Martyrology, Complete, June
Semen est sanguis Christianorum
(The blood of Christians is the seed of the Church) Tertullian, Apologeticum,

This Day, the First Day of June
At Rome, St. Juventius, martyr.
At Casesarea, in Palestine, blessed
Pamphilus, priest and martyr, a man of remarkable
sanctity and learning, and great charity to the poor. In
the persecution of Galerius Maximian, he was tortured for
the faith of Christ, under the governor Urbanus, and thrown
into prison ; then, being again subjected to torments under
Firmilian, he consummated his martyrdom with others. With
them suffered also Valens, deacon, and Paul, and nine others,
whose commemoration occurs on other days.
At Autun, the Saints Reverian, bishop,
and Paul, priest, with ten others, who were crowned
with martyrdom under the emperor Aurelian.
In Cappadocia, in the time of the emperor Alexander and
the prefect Simplicius, the holy martyr
Thespesius, who, after undergoing many torments,
was beheaded.
In Egypt, under the emperor Diocletian,
the holy martyrs Ischyrion, military
officer, and five other soldiers, who were put to
death in different manners for the faith of Christ.
Also, St. Firmus, martyr, who
was scourged most severely, struck with stones, and finally
decapitated during the persecution of Maximian.
At Perugia, the holy martyrs Felinus
and Gratinian, soldiers under Decius, who were variously
tortured, and thus by a glorious death won the palm of martyrdom.
At Bologna, St. Proculus, martyr,
who suffered under the emperor Maximian.
At Amelia, in the reign of Diocletian,
St. Secundus, martyr, who consummated
his martyrdom by being thrown into the Tiber.
At Citta-di-Castello, in Umbria, St.
Crescentian, a Roman soldier, crowned with martyrdom
under the same emperor.
In Umbria, St. Fortunatus, a priest
renowned for virtues and miracles.
In the monastery of Lerins, the abbot
St. Caprasius.
At Treves, St. Simeon, monk,
who was added to the number of the Saints by Pope Benedict
At Burgos, in Spain, in the monastery of Onia,
St. Eneco, Benedictine abbot,
illustrious by his sanctity and miracles.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Second Day of June
At Rome, the birthday of the holy
martyr Marcellinus, priest, and Peter, exorcist,
who instructed in the faith many persons detained in prison.
Under Diocletian, they were loaded with chains, and, after
enduring many torments, were beheaded by the judge Serenus,
in a place which was then called the Black Forest, but which
was in their honor afterwards known as the White Forest.
Their bodies were buried in a crypt near St. Tiburtius,
and Pope St. Damasus composed for their tomb an epitaph
in verse.
In Campania, during the reign of Decius,
St. Erasmus, bishop and martyr,
who was first scourged with leaded whips and then severely
beaten with rods; he had also rosin, brimstone, lead, pitch,
wax, and oil poured over him, without receiving any injury.
Afterwards, under Maximian, he was again subjected to various
most horrible tortures at Mola, but was still preserved
from death by the power of God for the strengthening of
others in the faith. Finally, celebrated for his sufferings,
and called by God, he closed his life by a peaceful and
holy end. His body was afterwards transferred to Gaeta.
At Lyons, many holy martyrs (Photinus,
bishop, Sanctus, deacon, Vetius, Epagathus, Maturus, Ponticus,
Biblis, Attalus, Alexander and Blandina, with many others),
whose many valiant combats, in the time of Marcus Aurelius
Antoninus and Lucius Verus, are recorded in a letter from
the church at Lyons to the churches of Asia and Phrygia.
St. Blandina, one of these martyrs,
though weaker on account of her sex and frame, and of her
lower condition in life, encountered longer and more terrible
trials. But remaining unshaken, she was put to the sword,
and followed those whom she had exhorted to win the palm
of martyrdom.
At Rome, St. Eugenius, Pope and confessor.
At Tarni, in Terra-di-Bari, St. Nicholas
Peregrinus, confessor, whose miracles were related
in the Roman Council, under Urban II.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Third Day of June
At Arezzo, in Tuscany, during the persecution of Decius,
under the governor Tiburtius, the
holy martyrs Pergentinus and Laurentinus, brothers,
who, while yet children, were put to the sword, after they
had endured cruel torments and performed many miracles.
At Constantinople, the holy martyrs
Lucillian and four boys, Claudius, Hypatius, Paul, and Denis.
Lucillian, formerly a pagan priest, but now a Christian,
was cast into a furnace with them, after undergoing many
torments; but the flames being extinguished by the rain,
all escaped uninjured. Finally, under the governor Silvanus,
they terminated their career; Lucillian, by crucifixion,
the children, by decapitation.
In the same city, St. Paula, virgin
and martyr, who was arrested whilst gathering the
blood of the martyrs just mentioned, beaten with rods, and
thrown into the fire, from which she was delivered. Finally,
when St. Lucillian had been crucified, she was decapitated.
At Cordova, in Spain, blessed Isaac,
a monk, who died by the sword for the faith of Christ.
At Carthage, St. Caecilius, the
priest who converted St. Cyprian to the faith of
In the diocese of Orleans, St.
