Martyrology, Complete, September
Semen est sanguis Christianorum
(The blood of Christians is the seed of the Church) Tertullian, Apologeticum,

September 1st
This Day, the First Day of September
In the province of Narbonne, St. Giles,
abbot and confessor.
At Benevento, twelve saintly brothers,
In Palestine, the Saints Josue and
At Jerusalem, blessed Anna, prophetess,
whose sanctity is revealed in the Gospel.
At Capua, on the Aquarian road, St.
Priscus, martyr, who was one of the ancient disciples
of Christ.
At Rheims, in France, St. Xystus,
disciple of the blessed Apostle Peter, who was consecrated
by him the first bishop of that city, and received the crown
of martyrdom under Nero.
At Todi, in Umbria, St. Terentian,
bishop and martyr. Under the emperor Adrian, he was
racked, and scourged with whips set with metal by order
of the proconsul Laetian, and finally, having his tongue
cut out, he ended his martyrdom by undergoing capital punishment.
At Heraclea, St. Ammon, deacon, and
forty holy virgins whom he instructed in the faith,
and led with him to the glory of matryrdom, under the tyrant
In Spain, the holy martyrs Vincent
and Laetus.
At Piombino, in Tuscany, St. Regulus,
martyr, who went thither from Africa, and consummated
his martyrdom under Totila.
At Sens, St. Lupus, bishop and confessor,
of whom it is related, that on a certain day, whilst he
stood at the Holy Altar in presence of the clergy, a gem
fell from Heaven into the consecrated chalice which he was
At Capua, St. Priscus, bishop.
He was one of those priests who were subjected to various
trials for the Catholic faith during the persecution of
the Vandals. Being put in an old ship on the coast of Africa,
they reached the shores of Campania, and separating, they
were placed at the head of various churches, and thus greatly
extended the Christian religion. The
companions of Priscus were Castrensis, Tammarus, Rosius,
Heraclius, Secundinus, Adjutor, Mark, Augustus, Elpidius,
Canion, and Vindonius.
At Aquino, St. Constantius, a bishop
renowned for the gift of prophecy and many virtues.
At Le Mans, St. Victorius, bishop.
In Baden, in the diocese of Constance,
St. Verena, virgin.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti
Mártyres, oráte pro nobis.
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

September 2nd
This Day, the Second Day of September
At Alba, in Hungary, St. Stephen,
King of Hungary, who, being adorned with divine virtues,
was the first to convert the Hungarians to the faith of
Christ. He was received into Heaven by the Virgin Mother
of God, on the day of her Assumption. His feast, nevertheless,
is commemorated on this day, according to the Constitution
of Pope Innocent XI, when the strong fortress of Buda was
re-conquered through the assistance of the holy king, by
the brave Christian army.
At Rome, the holy martyr Maxima,
who confessed Christ with St. Ansanus in the persecution
of Diocletian, and yielded up her soul whilst she was beaten
with rods.
At Pamiers, in France, St. Antoninus,
martyr, whose relics are kept with great veneration
in the church of Palencia.
Also, the holy martyrs Diomedes,
Julian, Philip, Euthychian, Hesychius, Leonides, Philadelphus,
Menalippus, and Pantagapas. They consummated their
martyrdom, some by fire, some by water, others by the sword
or by the cross.
At Nicomedia, the holy martyr Zeno,
and his sons Concordius and Theodore.
The same day, the martyrdom of the
Saints Evodius and Hermogenes, brothers, and Callista, their
At Lyons, in France, St. Justus, bishop
and confessor, who was endowed with extraordinary
sanctity, and a prophetic spirit. He resigned his bishopric,
and retired into a desert of Egypt, with his lector Viator.
When he had for some years led an almost angelical life,
and the end of his meritorious labors had come, he went
to our Lord to receive the crown of justice, on the 14th
day of October. His holy body, together with the relics
of his blessed lector Viator, was afterwards taken to Lyons
on this day.
In the same city, St. Elpidius, bishop
and confessor.
In the March of Ancona, another St.
Elpidius, an abbot. A town bearing his name glories
in the possession of his sacred body.
On Mount Soractes, the abbot St. Nonnosus,
who, by his prayers removed a rock of huge dimensions, and
was renowned for other miracles.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres, oráte pro nobis.
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

