The Decline of
the West
Through Abortion and Birth Control
,,, and the Exploding Muslim Population
Days Have Come Down in the West

Part 1
his magnificent trilogy, The Lord of the Rings,
JRR Tolkien,
through King Theoden of Rohan, ominously observed
The days have
come down in the West.
This was terribly prescient of Tolkien who, 60
years ago, began to see the light of the West pass
its zenith. The Kings
sword, Anduril, the
Flame of the
is shattered, and Minas Tirith, City of Kings, is
Kingless, the throne occupied by a negligent and
wicked Steward who would keep it for himself and
The Return
of the King.
The armies of Mordor, many times more numerous,
and with Haradrim from the South, press on to the
citys destruction. In the words of the hero Aragorn,
They are an
army bred for a single purpose: the destruction
of the world of men."
The great city has fallen into desuetude, neglect,
and disrepair. It no longer numbers its children.
Outside her walls gather erstwhile quarreling factions
among the people of Middle Earth: Men, Elves, Dwarves
who, in light of this impending disaster that
cover all the
Earth in shadow,
find common purpose, put aside grievances of old,
and, clinging to what they love best, form an alliance
unto to death to defend
what is good
in this world.
In one particularly stirring sequence, King Theoden
of Rohan, is advised that his small army cannot
possibly defeat the immense, barbaric, and merciless
army of Mordor that converges at the gates of Minas
Tirith, a city not his own.
No, we cannot,
he concedes.
But we will
meet them in battle nonetheless.
But Will We?
A stirring, a riveting drama to be sure: a vastly
outnumbered remnant of a moribund society countenancing
numberless hordes at the very gates but in
the end it is a fiction.
Or is it?
Who among us, in the dark hours of the night, has
not asked himself,
the days coming down in the West? Are we at the
terminus of a civilization, a culture, that staggers
on the edge of extinction?
After we pause, we ask ourselves a more terrible
question still,
have we not brought it on ourselves? Is it not the
work of our own hands? The logical culmination of
illogical choices?
No, you say?
Consider this:
The renowned Historian, Niall Ferguson, Professor
of History at NYU and Senior fellow at the Hoover
Institution, commenting on the demographics of the
self-induced depopulation of the West, flatly states
that the West has not encountered such a tremendous
reduction in European population since the Black
Death of the 14th century.
Elsewhere he speaks of,
a new Dark Age of waning empires and religious fanaticism
... and a retreat by civilization into a few fortified
It certainly sounds a good deal like Helms
Deep ... or Minas Tirith ... this fiction ...
Nevertheless, consider the following:
No European country
none has a replacement
level birth rate, largely due to contraception and
abortion. 18 have negative birth populations.
Do you remember the mantra of Margaret Sanger, Planned
Parenthood, and todays absurdly lucrative abortion
may lose the equivalent of the population of
the former East Germany in the first half of
the 21st century.
By 2050,
Spains population will decline from
40 million to 31 million while,
in Italy, 42% of the population will
be over the age of 60 and almost 60% of
the Italian people will have
no brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts or uncles.
What is more,
France, even if no more Muslims were to arrive,
the Islamic population would double in one generation,
and quadruple in two. Bearing in mind that immigrants
tend to have children at a younger age than their
European counterparts, those generations will reach
maturity in a relatively short time.
We are a Capitalist culture. We have a penchant
for numbers These are sobering.
More sobering still is the unremittingly doctrinaire,
liberal mentality that promotes what
is essentially the growth of an anti-human
culture in a federally funded Petri
dish. This Liberal-Leftist elite is so rigidly
disciplined to self-absorption, a cadre so hardened,
as to mandate its own extinction because it is
and fails to see the madness in it.
It was Malcolm Muggeridge, however, who summarized
these days best at a speech at Stanford:
the final conclusion would seem to be
that whereas other civilizations had
been brought down by attacks of barbarians
from without, ours had the unique distinction
of training its own destroyers at its
own educational institutions and providing
them with facilities for propagating
their destructive ideology far and wide,
all at the public expense. Thus did
Western man decide to abolish himself,
creating his own boredom out of his
own affluence, his own vulnerability
out of his own strength, his own impotence
out of his own erotomania; himself blowing
the trumpet that brought the walls of
his own city tumbling down. And having
convinced himself that he was too numerous,
labored with pill and scalpel and syringe
to make himself fewer, until at last,
having educated himself into imbecility
and polluted and drugged himself into
stupefaction, he keeled over, a weary,
battered old brontosaurus, and became
are an army bred for a single purpose: the destruction
of the world of men.
Part 2: At the Gates
Geoffrey K. Mondello
Boston Catholic Journal
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Totally Faithful
to the Sacred Deposit of Faith
entrusted to the Holy See in Rome
opera tua ... quia modicum habes virtutem,
et servasti verbum Meum, nec non negasti
Nomen Meum
know your works ... that you have but
little power, and yet you have kept
My word, and have not denied My Name.
(Apocalypse 3.8)
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