Lifard, priest and confessor.
At Lucca, in Tuscany, St. Davinus,
At Paris, St. Clotilde, queen,
by whose prayers her husband, king Clovis, was converted
to the faith of Christ.
At Anagni, St. Oliva, virgin.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Fourth Day of June
At Agnone, in Abruzzo, St. Francis,
of the noble Neapolitan family of the
Caracciolos, confessor, and
founder of the Congregation of the Minor Clerks Regular,
who burned with an admirable love of God and his neighbor,
and a most ardent desire to propagate devotion to the most
holy Eucharist. His body is religiously honored at Naples.
He was inscribed on the catalogue of the saints by Pius
At Rome, the holy martyrs Aretius
and Dacian.
At Sisseck, in Illyria, in the time of the governor Galerius,
St. Quirinus, bishop. Prudentius
relates that for the faith of Christ he was precipitated
into a river, with a millstone tied to his neck; but as
the stone floated on the water, he exhorted for a long time
the Christians who were present not to be terrified by his
punishment, nor to waver in the faith, and then God heard
his prayers to be drowned, that he might attain to the glory
of martyrdom.
At Brescia, St. Clateus, bishop
and martyr, under the emperor Nero.
In Pannonia, the holy martyrs Rutilus
and his companions.
At Arras, St. Saturnina, virgin
and martyr.
At Tivoli, St. Quirinus, martyr.
At Constantinople, St. Metrophanes,
bishop and renowned confessor.
At Milevis, in Numidia, St. Optatus,
bishop, celebrated for learning and holiness.
At Verona, St. Alexander, bishop.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Fifth Day of June
St. Boniface, bishop of Mayence,
who came from England to Rome, and was sent by Gregory II
to Germany to preach the faith of Christ to the people of
that country. Having converted large multitudes to the Christian
religion, especially in Friesland, he merited the title
of Apostle of the Germans. Being finally put to the sword
by the furious Gentiles, he consummated his martyrdom with
Eobanus and some other servants
of God.
In Egypt, the birthday of the holy
martyrs Marcian, Nicanor, Apollonius, and others,
who suffered a glorious martyrdom in the persecution of
Galerius Maximian.
At Perugia, the holy martyrs Florentius,
Julian, Cyriacus, Marcellinus, and Faustinus, who
were beheaded in the persecution of Decius.
At Caesarea, in Palestine, the martyrdom
of the Saints Zenaides, Cyria, Valeria, and Marcia,
who through many torments attained to martyrdom rejoicing.
At Tyre, St. Dorotheus, a
priest, who suffered much under Diocletian, but survived
until the reign of Julian, under whom his venerable age
was crowned with martyrdom, he being then one hundred and
seven years old.
At Cordova, in Spain, blessed Sancius,
a youth, who, though brought up in the royal court,
did not hesitate to undergo martyrdom for the faith of Christ,
during the persecution of the Arabs.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Sixth Day of June
St. Norbert, bishop of Magdeburg,
founder of the Premonstratensian Order.
At Caesarea, in Palestine, the birthday of
blessed Philip, one of the first seven
deacons. Being renowned for miracles and prodigies,
he converted Samaria to the faith of Christ, baptized the
eunuch of Candaces, queen of Ethiopia, and finally rested
in peace at Caesarea. Near him are buried
three of his daughters, virgins and
prophetesses. His fourth daughter
died at Ephesus, filled with the Holy Ghost.
At Rome, St. Artemius, with his wife
Candida and his daughter Paulina. Artemius became
a believer through the preaching and miracles of St. Peter
the Exorcist, who was baptized with all his house by the
priest St. Marcellinus. By order of the judge Serenus, he
was scourged with whips strung with leaden balls, and struck
with the sword. His wife and daughter were forced into a
pit and overwhelmed with stones and earth.
At Tarsus, in Cilicia, in the time of Diocletian and Maximian,
and the governor Simplicius, twenty
holy martyrs who, by various torments, glorified
God in their bodies.
At Noyon, in France, the holy martyrs
Amatius, Alexander, and their companions.
At Fiesoli, in Tuscany, St. Alexander,
bishop and martyr.
At Milan, the demise of St. Eustorgius
II, bishop and confessor.
At Verona, St. John, bishop.
At Besancon, in France, St. Claude,
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Seventh Day of June
At Constantinople, the birthday of
St. Paul, martyr, bishop of that city. For
the Catholic faith, he was often expelled from his see by
the Arians, and restored to it by the Roman Pontiff,
St. Julius. Finally, the Arian emperor Constantius banished
him to Cucusum, a small town of Cappadocia, where, by the
machinations of the Arians, he was barbarously strangled,
and thus departed for the Heavenly kingdom. His body was
conveyed to Constantinople with the greatest honor, in the
reign of emperor Theodosius.
In Egypt, St. Licarion, martyr,
who was lacerated, scourged with heated iron rods, and,
after other horrible torments, was crowned with martyrdom
by a stroke from the sword.
At Cordova, the holy martyrs Peter,
priest, Wallabonsus, deacon, Sabinian, Wistremundus, Habentius,
and Jeremias, monks.