September 3rd
This Day, the Third Day of September
At Rome, St. Serapia, virgin.
Under the emperor Adrian, she was delivered to two lascivious
young men, and as she could not be corrupted, nor afterwards
burned with lighted torches, she was beaten with rods, and
finally beheaded, by order of the judge Berillus. She died
on the 29th of July, and was buried by blessed Sabina in
her own sepulchre, near the field of Vindician. But the
commemoration of her martyrdom is celebrated more solemnly
on this day, when their common tomb was finished and adorned,
and dedicated as a place of prayer.
At Corinth, the birthday of St. Phoebe,
mentioned by the blessed Apostle Paul in his Epistle to
the Romans.
At Aquileia, the holy virgins and
martyrs Euphemia, Dorothea, Thecla, and Erasma. Under
Nero, after enduring many torments, they were slain with
the sword, and buried by St. Hermagoras.
At Capua, the holy martyrs Aristseus,
bishop, and Antoninus, a boy.
At Nicomedia, the martyrdom of St.
Basillissa, virgin and martyr, in the persecution
of Diocletian, under the governor Alexander.
At the age of nine years, after
having, through the power of God, overcome scourging, fire,
and the beasts, she gave up her soul to her Creator in prayer.
Also, the holy martyrs Zeno and Chariton.
The one was cast into a caldron of melted lead, the other
into a burning furnace.
At Cordova, St. Sandalus, martyr.
The same day, the birthday of the
holy martyrs Aigulphus, abbot of Lerins, and the monks,
his companions, who, after their tongues were cut
off, and their eyes plucked out, were killed with the sword.
At Toul, in France, St. Mansuetus,
bishop and confessor.
At Milan, the demise of St. Auxanus,
The same day, St. Simeon Stylites,
the younger.
At Rome, the raising to the Sovereign
Pontificate of St. Gregory the Great, an incomparable
man, who, being forced to take that burden upon himself,
sent forth from the more exalted throne brighter rays of
sanctity upon the world.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti
Mártyres, oráte pro nobis.
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

September 4th
This Day, the Fourth Day of September
On Mount Nebo, in the land of Moab,
the holy lawgiver and prophet Moses.
At Ancyra, in Galatia, the birthday of
three saintly boys, Rufinus, Silvanus,
and Vitalicus, martyrs.
At Chalons, in France, St. Marcellus,
martyr, under the emperor Antoninus. Being invited
to a profane banquet by the governor Priscus, and abhorring
the meats that were served, he reproved with great freedom
all persons present for worshipping the idols. For this,
by an unheard-of kind of cruelty, the same governor had
him burned alive up to the waist. After persevering for
three days in praising God, he yielded up his undefiled
The same day, the holy martyrs Magnus,
Castus, and Maximus.
At Treves, St. Marcellus, bishop and
The same day, the Saints Thameles,
previously a Pagan priest, and his
companions, martyrs
under the emperor Adrian.
Also, the holy martyrs Theodore, Oceanus,
Ammian, and Julian, who had their feet cut off, and
consummated their martyrdom by being thrown into the fire,
in the time of the emperor Maximian.
At Rimini, St. Marinus, deacon.
At Palermo, the birthday of St. Rosalia,
virgin, a native of that city, issued from the royal
blood of Charlemagne. For the love of Christ, she forsook
the princely court of her father, and led a Heavenly life
alone in mountains and caverns.
At Naples, in Campania, the birthday of
St. Candida, who was the first
to meet St. Peter when he came to that city, and being baptized
by him, afterwards ended her holy life in peace.
In the same place, St. Candida, the
younger, renowned for miracles.
At Viterbo, blessed Rose, virgin.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti
Mártyres, oráte pro nobis.
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

