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Boston Catholic Journal - Critical Catholic Commentary in the Twilight of Reason





  Final Clarity for Catholics   


Declaration of the Truths

relating to some of the most Common Errors

in the Life of the Church of our Time”

  PDF of actual Declaration for reading or downloading

Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke,
Patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta
Cardinal Janis Pujats,
Archbishop emeritus of Riga
Athanasius Schneider,
Auxiliary Bishop of the archdiocese of Saint Mary in Astana
Jan Pawel Lenga,
Archbishop-Bishop emeritus of Karaganda
Tomash Peta, Archbishop of the archdiocese of Saint Mary in Astana

May 31, 2019

To say that confusion, doubt, misunderstanding, disorientation, uncertainty, and a loss of faith has characterized the Catholic Church for the past 60 years  —  and has become pandemic under the corrupt papacy of Francis — is an understatement. In every practical sense it has ceased to be what it had been for 2000 years — and since 1964 has been trying to define what it is apart from what it was and wished to be no longer because it was an impediment to rapprochement with the world. As a consequence, the post-Catholic-Conciliar-Church became increasingly intimate with the world, ignoring the admonition of Saint James:

“The world’s friendship means enmity with God, and the man who would have the world for his friend makes himself God’s enemy.” (Saint James 4.4)

 In many ways it appears to be making every effort to be effectively indistinguishable from the world in the way of teaching and moralsthe very mandates with which she was entrusted with the Keys of Saint Peter. She wishes to be acceptable to world at the cost of becoming unacceptable to God.

What Cardinal Burke, and Bishops Schneider, Pujats, and Peta have done is nothing short of revitalizing our genuine Catholic Faith, teachings, and morals in the absence of sound teaching and example in a misguided, corrupt, and in many ways malevolent pontiff who has left the sheep scattered and frightened  —  and who himself seeks to throw open the gates to the sheepfold.

But where the wolves abound, a handful of faithful Shepherds remain  —  undaunted by enemies within and without; and they are many and powerful. But God is Power Absolute — and He Himself upholds the good shepherds.

These few brave men — only four — among the 5000 bishops worldwide are very reminiscent of Gideon and the Midianites (see the Book of Judges chapters 6-8). So few can do so much!

LifesiteNews sums it up succinctly:

  • There is a Hell and those who go there suffer for eternity

  • Current Church teaching can never contradict what was previous Church teaching

  • Muslims do not offer to God the same supernatural worship as do Christians

  • Ecumenism discourages non-Catholics from entering into the Catholic Church

  • God does not will the diversity of religions

  • No one has a natural right to choose the moral evil of sin

  • Anyone in a state of grace has the God-given strength to live a moral life

  • Intrinsically evil actions such as abortion or euthanasia are wrong in all circumstances

  • Sexual acts are only moral within a valid marriage and when open to life

  • Christ is truly, really and substantially present in the Eucharist

  • Prior to receiving Holy Communion all mortal sins must be confessed in number and kind

  • Holy Communion can’t be given to those living in a public state of objectively grave sin

  • Holy Communion can’t be given to those who reject the Catholic Faith

  • Only men can be ordained priests

Unfortunately, for many Catholics — or those who deem themselves Catholics — what these cardinals and archbishops are stating — has been held by the Catholic Church for over 2000 years! It is not even old: it’s ancient!

It is a commentary unto itself that it must be re-stated for many Catholics today who would view it as shocking and new.

Much of the credit for this appalling state of affairs goes to Francis who has defiled the Seat of Peter; and virtually all of it to the heretical Second Vatican Council (really, how tiresome novelty becomes after 60 years!). Only one (perhaps more) truth should be added to these, for it is in dire need of repeating:

The Mass is a Sacrifice! And it is enacted upon an Altar — not “the table of the Lord — and by a Priest — not a “Presider!

The Third Rail

Most Catholics do not understand, or fail to grasp the fact that the Mass is “the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass”. They had never been taught this absolutely central mystery, this most vital tenet of Catholicism — apart from which Catholicism is incomprehensible. Why?  It is a fair question. The answer is as simple as the question is fair: No one told them. Not their CCD teachers, nor did they learn it from their glossy, expensive, and utterly useless CCD books, and most sadly, not even from their priests. It is the Third Rail of Ecumenism: touch it and you perish. It is too Catholic, too un-ecumenical, too redolent of the Catholic Church of two millennia — and to hold that this is true, of course, means that your Protestant, Jewish, or Muslim neighbor is wrong in disagreeing with this Catholic dogma. “Disagreement” is expunged from the Ecumenical Lexicon, for disagreement foments rational discussion, and is understood as (inexplicably) engendering “hostility”. In fact, the word “wrong” has no place in the Ecumenical Lexicon either. We are all right even when our propositions are contradictory. This is called Ecumenism. It is also known as illogical, or the Hegelian Wonderland where all utterly intractable contradictions are “reconciled”.