In England, the abbot St. Robert,
of the Order of Citeaux.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Eighth Day of June
At Aix, in France, St. Maximin,
first bishop of that city,
who is said to have been a disciple of our Lord.
The same day, St. Calliopa, martyr,
who, for the faith of Christ, had her breasts cut off, her
flesh burned, was rolled on broken pottery, and being lastly
decapitated, received the palm of martyrdom.
At York, in England, St. William,
archbishop and confessor, who, among other miracles
wrought at his tomb, raised three persons from the dead.
He was placed in the calendar of the Saints by Honorius
At Soissons, in France, the birthday of
St. Medard, bishop of Noyon,
whose life and precious death are illustrated by glorious
At Rouen, St. Gildard, bishop, brother
of St. Medard. They were born on the same day, consecrated
bishops at the same time, and being taken away from
this life also on the same day, they entered Heaven together.
At Sens, St. Heraclius, bishop. At Metz,
St. Clodulphus, bishop.
In the March of Ancona, St. Severin,
bishop of Stepternpeda.
In Sardinia, St. Sallustian, confessor.
At Camerino, St. Victorinus, confessor.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Ninth Day of June
At Rome, on Mount Caelius, the birthday of
the holy martyrs Primus and Felician,
under the emperors Diocletian and Maximian. These glorious
martyrs lived long in the service of the Lord, and endured
sometimes together, sometimes separately, various cruel
torments. They were finally beheaded by Promotus, governor
of Nomentum, and thus happily ended their combat.
At Agen, in France, St. Vincent, deacon
and martyr.
At Antioch, St. Pelagia, virgin and
martyr, whose eulogy has been made by St. Ambrose
and St. John Chrysostom.
At Syracuse, the bishop St. Maximian,
who is frequently mentioned by Pope St. Gregory.
At Andria, in Terra-di-Bari, St. Richard,
first bishop of that
city, who is renowned for miracles.
In Scotland, St. Columba, priest and
At Edessa, in Syria, St. Julian,
a monk, whose memorable deeds have been related by the deacon
St. Ephrem.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Tenth Day of June
In Scotland, St. Margaret, queen,
celebrated for her love of the poor and of voluntary poverty.
At Rome, on the Salarian road, the
martyrdom of blessed Getulius, a noble and very learned
man, and of his companions Caerealis, Ainantius, and Primitivus.
By order of the emperor Adrian, they were arrested by the
ex-consul Licinius, scourged, thrown into prison, and then
delivered to the flames. But as the fire did not injure
them, their heads were crushed with clubs, and they thus
terminated their martyrdom. Their bodies were taken up by
Symphorosa, wife of blessed Getulius, and reverently interred
in a sandpit on her own estate.
Also, at Rome, on the Aurelian way, the birthday of the
Saints Basilides, Tripos, Mandales,
and twenty other martyrs, under the emperor Aurelian,
and Plato, governor of the city.
At Nicomedia, St. Zachary, martyr.
At Prusias, in Bithynia, St. Timothy,
bishop and martyr, under Julian the Apostate.
In Spain, the holy martyrs Crispulus
and Restitutus.
In Africa, the holy martyrs Aresius,
Rogatus, and fifteen others.
At Cologne, St. Maurinus, abbot and
At Petra, in Arabia, St. Asterius,
a bishop, who suffered much from the Arians for the
Catholic faith. By the emperor Constantius he was banished
to Africa, where he died a glorious
At Naples, in Campania, St. Maximus,
bishop and martyr. For having vigorously defended
the Nicene Creed, he was sent by the same emperor Constantius
into exile, where he died worn out by his trials.
At Auxerre, St. Censurius, bishop.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Eleventh Day of June
The birthday of the Apostle St. Barnabas,
born in Cyprus. By the disciples, he was ordained Apostle
of the Gentiles with St. Paul, and with him traversed many
regions, fulfilling his commission to preach the Gospel.
At length he went to Cyprus, where he ennobled his apostolate
by a glorious martyrdom. Through his own revelation his
body was found, in the time of the emperor Zeno, together
with a copy of St. Matthew's gospel copied with his own
At Aquileia, the martyrdom of the
Saints Feilx and Fortunatus, brothers. In the persecution
of Diocletian and Maximian, they were racked, and had flaming
torches held against their sides. These being extinguished
by the power of God, boiling oil was poured over them, and
as they persevered in confessing Christ, they were decapitated.
At Bologna, St. Parisius, confessor,
a monk of the Order of Camaldoli.
At Rome, the translation of St. Gregory
Nazianzen, whose sacred body after having been brought
from Constantinople to Rome, and kept a long time in the
church of the Mother of God, was, by the Sovereign Pontiff,
Gregory XIII, transferred with great solemnity to a chapel
of the basilica of St. Peter, most sumptuously decorated
by his Holiness, and the next day placed with due honor
beneath the altar.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Twelfth Day of June
At Salamanca, in Spain, St. John of
St. Facundus, confessor, of the Order of Augustinians,
renowned for his zeal for the faith, for holiness of life,
and miracles.