September 5th
This Day, the Fifth Day of September
The feast of St. Lawrence Justinian,
first Patriarch of Venice, who, by glorious miracles and
virtues, illustrated the episcopal dignity which he received
against his will on this day. His birthday is the 8th of
In the suburbs of Rome, blessed Victorinus,
bishop and martyr, in the time of Nerva Trajan. Being
renowned for sanctity and miracles, he was elected bishop
of Amiterno by the whole people, but afterwards he was banished,
with other servants of God, to Contigliano, where spring
forth fetid sulphurous waters, and was suspended with his
head downward by order of the judge Aurelian. Having for
the name of Christ endured this torment for three days,
he was gloriously crowned, and went victoriously to our
Lord. His body was taken away by the Christians, and buried
with due honors at Araiterno.
Also, at Porto, the birthday of St.
Herculanus, martyr.
At Capua, the holy martyrs Quinctius,
Arcontius, and Donatus.
The same day, St. Romulus,
prefect of Trajan's court.
For reproving the cruelty of the emperor towards Christians,
he was scourged with rods, and beheaded.
At Melitine, in Armenia, the martyrdom
of the holy soldiers Eudoxius, Zeno, Macarius, and their
companions to the number of eleven hundred and four,
who threw away their military belts, and were put to death
for the confession of Christ, in the persecution of Diocletian.
At Constantinople, the holy martyrs
Urbanus, Theodore, Menedemus, and their ecclesiastical companions,
seventy-seven in number, who were put in a ship by
the command of the emperor Valens, and burned on the sea
for the Catholic faith.
In the neighborhood of Terouanne, in the monastery of Sithiu,
St. Bertin, abbot.
At Toledo, St. Obdulia, virgin.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti
Mártyres, oráte pro nobis.
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

September 6th
This Day, the Sixth Day of September
The prophet Zachary, who returned
in his old age from Chaldea to his own country, and lies
buried near the prophet Aggeus.
In Hellespont, St. Onesiphorus,
disciple of the Apostles, of whom St. Paul speaks in his
letter to Timothy. He was severely scourged with St. Porphyry,
by order of the proconsul Adrian, and being dragged by wild
horses, gave up his soul to God.
At Alexandria, the holy martyrs Faustus,
priest, Macarius, and ten companions, who received
the martyr's crown by being beheaded for the name of Christ,
in the time of the emperor Decius and the governor Valerius.
In Cappadocia, the holy martyrs Cottidus,
deacon, Eugenius, and their companions.
In Africa, in the persecution of the Vandals,
the holy bishops Donatian, Praesidius,
Mansuetus, Germanus, and Fusculus, who were most
cruelly scourged and sent into exile, by order of the Arian
king Hunneric, because they proclaimed the Catholic truth.
Among them was one named Laetus, also
a bishop, a courageous and most learned man, who
was burned alive after a long imprisonment in a loathsome
At Verona, St. Petronius, bishop and
At Rome, the holy abbot Eleutherius,
a servant of God, who, according to the testimony of Pope
St. Gregory, raised a dead man to life by his prayers and
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti
Mártyres, oráte pro nobis.
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

September 7th
This Day, the Seventh Day of September
At Nicomedia, the birthday of the
blessed martyr John, who seeing the cruel edicts
against Christians posted up in the public square, and being
inflamed with an ardent faith, stretched forth his hand,
took them away and tore them up. This being reported to
the emperors Diocletian and Maximian, then residing in that
city, they gave orders that he should be subjected to all
kinds of torments, which the noble champion bore with such
cheerfulness of spirit, as not to show on his countenance
the least trace of pain or grief.
At Caesarea, in Cappadocia, in the time of the emperor Adrian,
St. Eupsychius,
martyr, who, on being accused
of professing Christianity, was cast into prison. His release
following shortly after, he immediately sold his patrimony,
and distributed the proceeds of it partly to the poor and
partly to his accusers, whom he regarded as his benefactors.
But being again arrested, under the judge Sapritius, he
was lacerated, pierced through with a sword, and thus consummated
his martyrdom.
At Pompeiopolis, in Cilicia, St. Sozon,
martyr, who, being thrown into the fire, yielded
up his spirit, in the time of the emperor Maximian.
At Aquileia, St. Anastasius, martyr.
In the diocese of Autun, St. Regina,
virgin and martyr, under the proconsul Olybrius.
After having suffered imprisonment, the rack, and burning
with torches, she was condemned to capital punishment, and
so went to her spouse.
At Troyes, St. Nemorius, deacon, and
his companions, martyrs, who were slain by Attila,
king of the Huns.
At Orleans, in France, the departure from this life of
the holy bishop Evortius, who
was first a subdeacon of the Roman Church, and afterwards,
through the divine favor, was designated bishop of that
city by a dove.
In France, St. Augustalis, bishop
and confessor.
At Capua, St. Pamphilus, bishop.
In the territory of Paris, St. Cloud,
priest and confessor.
At Nonantola, Pope St. Adrian III,
remarkable for his zeal to reconcile the Eastern churches
with the Holy See. He died in the odor of sanctity at San
Cesario, and became widely celebrated by his miracles.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti
Mártyres, oráte pro nobis.
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

