The Bread of Angels: a Soliloquy

A Soliloquy
“As I approach the royal throne of the Holy
Altar of God I heard a voice issue forth
... from where I do not know.”
“Come, be in Communion with Me, be one with
Me — My beloved”.
“Is it from
without that this voice has come
— or is it from deep within
“I will take
thee to spouse —
I Myself will nourish thee for thou art
Soul: “Bother fear
and brother joy welled up within me, and
moved me forward; I saw the white circle
of unleavened bread held high before me,
and I heard the words, "I love thee.”
Whence? Then with faith I saw before me
God and man upon the Cross, Victim and Priest;
I saw the total surrender of man to
God, a total union of wills, the complete
embrace of the two wills was before me;
the two Persons had become one with the
Spirit and neither moved or breathed without
the other. Then I heard the voice once more”:
“I began to shrink back. But the voice continued”.
“Fear not, I have paid the price for thee;
thy dowry in the dust, my beloved, sealed
in Blood on the Cross. Drink! Behold,
I have made love between thee and Me — come!”.
“And as I gazed upon that love that was
before me, which no human eye can see, I
fell down and adored, and saw that this
love was offered to me. Rising slowly I
opened myself completely and took the precious
gift that is within me and murmured, here
take it, it is my will, I give it freely”
I to thee — freely, my beloved”.
“How shall this be, Spouse of my being,
Heart of my heart?”
“I say to
thee My precious one, My Bride, My Turtledove
— come. Take and eat, it is
My Body”
“I take, as
Thou hast commanded me —
and I eat.”
and drink, this is My Blood, poured
out for thee”.
“I take, my Beloved —
my King and my God!”.
I have given thee, wilt thou give likewise
— to
Me and for Me?”
“Behold my veil, under this shall I dwell
all the days of my life —
with Thee, in Thee, for Thee. Behold the
simple Ring Thou hast placed upon my finger,
unbreakable as my love, as my vows, undying
seal of my undying love. Forevermore I am
Thine and Thou art mine.”
The Angels:
“Amen. Amen. Without recall. Amen. The
Bride is come. Amen.”
A Cloistered Poor Clare Colettine Nun
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Faithful to the Sacred
Deposit of Faith entrusted
to the Holy See in Rome
opera tua ... quia modicum habes
virtutem, et servasti verbum
Meum, nec non negasti Nomen
know your works ... that you
have but little power, and yet
you have kept My word, and have
not denied My Name.”
(Apocalypse 3.8)
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