At Rome, on the Aurelian road, during the persecution of
Decius and under the prefect Aurelius, the birthday of
the holy martyrs Basilides, Cyrinus, Nabor, and Nazarius,
soldiers, who were cast into prison for the confession
of the Christian name, scourged with scorpions, and finally
At Nicaea, in Bithynia, St. Antonina,
martyr, who was scourged by order of the governor
Priscillian during the same persecution, then racked, lacerated,
exposed to the fire, and finally put to the sword.
In Thrace, St. Olympius, a bishop,
who was expelled from his see by the Arians, and died a
At Rome, in the Vatican basilica, the
Pope St. Leo III, to whom God miraculously restored
his eyes and his tongue after they had been torn out by
impious men.
In Cilicia, the bishop St. Amphion,
a celebrated confessor of the
time of Galerius Maximian.
In Egypt, St. Onuphrius, an anchoret,
who for sixty years led a religious life in the desert,
and renowned for great virtues and merits, departed for
Heaven. His admirable deeds were recorded by the abbot Paphnutius.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Thirteenth Day of June
At Padua, St. Anthony, a native
of Portugal, confessor of the
Order of Friars Minor, illustrious for the sanctity of his
life, his miracles, and his preaching.
At Rome, on the Ardeatine road, the birthday of
St. Felicula, virgin and martyr,
who was delivered to the judge for refusing to marry Flaccus
and to sacrifice to idols. As she persevered in the confession
of Christ, he confined her in a dark dungeon without food,
and afterwards caused her to be racked until she expired.
She was then cast into a sewer; but St. Nicomedes buried
her on the road just mentioned.
In Africa, the holy martyrs Fortunatus
and Lucian.
At Byblos, in Palestine, St. Aquilina,
virgin and martyr, at the age of twelve years, under
the emperor Diocletian and the judge Volusian. For the confession
of the faith she was buffeted, scourged, pierced with red-hot
bodkins, and being struck with the sword, consecrated her
virginity by martyrdom.
In Abruzzo, St. Peregrinus, bishop
and martyr. For the Catholic faith he was thrown
into the river Pescara by the Lombards.
At Cordova, in the persecution of the Arabs,
St. Fandila, a priest and monk,
who underwent martyrdom by decapitation for
the faith of Christ.
In Cyprus, St. Triphyllius, bishop.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Fourteenth Day of June
At Caesarea, in Cappadocia, the consecration of
St. Basil, bishop and Doctor of the Church, who was
eminent for learning and wisdom in the time of the emperor
Valens. Being adorned with every virtue, he was a great
light in the Church, and defended her with admirable constancy
against the Arians and Macedonians.
At Samaria, in Palestine, the holy
prophet Eliseus, whose grave, says St. Jerome, makes
the demons tremble. With him rests also the
prophet Abdias.
At Syracuse, St. Marcian, bishop,
who was made bishop by blessed Peter, and killed by the
Jews after he had preached the Gospel.
At Soissons, the holy martyrs Valerius
and Rufinus, who, after enduring many torments, were
condemned to be beheaded by the governor Rictiovarus, in
the persecution of Diocletian.
At Cordova, the holy martyrs Anastasius,
priest, Felix, monk, and Digna, virgin.
At Constantinople, St. Methodius,
At Vienne, St. Aetherius, bishop.
At Rhodez, St. Quinctian, bishop.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Fifteenth Day of June
In Basilicata, near the river Silaro, the birthday of
the holy martyrs Vitus, Modestus,
and Crescentia, who were brought thither from Sicily,
in the reign of Diocletian, and after being plunged into
a vessel of melted lead, after being exposed to the beasts,
and on the pillory, from which torments they escaped uninjured
through the power of God, they ended their religious combats.
At Dorostorum, in Mysia, St. Hesychius,
a soldier, who was arrested with blessed Julius,
and after him crowned with martyrdom, under the governor
At Cordova, in Spain, St. Benildes,
At Zephirium, in Cilicia, St. Dulas,
martyr, who, under the governor Maximus, was, for
the name of Christ, scourged, laid on the gridiron, scalded
with boiling oil, and after enduring other trials, received
for his victory the palm of martyrdom.
At Palmyra, in Syria, the holy martyrs
Libya and Leonides, sisters, and Eutropia, a girl of twelve
years, who won the crown of martyrdom by various
At Valenciennes, the decease of St.
Landelin, abbot.
At Clermont, in Auvergne, St. Abraham,
confessor, illustrious by his holiness and miracles.
In Switzerland, on Mount Jou, St.
Bernard of Menthon, confessor.
At Pibrac, in the diocese of Toulouse,
St. Germana Cousin, virgin.
After a life of poverty, humility, and patient suffering
amidst many trials in the care of her flocks, she went to
her Heavenly spouse, and became renowned for numerous miracles
after her death. Pope Pius IX placed her in the number of
holy virgins.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Sixteenth Day of June
At Besancon, in France, the holy martyrs
Ferreol, priest, and Ferrution, deacon, who were
sent by the blessed bishop Irenćus to preach the word of
God, and after being exposed to various torments under the
judge Claudius, were put to the sword.