September 8th
This Day, the Eighth Day of September
The Nativity of the most Blessed
and ever Virgin Mary, Mother of God.
At Nicomedia, St. Adrian, with
twenty-three other martyrs, who ended their martyrdom
the 4th of March by having their limbs crushed, after enduring
many torments under the emperors Diocletian and Maximian.
Their remains were carried to Byzantium by the Christians,
and buried with due honors. Afterwards the body of St. Adrian
was taken to Rome on this day, on which his festival is
At Alexandria, the holy martyrs Ammon,
Theophilus, Neoterius, and twenty-two others.
At Antioch, the Saints Timothy and
Faustus, martyrs.
At Gaza, in Palestine, the holy martyrs
Eusebius, Nestabus, and Zeno, brothers, who were
cut to pieces by a multitude of Pagans that rushed upon
them, in the time of Julian the Apostate.
In the same place, and under the same Julian,
St. Nestor, martyr, who, being
most cruelly tortured by the same furious Gentiles, breathed
his last.
At Valencia, in Spain, St. Thomas
of Villanova, Archbishop,
distinguished by his ardent charity for the poor. He was
inscribed among the saints by Alexander VII, and his feast
is celebrated on the 22nd of this month.
At Freisingen, St. Corbinian,
first bishop of that city. Being consecrated by Pope Gregory
II, and sent to preach the Gospel, he reaped an abundant
harvest in France and Germany, and finally renowned for
virtues and miracles, rested in peace.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti
Mártyres, oráte pro nobis.
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

September 9th
This Day, the Ninth Day of September
At Nicomedia, the holy martyrs Dorotheus
and Gorgonius. The greatest honors had been conferred
on them by the emperor Diocletian, but as they detested
the cruelty which he exercised against the Christians, they
were by his order suspended in his presence, and lacerated
with whips; then their skin being torn from their bodies,
and vinegar with salt poured over them, they were burned
on a gridiron and finally strangled. After some time, the
body of blessed Gorgonius was brought to Rome, and deposited
on the Latin road. Thence it was transferred to the Basilica
of St. Peter.
Among the Sabines, thirty miles from Rome,
the holy martyrs Hyacinthus, Alexander,
and Tiburtius.
At Sebaste, St. Severian, a soldier
of the emperor Licinius. For frequently visiting the Forty
Martyrs whilst they were in prison, he was suspended in
the air with a stone tied to his feet by order of the governor
Lysias, and being scourged and torn with whips, yielded
up his soul in the midst of torments.
The same day, St. Straton,
who ended his martyrdom for
Christ by being tied to two trees and torn to pieces.
Also, the holy martyrs Rufinus and
Rufinian, brothers.
At Rome, St. Sergius, Pope and confessor.
In the territory of Terouanne, St.
Omer, bishop.
In Ireland, St. Kieran, abbot.
At Cartagena, in South America, St.
Peter Claver, confessor of the Society of Jesus,
who labored with, wonderful self-abnegation and great charity
among the negro slaves for more than forty years and baptized
personally almost thirty thousand of them. He was canonized
by order of Pope Leo XIII.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti
Mártyres, oráte pro nobis.
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

September 10th
This Day, the Tenth Day of September
At Tolentino, in the March of Ancona, the departure from
this life of St. Nicholas, confessor,
of the Order of Augustinians.
In Africa, the birthday of the holy
bishops Nemesian, Felix, Lucius, another Felix, Litteus,
Polyan, Victor, Jader, Dativus, and others. As a
violent persecution was breaking out under Valerian and
Gallienus, they were at their first courageous confession
of Christ beaten with rods, then put in irons, and being
sent to dig in the metal mines, they terminated their combat
and glorious confession.
At Chalcedon, in the persecution of Diocletian,
the holy martyrs Sosthenes and Victor.
Under Priscus, proconsul of Asia, after they had been loaded
with fetters and exposed to the beasts, they were condemned
to be burned. But whilst they were saluting each other with
a holy kiss and praying, they expired.
In Bithynia, the holy virgins Menodora,
Metrodora, and Nymphodora, sisters. Under the emperor
Maximian and the governor Fronto, they were crowned with
martyrdom, and went to eternal
Also, the holy martyrs Apellius, Luke,
and Clement.
At Liege, in Belgium, St. Theodard,
bishop and martyr, who laid down his life for his
flock, and after his death was renowned for the gift of
At Rome, blessed Hilary, Pope and
At Compostella, St. Peter, bishop,
who was celebrated for his many virtues and miracles.
In the city of Albi, St. Salvius,
bishop and confessor.
At Novara, St. Agapius, bishop.
At Constantinople, St. Pulcheria,
empress and virgin, distinguished by her piety and
zeal for religion.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti
Mártyres, oráte pro nobis.
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

