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Boston Catholic Journal - Critical Catholic Commentary in the Twilight of Reason




The Unlikely Canonization of Senator Byrd

Byrd, Bishop Bransfield, and Dr Josef Megele "the Angel of Death"

... and other possible Candidates


Catholic Bishop Says Pro-Abortion Senator Byrd “Enjoys Perfect Joy”


Open Letter to Bishop Michael Bransfield

Diocese of Wheeling Charleston


June 28, 2010

Your Excellency, Bishop Michael J. Bransfield,

We must express our outrage at your statement  that the Pro-Abortion Senator Byrd, whose votes culminated in the death of millions of children, is now at peace with the Risen Lord and ...[and] is experiencing Perfect Joy.”

To the Catholic Faithful, this message from the highest Catholic Authority in West Virginia — really, a message to the entire nation — that Pro-Abortion activists enjoy the Beatific Vision ... together with the millions of innocent babies for whose death they clamored.

It leads us to wonder if those, who by policy, instigated the “Final Solution” 65 years ago, enjoy the same eternal consolation of their victims.

We would be interested to learn if you have plans to beatify them also?

You have caused confusion and scandal to the Church and to the Faithful — and are undoubtedly a source of comfort to Planned Parenthood and the many, many, Doctor Mengeles they employ in their Charnel Houses for Children.

This shameful pandering to “the sensitivities" of the politically and socially correct is, in a word, abhorrent.

Worse still, it is an assurance from no one less than a successor of the Holy Apostles, that those who drag children off to death can do so with a clean conscience; that those who mingle their money with the blood of children will, share the “Perfect Joy” you assure them ... together with the Little Ones they butcher.

Did not our Blessed Lord warn us not to “despise not one of these little ones: for I say to you, that their angels in Heaven always see the face of my Father who is in Heaven.” (St. Mat. 18.10)

But then again, Herr Docktor Mengele was also an “Angel” of sorts ... wasn’t he?

It is what his victims called him, too.

Sincerely Outraged,

Geoffrey K. Mondello
Boston Catholic Journal


Statement from the Most Rev. Michael J. Bransfield, Bishop of Wheeling-Charleston
on the death of Senator Robert C. Byrd, who died on June 28, 2010:

“Today our nation marks the passing of a great statesman and public servant, Senator Robert C. Byrd. While we will prayerfully reflect on his decades of scholarship, hard work, and dedication to the people of West Virginia, we must also celebrate the future that Senator Byrd helped shape.”

“Senator Byrd led the transformation of West Virginia’s highways, and technology, health care, education and criminal justice systems, which will advance the quality of life in our beloved state for generations to come.”

“The Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston offers its most sincere condolences to the Byrd family, and we pray during this difficult time that family and loved ones will remember that Senator Byrd is now at peace with the Risen Lord and, with his late wife Erma Ora Byrd, is experiencing Perfect Joy.”

Washington, DC (

  • Byrd was first elected in 1953 and, after the Roe v. Wade decision, with Congress casting votes on abortion, he frequently took the pro-abortion side.

  • However, according to the National Right to Life Committee, Byrd has just a 33 percent pro-life voting record in 2005-2006, only a 36 percent pro-life voting record from 2003-2004 and scored a 0 percent pro-life rating from 2001-2002.

  • More recently, Byrd had a 0 percent pro-life voting record in 2009-2010 as he voted for the health care bill that contained massive taxpayer funding of abortions and against the Mexico City Policy that prevents tax-funding of groups that promote and perform abortions in other nations.


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(Apocalypse 3.8)

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