At Tarsus, in Cilicia, in the reign of the emperor Diocletian,
the holy martyrs Quiricus, and Julitta,
his mother. Quiricus, a child of three years, seeing
his mother cruelly scourged in the presence of the governor
Alexander, and crying bitterly, was killed by being dashed
against the steps of the tribunal. Julitta, after being
subjected to severe stripes and grievous torments, closed
the career of her martyrdom by decapitation.
At Mayence, the passion of the Saints
Aurens, and Justina, his sister, and other martyrs,
who, being at Mass in the church, were massacred by the
Huns then devastating Germany.
At Amathonte, in Cyprus, St. Tychon,
a bishop in the time of Theodosius the Younger.
At Lyons, the demise of blessed Aurelian,
bishop of Arles.
At Nantes, in Brittany, St. Similian,
bishop and confessor.
At Meissen, in Germany, St. Benno,
In the village of La Louvesc, formerly of the diocese of
Vienne in Dauphiny, the decease of
St. John Francis Regis, confessor, of the Society
of Jesus, distinguished by his zeal for the salvation of
souls, and by his patience. He was placed on the list of
Saints by Clement XII.
In Brabant, St. Lutgard, virgin.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Seventeenth Day of June
At Rome, during the persecution of Diocletian, the birthday
of two hundred and sixty-two holy
martyrs, who were put to death for the faith of Christ,
and buried on the old Salarian road, at the foot of Cucumber
At Terracina, St. Montanus, a soldier,
who received the crown of martyrdom after suffering many
torments, in the time of the emperor Adrian and the ex-consul
At Venafro, the holy martyrs Nicander
and Marcian, who were beheaded in the persecution
of Maximian.
At Chalcedon, the holy martyrs Manuel,
Sabel, and Ismael, whom the king of Persia sent as
ambassadors to Julian the Apostate to treat of peace. Having
firmly refused to worship idols, as they had been commanded
by the emperor, they were put to the sword.
At Apollonia, in Macedonia, the holy
martyrs Isaurus, deacon, Innocent, Felix, Jeremias, and
Peregrinus, natives of Athens, who were tortured
in different manners by the tribune Tripontius, and finally
At Amelia, in Umbria, the bishop St.
Himerius, whose body was translated
to Cremona.
In the territory of Bourges, St. Gundulphus,
At Orleans, St. Avitus, priest and
In Phrygia, St. Hypatius, confessor.
Also, St. Bessarion, anchorite.
At Pisa, in Tuscany, St. Rainerius,
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Eighteenth Day of June
At Rome, on the Ardeatine road, in the persecution of
Diocletian, the birthday of the saintly
brothers Marcus and Marcellian,
martyrs, who were arrested
by the judge Fabian, tied to a stake, and had sharp nails
driven into their feet. As they ceased not to praise the
name of Christ, they were pierced through the sides with
lances, and thus went to the kingdom of Heaven with the
glory of martyrdom.
At Malaga, in Spain, the holy martyrs
Cyriacus, and the virgin Paula, who were overwhelmed
with stones, and yielded up their souls to God.
At Tripoli, in Phoenicia, in the time of the governor Adrian,
St. Leontius, a soldier, who,
through bitter torments, attained to the crown of
together with the tribune Hypatius
and Theodulus, whom he had converted to Christ.
The same day, St. Aetherius, martyr,
in the persecution of Diocletian. After enduring fire and
other torments, he was put to death with the sword.
At Alexandria, the passion of St.
Marina, virgin.
At Bordeaux, St. Amandus, bishop and
At Sacca, in Sicily, St. Calogerus,
hermit, whose holiness is principally manifested
by the deliverance of possessed persons.
At Schongau, St. Elizabeth, virgin,
celebrated for her observance of monastic discipline.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

June 19th
This Day, the Nineteenth Day of June
At Florence, St. Juliana Falconieri,
virgin, foundress of the Sisters of the Order of
the Servants of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who was placed
among the holy virgins by the Sovereign Pontiff, ClementXII.
At Milan, the holy martyrs Gervasius
and Protasius, brothers. The former, by order of
the judge Astasius, was so long scourged with leaded whips,
that he expired. The latter, after being scourged with rods,
was beheaded. Through divine revelation their bodies were
found by St. Ambrose. They were partly covered with blood,
and as free from corruption as if they had been put to death
that very day. When the translation took place, a blind
man recovered his sight by touching their relics, and many
persons possessed by demons were delivered.
At Ravenna, St. Ursicinus, martyr,
who remained firm through many torments in the confession
of the Lord, and consummated his martyrdom by capital punishment,
under the judge Paulinus.
At Sozopolis, under the governor Domitian, during the persecution
of Trajan, St. Zosimus, martyr,
who suffered bitter tortures, was beheaded, and thus triumphantly
went to Heaven.
At Arezzo, in Tuscany, the holy martyrs
Gaudentius, bishop, and Culmatius, deacon, who were
murdered by the furious Gentiles, during the reign of Valentinian.
The same day, St. Boniface, martyr,
a disciple of blessed Romuald, who was sent by the Roman
Pontiff to preach the Gospel in Russia. Having passed through
fire uninjured, and baptized the king and his people, he
was killed by the enraged brother of the king, and thus
gained the palm of martyrdom which he ardently desired.