September 11th
This Day, the Eleventh Day of September
At Rome, in the Cemetery of Basilla, on the old Salarian
road, the birthday of the holy martyrs
Protus and Hyacinth, brothers and eunuchs in the
service of blessed Eugenia, who were arrested, in the time
of the emperor Gallienus, on the charge of being Christians,
and urged to offer sacrifice to the gods. But as they refused,
both were most severely scourged, and finally beheaded.
At Laodicea, in Syria, the martyrdom
of the Saints Diodorus, Diomedes, and Didimus.
At Leon, in Spain, St. Vincent, abbot
and martyr.
In Egypt, the holy bishop Paphnutius,
one of those confessors, who,
under the emperor Galerius Maximinus, having their right
eye plucked out and the joint of the left knee cut, were
condemned to work in the metal mines. Afterwards, under
Constantine the Great, he courageously combated for the
Catholic faith against the Arians, and at length, being
adorned with many crowns, rested in peace.
At Lyons, the demise of St. Patiens,
At Vercelli, St. Aemilian, bishop.
At Alexandria, St. Theodora,
who having committed a fault through imprudence and repenting
of it, remained unknown in a religious habit, and persevered
until her death in practices of extraordinary abstinence
and patience.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti
Mártyres, oráte pro nobis.
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

September 12th
This Day, the Twelfth Day of September
The Feast of the Most Holy Name
of the Blessed Virgin Mary, celebrated by order
of the Sovereign Pontiff, Innocent XI, on account of the
signal victory gained over the Turks, at Vienna in Austria,
through her protection.
At Alexandria, in the time of the emperor Maximinus, the
birthday of the holy martyrs Hieronides,
Leontius, Serapion, Selesius, Valerian, and Straton,
who were drowned in the sea for the confession of the name
of Christ.
In Bithynia, St. Autonomus, bishop
and martyr, who went to that country from Italy to
avoid the persecution of Diocletian. After he had converted
many to the faith, he was killed at the Altar by the furious
Gentiles, whilst celebrating the Sacred Mysteries, and so
became the victim of Christ.
At Merum, in Phrygia, the holy martyrs
Macedonius, Theodulus, and Tatian, under Julian the
Apostate. After other torments, they joyfully consummated
their martyrdom by being laid on burning gridirons by order
of the governor Almachius.
At Iconium, in Lycaonia, the holy
bishop Curonotus, who received the crown of
martyrdom by being beheaded
under the governor Perennius.
At Pavia, St. Juventius, bishop,
mentioned on the 8th of February. He was sent to that city
with St. Cyrus by blessed Hermagoras,
disciple of the evangelist St. Mark. They both preached
the Gospel of Christ there, and being renowned for great
virtues and miracles, illustrated the neighboring cities
by divine works. They closed their glorious career in peace,
invested with the episcopal dignity.
At Lyons, the decease of St. Sacerdos,
At Verona, St. Silvinus, bishop.
At Anderlecht, St. Guido, confessor.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti
Mártyres, oráte pro nobis.
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

September 13th
This Day, the Thirteenth Day of September
At Alexandria, the birthday of blessed
Philip, father of the virgin St. Eugenia. Resigning
the dignity of prefect of Egypt, he obtained the grace of
baptism. His successor, the prefect Terentius, caused him
to be pierced through the throat with a sword, whilst he
was praying.
Also, the holy martyrs Macrobius and
Julian, who suffered under Licinius.
The same day, St. Ligorius, martyr,
who living in the desert, was murdered by the Gentiles for
the faith of Christ.
At Alexandria, St. Eulogius, a bishop,
celebrated for learning and sanctity.
At Angers, in France, St. Mauritius,
a bishop, renowned for numberless miracles.
At Sens, St. Amatus, bishop and confessor.
The same day, St. Venerius, confessor,
a man of admirable sanctity, who led an eremitical life
in the island of Palmaria.
In the monastery of Remiremont in France,
St. Amatus, priest and abbot,
illustrious for the virtue of abstinence and the gift of
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti
Mártyres, oráte pro nobis.
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

