The Obscenity of our Times:
Abortion as
was only doing my duty ...
Herr Doktor
Josef Mengele
of Auschwitz |
Barack Obama
of Washington |
hes such a nice and fine looking young man ...
more we do to you, the less you seem to believe
we are doing it.
(Herr Doktor Josef
Angel of Death
at Auschwitz)
Again ...?
Did you not say,
after the
genocide in Africa or the Middle East ...?
we ever think that a time would come when a single
person, let alone vast numbers of people, would have
to defiantly declare that
life has unimpeachable value?
After the incalculable enormities of World War II
the wholesale slaughter of entire peoples as of so many
vermin did we ever think that a day would come in
which we would be indifferent to the value of a single
life ... of the life of all the subsequent
generations within it? Tell me you foresaw it
after you plucked the rotted corpses from the mass graves
at Sobibor! Tell me that it finally occurred to you
after the skulls in the killing fields of Cambodia peered
back at you from the glossy magazines on your coffee
wussten es nicht
really didnt know ...)
But we pay and we pay well
and in so many ways to keep the lids tightly closed
as much on our consciences as on the plastic drums into
which we toss the remains of our own children! Like
every society in every age that we have, in retrospect,
always on other continents, in other cultures, and
in other times we hold dearly to the concept
of plausible deniability
did not, at the time, understand what was really happening
despite the gruesome photographs we have all seen ..."
even though we voted to at least allow such
things to happen, or for the political candidates
who we knew would implement them ... who
would make them ...
a Killing
at ... well, Killing
who became a killer like every
who became a mortician, and every
his apprentice was, is,
following orders" or
... despite the fact that every soldier is obligated
to refuse to commit murder, as every
doctor is obligated by the Hippocratic Oath
"not to procure an abortion".
Of course, if one is a politician it is merely a matter
of pandering to, and then legalizing, prevailing attitudes
... much like in Munich in 1933 ... and on January
23, 2009 when Barack Obama in Washington made
it a priority on his list of (Final) Solutions.
he is such a nice and fine looking young man, and has
such a gentle manner ...
Yes, rather reminiscent
of Herr Doktor Mengele: articulate, bright, personable
and incomprehensibly evil. Are we saying that our
President is an evil man? I am inclined not to think
so ... but neither can I
ignore the fact that
we are either evil or
good by virtue of the choices, the decisions,
that we make ... and the deeds pursuant to them, especially
if our own choices become policy.
When is it
to kill a baby, a Jew, a Slav, or a Gypsy, by
We have legislated murder, and all the nuances that
we pour over our decisions will never wash the blood
from our hands. It is true that others do the actual
killing ... Herr Doktor Mengele for Hitler, and
Planned Parenthood for Obama ... but if this
is our defense, then Hitler was without guilt and deserves
as little reproach as Obama. Both instigated, vigorously
endorsed, signed, and authorized, the Final
Solution ... even if they never held the scalpel
habe nur meine Pflicht erfόllt
Again and again we heard the same words at the Nuremberg
Trials in 1945:
habe nur meine Pflicht erfόllt
was only fulfilling my duty,
but now with a twist, although no less lethal in consequence:
am only following the mandate of a small but
influential segment of the people
as President
am only following the policy of the State
as a federally subsidized Hospital
am only following "Hospital policy
as a physician or nurse...
In other words,
habe nur meine Pflicht erfόllt!
I am only doing
my duty!
and, what is more, in the case of today's
in the cause of Planned Parenthood, it is lucrative:
ask, Why I am doing this? Are you kidding?
I'm making a killing at it ...
this is big business! Big money!
Do you think I want my kids
to grow up in want?
The Culture
of Life vs. the Industry of Death
So, who stands in the breach ... in that
quiet and deadly breach between life and death, between
the culture of life and the industry of death? Jesus
Christ Himself. Holy Mother the Church. The woman
down the street who has no upscale career ... just beautiful
kids. The father next door who cannot imagine life without
his children. The parish Priest, who as an alter
Christus another Christ is a voice in
our nation's capitol, a voice proclaiming life in the
political and cultural wasteland of this world that
lusts after death!
Some of us, for genuine reasons, are unable (not unwilling)
to be physically present in Washington but we must
all clamor for life over the vast flood
of death that yet ripples with the laughter of children
The Remorseless
Verdict of History
This momentous struggle which history will record
remorselessly to the shame and disgrace of so many
between life and death, darkness and light, goodness
and evil is the battle of our times. There are no
sidelines, no neutral grounds, and there is no refuge
in doubt.
Genocide in Africa? ... the Middle East? ... Pakistan?
... Cambodia? ... Armenia? ... Sobibor ... Auschwitz?
Not here in America?
... Not now?
we indignantly declare.
how quickly such things come to our door! The
more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are
doing it.
It is as though Josef Mengele, vomited
from the grave as an obscenity by the earth itself and
by the millions of victims of his own perspective on
were addressing us who have grown quite comfortable
with legalized abortion.
After all, it was legal for him, too.
And the Presidents of both countries were signatory
to it! ... Nicht war?*
came first for the Communists,
and I didnt speak up
because I wasn't a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didnt speak up
because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didnt speak up
because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didnt speak up
because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me,
and by that time no one was left to speak up.
Martin Niemoeller
(from the New England Holocaust Memorial,
1 Saint John 10.10
it not so?
it not the truth?
Geoffrey K. Mondello
Boston Catholic Journal
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