At Ravenna, St. Romuald, anchoret,
founder of the monks of Carnaldoli, who restored and greatly
extended monastic discipline, which was much relaxed in
Italy. He is also mentioned on the 7th of February.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Twentieth Day of June
The birthday of St. Silverius, Pope
and martyr. For refusing to reinstate the heretical
bishop Anthimus, deposed by his predecessor Agapitus,
he was banished to the isle of Pontia, by Belisarius, at
the instigation of the wicked empress Theodora, and, consumed
by many tribulations for the Catholic faith, he expired.
At Rome, the demise of St. Novatus,
son of the blessed senator Pudens, and brother of
the saintly priest Timothy, and of the holy virgins of Christ
Pudentiana and Praxedes, who were instructed in the faith
by the Apostles. Their house was converted into a church,
and bore the title of Pastor.
At Tomis, in Pontus, the holy martyrs
Paul and Cyriacus.
At Petra, in Palestine, St. Macarius,
a bishop who suffered much from the Arians, and was
banished to Africa, where he rested in the Lord.
At Seville, in Spain, the holy virgin
Florentina, sister of the holy bishops Leander and
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Twenty-First Day of June
At Rome, St. Aloysius Gonzaga,
of the Society of Jesus, most renowned for his contempt
of the princely dignity, and the innocence of his
Also, at Rome, St. Demetria, virgin,
who was crowned with martyrdom under Julian the Apostate.
At Syracuse, in Sicily, the birthday of
the holy martyrs Rufinus and Martia.
In Africa, the holy martyrs Cyriacus
and Apollinaris.
At Mainz, St. Alban, martyr,
who was made worthy of the crown of life, after long labors
and severe combats.
The same day, St. Eusebius, bishop
of Samosata, who, in the time of the Arian emperor
Constantius, disguised himself under a military dress and
visited the churches of God, to confirm them in the faith.
By Valens he was banished into Thrace, but when peace was
restored to the Church in the reign of Theodosius, he was
recalled. As he again visited the churches, an Arian woman
struck him with a tile, which fractured his skull and made
him a martyr.
At Iconium, in Lycaonia, St. Terentius,
bishop and martyr.
At Pavia, St. Urciscenus, bishop and
At Tongres, St. Martin, bishop.
In the diocese of Evreux, St. Leutfrid,
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Twenty-Second Day of June
At Nola, in Campania, the birthday of
blessed Paulinus, bishop and confessor,
who, although a most noble and wealthy man, made himself
poor and humble for Christ; and what is still more admirable,
became a slave to liberate a widow's son, who had been carried
to Africa by the Vandals, when they devastated Campania.
He was celebrated, not only for his learning and exceptional
holiness of life, but also for his power over the demons.
His great merit has been extolled by Saints Ambrose, Jerome,
Augustine and Gregory, in their writings. His body, at first
transferred to Benevento, and thence to Rome, was restored
to Nola by order of Pius X.
At Rome, blessed Innocent V, Pope,
who labored with mildness and prudence to maintain liberty
for the Church and harmony among Christians. The veneration
paid to him, Pope Leo XIII approved and confirmed.
On Mount Ararat, the martyrdom
of ten thousand holy martyrs, who were crucified.
At Verulam, in England, in the time of Diocletian,
St. Alban, martyr, who gave
himself up to save a cleric whom he had harbored. After
being scourged and subjected to bitter torments, he was
sentenced to capital punishment. With
him suffered also one of the soldiers that led him to execution,
who was converted to Christ on the way, and merited
to be baptized, in his own blood.
At Samaria, fourteen hundred and
eighty holy martyrs, under Chosroes, king of
At Rome, the translation of St. Flavius
Clemens, ex-consul and martyr, who was put to death
for the faith of Christ by the emperor Domitian. His body
was found in the basilica of Pope St. Clement, and buried
there with great pomp.
The same day, St. Nicaeas, bishop
of the town of Bomatia, celebrated for his learning and
holy life.
At Naples, in Campania, St. John,
bishop, who was called to the kingdom of Heaven by
blessed Paulinus, bishop of Nola.
In the monastery of Cluny, St. Consortia,
At London in England, on Tower Hill,
St. John Fisher, bishop of
Rochester and cardinal of the Holy Roman Church. For the
defense of the Catholic faith and the primacy of the Roman
Pontiff he was beheaded by order of King Henry VIII.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Twenty-Third Day of June
The vigil of St. John the Baptist.
At Rome, in the reign of Julian the Apostate,
St. John, a priest, who was
decapitated on the old Salarian road, before an idol of
the sun. His body was buried near those of other martyrs
by the blessed priest Concordius.
Also, at Borne, St. Agrippina, virgin
and martyr, under the emperor Valerian. Her body
was carried to Sicily, where it works many miracles.
At Sutri, in Tuscany, St. Felix, priest.
By the command of the prefect Turcius, he was struck on
the mouth with a stone until he breathed his last.
At Nicomedia, in the time of Diocletian, the commemoration
of many holy martyrs, who concealed
themselves in mountains and caverns, and joyfully underwent
martyrdom for the name of Christ.