September 14th
This Day, the Fourteenth Day of September
The Exaltation of the Holy Cross,
when the emperor Heraclius, after defeating King Chosroes,
brought it back to Jerusalem from Persia.
At Rome, in the Appian road, during the persecution of Decius,
blessed Cornelius, Pope and martyr,
who, after being banished, was scourged with leaded whips,
and then beheaded with twenty-one
others of both sexes. On the same day, were condemned
to capital punishment Caerealis, a
soldier, and his wife Sallustia, who had been instructed
in the faith by the same Cornelius.
In Africa, in the time of the emperors Valerian and Gallienus,
St. Cyprian, bishop of Carthage,
most renowned for holiness and learning. It was near the
seashore, six miles from the city, that he consummated his
martyrdom by decapitation,
after enduring a most painful exile. The festival of the
Saints Cornelius and Cyprian is kept on the 16th of this
There suffered also in the same place
the holy martyrs Crescentian, Victor,
Rosula, and Generalis.
On the Salarian road, at Rome, during the persecution of
Diocletian, St. Crescentius, the young
son of St. Euthymius, who ended his life by the sword,
under the judge Turpilius.
At Treves, the holy bishop Maternus,
a disciple of the blessed Apostle Peter, who brought to
the faith of Christ the inhabitants of Tongres, Cologne,
Treves, and of the neighboring country.
The same day, the birthday of St.
John Chrysostom, bishop of Constantinople, who was
sent into exile through the conspiracy of his enemies, but
was recalled by a decree of the Sovereign Pontiff, Innocent
I. He died on the way from the ill-treatment he received
at the hands of the soldiers who guarded him. His feast
is celebrated on the 27th of January, the day on which his
sacred body was taken to Constantinople by Theodosius the
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti
Mártyres, oráte pro nobis.
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

September 15th
This Day, the Fifteenth Day of September
The Octave of the Nativity and the
Feast of the Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
At Rome, on the Nomentan road, the birthday of
blessed Nicomedes, priest and martyr.
As he said to those who would compel him to sacrifice: "I
sacrifice only to the Omnipotent God who reigns in Heaven",
he was for a long time scourged with leaded whips, and thus
went to our Lord.
In the diocese of Chalons, St. Valerian,
martyr, who was suspended on high by the governor
Priscus, and tortured with iron hooks. Remaining immovable
in the confession of Christ, and continuing joyfully to
praise Him, he was struck with the sword by order of the
same magistrate.
At Marcianopolis, in Thrace, St. Melitina,
a martyr, in the time of the emperor Antoninus and
the governor Antiochus. She was twice led to the temples
of the Gentiles, and as the idols fell to the ground each
time, she was hanged and torn, and finally decapitated.
At Adrianople, the holy martyrs Maximus,
Theodore, and Asclepiodotus, who were crowned
under the emperor Maximian.
Also, St. Porphyrius, a comedian,
who, in the presence of Julian the Apostate, being baptized
in jest, and suddenly converted by the power of God, declared
himself a Christian. Forthwith, by order of the emperor,
he was struck with an axe, and thus crowned with
The same day, St. Nicetas,
a Goth, who was burned alive for the Catholic faith, by
order of king Athanaric.
At Cordova, the holy martyrs Emilas,
deacon, and Jeremias, who ended their martyrdom in
the persecution of the Arabs by being beheaded, after a
long detention in prison.
At Toul, in France, St. Aper, bishop.
Also, St. Leobinus, bishop
of Chartres.
At Lyons, St. Albinus, bishop.
The same day, the decease of St. Aichard,
In France, St. Eutropia, widow.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti
Mártyres, oráte pro nobis.
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