Francis and Friends — "at Table"

Why, we ask, (apart from reference to the curious absence of the definite article concerning the table) is the sacrificial nature of the Mass either unrecognized or so widely misunderstood? We have already provided two reasons (Francis and Friends — and Vatican II) but the third is less obvious because we have been exposed to the banality of it for over half a century: The presence of “a table” and the absence of “an altar.” You have your luncheon at a table. You sacrifice at an altar. What could be clearer?

Protestants have “tables” and “communal meals” — Catholics witness and participate in the most sublime sacrifice in history — every Sunday and at every Mass! The Sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross re-presented as though Calvary were right there before them  —  which it is!

Subjecting Christ on the Cross to Laughter — again

That, too, is why some “liturgical novelties” are so offensive  —  even blasphemous: one does not:

  • strum a guitar

  • bang on a drum

  • play a flute

  • break the “monotony of sacred silence” with incessant piano strains more appropriate to a lounge.

  • “sing” miserable pop music

  • perform “liturgical dances”

  • show off ones instrumental skills or (presumed) vocal talent

  • Applause

Think of it:  when we commit any of these obscenities, we subject Christ on the Cross to them: our laughter, our absurd skits, and — and of all things blasphemous — our applause ... we vigorously clap our hands as Christ suffers and dies on the Cross!

In an adaptation of one of the protestant Old Plantation Hymns” — popular in today's Catholic Church, Were you there when they Crucified my Lord?”, we must ask  —  and you must seriously answer this: Were you there” ... would you do these things? Laugh? Applaud? Make jokes. Emphasize your vocal mastery? Bang on your drum? Play a piano? Rehearse with a flute? Discuss mundane things with the person next to you?

Well ...? Would you?

This is Calvary, people! Not the Hard Rock Café! You would do well to recognize your venue.

Back to Basics

In other words back to what was, is, and ever will be genuinely Catholic for all time.

We do not have the time to enumerate all that is uniquely and distinguishably Catholic that has been jettisoned since Vatican II in an effort to make the Catholic Church a member in good standing with the 349 members of the Protestant World Council of Churches. It would be too long and too depressing.

We have lost so, so much of what is Catholic  —  at Mass, in our lives, in our devotions, in the way of continuity with the thousands of Saints and Martyrs who preceded 1964 and the Second Vatican Council.

Under Francis, it appears that all things are negotiable, all things are on the table  —  nothing is certain, even the most cherished beliefs that, Cardinal Cupich (close advisor to Francis) tells us we must be prepared to abandon.

Perhaps to Francis ... and Cupich ... and so many, many other weak-kneed, invertebrate, cardinals, bishops, priests, theologians and ecumenists. But not to these four men (vir) who appear to be the only 4 pillars preventing the collapse of Catholicism altogether as a distinguishable religion among many that have made their peace (and place) with the world at the cost of Communion with Christ through the Communion of Saints and their rejection of  perpetual and indefeasible doctrines and dogmas of Holy Mother the Catholic Church for 2000 years:

Not Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, not Bishop Athanasius Schneider, nor Cardinal Janis Pujats, or Archbishop Tomash Peta.

And definitely not me!

Geoffrey K. Mondello
Boston Catholic Journal


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Post Script:  We are not asserting that Francis is not the pope elected by the 120 cardinal electors on 13 March 2013. Whether he was legitimately elected, or elected through collusion by a group of disaffected prelates who secretly met in St. Gallen, Switzerland  to overthrow pope Benedict and have “their Man” (Cardinal Jorge Bergolglio, now Pope Francis) installed — much as Cardinal Godfried Danneels proudly proclaimed — is something we are likely never to know. We must choose the most charitable interpretation and presume, despite the bluster of Danneels, that Francis is, in fact, legitimately the Pope — I refrain, however, from calling him “Our Holy Father”.

It is certainly at least by God's permissive will that he reigns as pontiff. In other words, God permits it for reasons we cannot determine — but permitting it is not to actively will it. He may have permitted the evil collusion of men to their own evil ends  —  for a good far beyond our comprehension. This is not actively willing the evil they perpetrate, anymore than allowing oneself to be struck is wishing oneself to be struck. We may permit the present and temporary evil in order to obtain a good that far exceeds the temporary evil (read Christ's Sermon on the Mount: St. Matthew chapters 5-7)

It nevertheless remains that, as more than one writer has observed, “we deserve this pope”; our perverse, willful, utterly secular and evil generation warrants such a man, bred in this evil generation and nurtured on its permissiveness and perversity. He is the man for our times, and God, it appears to me, has justly afflicted him upon us, for his agenda increasingly seems to be that of the world  —  not God's.

“Nescitis quia amicitia huius mundi inimica est Dei?”  —  Do you not know that the friendship of the this world is the enemy of God? (Saint James 4.4)


Boston Catholic Journal

Totally Faithful to the Sacred Deposit of Faith entrusted to the Holy See in Rome

Scio opera tua ... quia modicum habes virtutem, et servasti verbum Meum, nec non negasti Nomen Meum 
I know your works ... that you have but little power, and yet you have kept My word, and have not denied My Name.
(Apocalypse 3.8)


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