At Philadelphia, in Arabia, the holy
martyrs Zeno, and Zenas, his slave. When the latter
kissed the chains of his master, begging to be his partner
in torments, he was arrested by the soldiers, and received
the crown of martyrdom with him.
In England, St. Audry, queen and virgin,
who departed for Heaven with a great renown for sanctity
and miracles. Her body was found without corruption eleven
years afterwards.
At Turin, St. Joseph Cafasso, priest,
renowned for his piety and learning, and for his work with
prisoners, reconciling to God those who were preparing for
execution. He was added to the number of the Saints by Pope
Pius XII.
In England, in the monastery of Ely,
St. Etheldreda, queen and virgin,
who departed for Heaven with a great renown for sanctity
and miracles. Her body was found without corruption eleven
years afterwards.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Twenty-Fourth Day of June
The Nativity of St. John the Baptist,
precursor of our Lord, son of Zachary and Elizabeth, who,
while yet in his mother's womb, was filled with the Holy
At Rome, in the time of Nero, the commemoration of
many holy martyrs, who were
accused of having set fire to the city, and cruelly put
to death in various manners by the emperor's order. Some
were covered with the skins of wild beasts and lacerated
by dogs; others were fastened to crosses, others again were
delivered to the flames to serve as torches in the night.
All these were disciples of the Apostles, and the first
fruits of the martyrs, which the Roman Church, a field so
fertile in martyrs, offered to God before the death of the
In the same city, the holy martyrs
Faustus and twenty-three others.
At Satalis, in Armenia, seven saintly
brothers, martyrs: Orentius, Heros, Pharnacius, Firminus,
Firmus, Cyriacus and Longinus, who owe their martyrdom
to the emperor Maximian. Because they were Christians, they
were deprived of the military cincture by his command, separated
from one another, hurried away to various places, and in
the midst of painful trials, found their repose in the Lord.
In the diocese of Paris, at Creteil, the martyrdom of the
Saints Agoardus and Aglibertus, with
a multitude of others of both sexes.
At Autun, the demise of St. Simplicius,
bishop and confessor.
At Lobbes, St. Theodulphus, bishop.
At Stilo, in Calabria, St. John, surnamed
Therestus, distinguished for his fidelity to the
monastic rule, and for his sanctity.
At Mechlin in Brabant, the passion of
St. Rumold, bishop of Dublin and martyr.
He had been the son of the king of the Scots.
At Lobbes in Belgium, St. Theodulphus,
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Twenty-Fifth Day of June
In the territory of Guletto, near Nusco,
St. William, confessor, founder
of the hermits of Mount Vergine.
At Beraea, the birthday of St. Sosipater,
disciple of the blessed Apostle Paul.
At Rome, St. Lucy, virgin and martyr,
with twenty-two others.
At Alexandria, St. Gallicanus, ex-consul
and martyr, who had been honored with a triumph,
and was held in affection by the emperor Constantine. Converted
by Saints John and Paul, he withdrew to Ostia with St. Hilarinus,
and devoted himself entirely to the duties of hospitality
and to the service of the sick. The report of such an event
spread through the whole world, and from all sides many
persons came to see a man who had been a senator and consul,
washing the feet of the poor, preparing their table, serving
them, carefully waiting on the infirm, and performing other
works of mercy. Driven from this place by Julian the Apostate,
he repaired to Alexandria, where, for refusing to sacrifice
to idols, at the command of the judge Raucian, he was put
to the sword, and thus became a martyr of Christ.
At Sibapolis, in Syria, under the governor Lysimachus, in
the persecution of Diocletian, St.
Febronia, virgin and martyr, who was scourged and
racked for defending her faith and her chastity, then torn
with iron combs and exposed to fire. Finally, having her
teeth plucked out and her breasts cut off, she was condemned
to capital punishment, and went to her spouse adorned with
her sufferings as with so many jewels.
At Besancon, in France, St. Antidius,
bishop and martyr, who was killed by the Vandals
for the faith of Christ.
At Riez, St. Prosper of Aquitaine,
bishop of that city, distinguished by his erudition
and piety. He valiantly combated the Pelagians in defense
of the Catholic faith.
At Turin, the birthday of St. Maximus,
bishop and confessor, most celebrated for his learning
and sanctity.
In Holland, St. Adelbert, confessor,
disciple of the sainted bishop Willibrord.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Twenty-Sixth Day of June
At Rome, on Mount Coelius, the holy
martyrs John and Paul, brothers. The former was steward,
the other secretary of the virgin Constantia, daughter of
the emperor Constantine. Afterwards, under Julian the Apostate,
they received the palm of martyrdom by being beheaded.
At Trent, St. Vigilius, bishop,
who, whilst he endeavored to root out the remains of idolatry,
was overwhelmed with a shower of stones by cruel and barbarous
men, and thus endured martyrdom for the name of Christ.
At Cordova, in Spain, under the Saracen king Abderahman,
the birthday of St. Pelagius,
a young man who gloriously consummated his martyrdom for
the faith by having his flesh torn to pieces with iron pincers.
At Valenciennes, the holy martyrs
Salvius, bishop of Angouleme, and Superius.