September 16th
This Day, the Sixteenth Day of September
The Saints Cornelius and Cyprian,
Pontiffs and martyrs, whose birthday is the 14th
of this month.
At Chalcedon, the birthday of St.
Euphemia, virgin and martyr, under the emperor Diocletian
and the proconsul Priscus. For faith in our Lord she was
subjected to tortures, imprisonment, blows, the torment
of the wheel, fire, the crushing weight of stones, the teeth
of beasts, scourging with rods, the cutting of sharp saws,
burning pans, all of which she survived. But when she was
again exposed to the beasts in the amphitheatre, praying
to our Lord to receive her spirit, one of the animals having
inflicted a bite on her sacred body, whilst the rest licked
her feet, she yielded her unspotted soul to God.
At Rome, the holy martyrs Lucia, noble
matron, and Geminian, who were subjected to most
grievous afflictions and a long time tortured, by the command
of the emperor Diocletian. Finally, being put to the sword,
they obtained the glorious victory of martyrdom.
Also, at Rome, at a place on the Flaminian road, ten miles
from the city, the holy martyrs Abundius,
priest, and Abundantius, deacon, whom the emperor
Diocletian caused to be struck with the sword,
together with Marcian, an illustrious
man, and his son John, whom they had raised from
the dead.
At Heraclea, in Thrace, St. Sebastiana,
martyr, under the emperor Domitian and the governor
Sergius. Being brought to the faith of Christ by the blessed
Apostle Paul, she was tormented in various ways and finally
At Cordova, the holy martyrs Rogellus
and Servideus, who were decapitated, after their
hands and feet had been cut off.
In Scotland, St. Ninian, bishop and
In England, St. Editha, virgin,
daughter of the English King Edgar, who was consecrated
to God in a monastery from her tender years, whence she
may be said to have been ignorant of the world rather than
to have forsaken it.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti
Mártyres, oráte pro nobis.
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

September 17th
This Day, the Seventeenth Day of September
The commemoration of the Impression
of the Sacred Wounds which St. Francis, founder of the Order
of Friars Minor, received, through a wonderful favor of
God, in his hands, feet and side, on Mount Alvernia,
in Tuscany.
At Rome, on the road to Tivoli, the birthday of
St. Justin, priest and martyr,
who distinguished himself by a glorious confession of the
faith, during the persecution of Valerian and Gallienus.
He buried the bodies of the blessed Pontiff, Xystus, of
Lawrence, Hippolytus, and many other saints, and finally
consummated his martyrdom under Claudius.
Also, at Rome, the holy martyrs Narcissus
and Crescentio.
In Phrygia, St. Ariadna, martyr,
under the emperor Adrian.
In England, the holy martyrs Socrates
and Stephen.
At Nevers, the holy martyrs Valerian,
Macrinus, and Gordian.
At Autun, under the emperor Antoninus and the governor
Valerian, St. Flocellus, a boy,
who, after many sufferings, was torn to pieces by wild beasts,
and thus won the crown of martyrs.
At Liege, blessed Lambert, bishop
of Maestricht. Having, through zeal for religion, rebuked
the royal family, he was undeservedly put to death by the
guilty, and thus entered the court of the Heavenly kingdom,
to enjoy it forever.
At Saragossa, in Spain, St. Peter
of Arbues, first Inquisitor of the Faith in the kingdom
of Aragon, who received the palm of martyrdom by being barbarously
massacred by apostate Jews, for defending courageously the
Catholic faith, according to the duties of his office. He
was canonized by Pius IX in 1867.
The same day, St. Agathoclia,
servant of an infidel woman, who was for a long time subjected
by her to blows and other afflictions, that she might deny
Christ. She was finally presented to the judge and cruelly
lacerated, and as she persisted in confessing the faith,
they cut off her tongue and threw her into the flames.
At Cordova, St. Columba, virgin and
At Milan, the departure from this world of
St. Satyrus, confessor, whose
distinguished merits are mentioned by his brother, St. Ambrose.
At Rome, in the persecution of Diocletian,
St. Theodora, a matron, who
carefully ministered to the martyrs.
At Bingen, in the diocese of Mayence,
St. Hildegarde, virgin.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti
Mártyres, oráte pro nobis.
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

