but, according to their own desires,
they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching
ears: And will indeed turn away their hearing from
the truth, but will be turned unto fables.”
(2 Tim. 4:3-4)
May we humbly ask that you pray for us,
and for all who contend against
“the deceits
of the devil. “For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood;
but against principalities and power, against the rulers of the world
of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places.”
(Eph. 6.11-12)
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Geoffrey K. Mondello
Boston Catholic Journal

Totally Faithful to the Sacred Deposit of
Faith entrusted to the Holy See in Rome
opera tua ... quia modicum habes virtutem, et servasti
verbum Meum, nec non negasti Nomen Meum”
know your works ... that you have but little power,
and yet you have kept My word, and have not denied My
(Apocalypse 3.8)
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