Also, the commemoration of St. Anthelmus,
bishop of Belley.
In Poitou, St. Maxentius, priest and
confessor, renowned for miracles.
At Thessalonica, St. David, hermit.
The same day, St. Perseveranda, virgin.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Twenty-Seventh Day of June
In Galatia, St. Crescens, disciple
of the blessed Apostle Paul. In passing through Gaul, he
converted many to the Christian faith by his preaching.
Returning to the people for whom especially he had been
made bishop, he maintained, to the end of his life, the
Galatians in the service of the Lord, and finally consummated
his martyrdom under Trajan.
At Cordova, St. Zoilus, and nineteen
other martyrs.
At Caesarea, in Palestine, in the persecution of Diocletian,
under the governor Urbanus, St. Anectus,
martyr. For having exhorted others to suffer martyrdom,
and overthrown idols by his prayers, he was scourged by
ten soldiers, had his hands and feet cut off, and by decapitation
merited the crown of martyrdom.
At Constantinople, St. Sampson, a
priest who harbored the poor.
At Warasdin, in Hungary, the holy
king Ladislas, greatly renowned to this day for miracles.
In the town of Chinon in France,
St. John, priest and confessor.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Twenty-Eighth Day of June
The vigil of the holy Apostles Peter
and Paul.
At Rome, Pope St. Leo II.
At Lyons, in France, St. Irenaeus,
bishop and martyr, who, as is related by St. Jerome,
was the disciple of blessed Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna,
and lived near the time of the Apostles. After having strenuously
opposed the heretics by speech and writing, he was crowned
with a glorious martyrdom, with almost all the people of
his city, during the persecution of Severus.
At Alexandria, in the same persecution of Severus,
the holy martyrs Plutarch, Serenus,
Heraclides, catechumen, Heron, neophyte, another Serenus,
Rhais, catechumen, Potamicena and Marcella, her mother.
Among them, the virgin Potamioena is particularly distinguished.
She first endured many most painful trials for the preservation
of her virginity, and then cruel and unheard-of torments
for the faith, after which she and her mother were consumed
with fire.
The same day, during the persecution of Diocletian,
St. Papius, martyr, who was
scourged with knotted cords, cast into a caldron of seething
oil and grease, and after other horrible torments, was decapitated,
and thus won an eternal crown.
At Maestricht, St. Benignus, bishop
and martyr.
At Cordova, St. Argymirus, monk and
martyr, who was slain for the faith of Christ during
the persecution of the Arabs.
At Rome, St. Paul, Pope and confessor.
At Utrecht, St. Benignus, bishop
and martyr.
At Lovere, in the diocese of Brescia,
St. Vincenza Gerosa, virgin,
who co-founded the Institute of the Sisters of Charity with
St. Bartolomea Capitanio, and whom Pope Pius XII added to
the list of holy virgins.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Twenty-Ninth Day of June
At Rome, the birthday of the holy
Apostles Peter and Paul, who suffered martyrdom
on the same day, under the emperor Nero. Within the city
the former was crucified with his dead downwards, and buried
in the Vatican, near the Triumphal way, where he is
venerated by the whole world. The latter was put to the
sword and buried on the Ostian way, where he receives similar
At Argenton, St. Marcellus, martyr,
who was beheaded for the faith of Christ together with
the soldier Anastasius.
At Genoa, the birthday of St. Syrius,
At Narni, St. Cassius, bishop
of that city, of whom St. Gregory relates, that he permitted
scarcely any day of his life to pass without offering the
victim of propitiation to Almighty God; and he was well
worthy to do it, for he distributed in alms all he possessed,
and his devotion was such that abundant tears flowed from
his eyes during the holy sacrifice. At last, he came to
Rome on the birthday of the Apostles, as was his yearly
custom, and after having solemnly celebrated Mass and given
the Lord's body and the kiss of peace to all, he departed
for Heaven.
In Cyprus, St. Mary, mother of John,
surnamed Mark.
In the territory of Sens, St. Benedicta,
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Thirtieth Day of June
The commemoration of the holy Apostle
At Limoges, in France, St. Martial,
bishop, with two priests, Alpinian and Austriclinian,
whose lives were distinguished for miracles.
The same day, the saints Caius, priest,
and Leo, subdeacon.
At Alexandria, the passion of St.
Basilides, under the emperor Severus. He protected
from the insults of profligate men the saintly virgin Potamioena,
whom he was leading to execution, and received from her
the reward of his pious action. For, at the end of three
days, she appeared to him, and placing a crown on his head,
not only converted him to Christ, but by her prayers made
of him, after a short combat, a glorious martyr.
At Rome, St. Lucina, a disciple
of the Apostles, who relieved the necessities of the saints
with her goods, visited the Christians detained in prison,
buried the martyrs, and was laid by their side in a crypt
constructed by herself.
In the same city, St. Aemiliana, martyr.
In the territory of Viviers, St. Ostian,
priest and confessor.
At Salanica, in the district of Vicenza,
St. Theobald, priest and hermit, one of the counts
of Champagne. He was added to the number of the saints by
Alexander III because of his holiness and miracles.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.
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My Name.”
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