September 18th
This Day, the Eighteenth Day of September
At Osimo, St. Joseph of Cupertino,
confessor of the Order of the Friars Minor Conventual,
who was placed among the Saints by Clement XIII.
The same day, the birthday of St.
Methodius, bishop of Olympius in Lycia, and afterwards
of Tyre, most renowned for eloquence and learning. St. Jerome
says that he won the martyr's crown at Chalcis, in Greece,
at the end of the last persecution.
In the diocese of Vienne, the holy
martyr Ferreol, a tribune, who was arrested by order
of the impious governor Crispinus, most cruelly scourged,
then loaded with heavy chains, and cast into a dark dungeon.
A miracle having broken his bonds, and opened the doors
of the prison, he made his escape, but being taken again
by his pursuers, he received the palm of martyrdom by being
Also, the Saints Sophia and Irene,
At Milan, St. Eustorgius, first
bishop of that city, highly
commended by blessed Ambrose.
At Gortyna, in Crete, St. Eumenus,
bishop and confessor.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti
Mártyres, oráte pro nobis.
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

September 19th
This Day, the Nineteenth Day of September
At Puzzoli, in Campania, the holy
martyrs Januarius, bishop of Benevento, Festus, his deacon,
and Desiderius, lector, together with Sosius, deacon of
the church of Misenum, Proculus, deacon of Puzzoli, Eutychius
and Acutius, who were bound and imprisoned and then
beheaded during the reign of Diocletian. The body of St.
Januarius was brought to Naples, and buried in the church
with due honors, where even now the blood of the blessed
martyr is kept in a vial, and when placed close to his head,
is seen to become liquid and, bubble up as if it were just
taken from his veins.
At Nocera, the birthday of the holy
martyrs Felix and Constantia, who suffered under
In Palestine, the holy martyrs Peleus,
Nilus, and Elias, bishops in Egypt, who were,with
many others of the clergy, consumed by fire for the
sake of Christ during the persecution of Diocletian.
The same day, the holy martyrs Trophimus,
Sabbatius, and Dorymedon, senator, under the emperor
Probus. By command of the governor Atticus, at Antioch,
Sabbatius was scourged until he expired. Trophimus was sent
to the governor Perennius at Synnada, where he and the senator
Dorymedon consummated their martyrdom by decapitation, after
enduring many torments.
At Cordova, in the Arabian persecution,
St. Pomposa, virgin and martyr.
At Canterbury, the holy bishop Theodore,
who was sent to England by Pope Vitalian, and was
renowned for learning and holiness.
At Tours, St. Eustochius, bishop,
a man of great virtue.
In the diocese of Langres, St. Sequanus,
priest and confessor.
At Barcelona, in Spain, blessed Mary
de Cervellione, virgin, of the Order of Our Lady of Ransom.
She is commonly called Mary of Help
on account of the prompt assistance she renders to those
who invoke her.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti
Mártyres, oráte pro nobis.
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

September 20th
This Day, the Twentieth Day of September
The vigil of St. Matthew, apostle
and evangelist
At Rome, the holy martyrs Eustachius,
and Theopistes, his wife, with their two sons, Agapitus
and Theopistus. Under the emperor Adrian, they were
condemned to be cast to the beasts, but through the power
of God, being uninjured by them, they were shut up
in a burning brazen ox, and thus terminated their martyrdom.
At Cyzicum, on the sea of Marmora, the birthday of
the holy martyrs Fausta, virgin, and
Evilasius, in the time of the emperor Maximian. Fausta
had her head shaved to shame her, and was hanged up and
tortured by Evilasius, then a Pagan priest; but when he
wished to have her body cut in two, the executioners could
not inflict any injury on her. Amazed at this prodigy, Evilasius
believed in Christ; and whilst he was cruelly tortured by
order of the emperor, Fausta had her head bored through,
and her whole body pierced with nails. She was then laid
on a burning pan, and being called by a celestial voice,
went in company with Evilasius to enjoy the blessedness
of Heaven.
In Phrygia, the holy martyrs Denis
and Privatus.
Also, St. Priscus, martyr,
who, after having had his body pierced all over with daggers,
was beheaded.
At Pergen, in Pamphylia, the Saints
Theodore, his mother Philippa, and their fellow martyrs,
under the emperor Antoninus.
At Carthage, St. Candida, virgin and
martyr; who, having all her body lacerated with whips,
was crowned with martyrdom, under the emperor Maximian.
Also, the holy martyr Susanna,
daughter of Arthemius, a Pagan priest, and Martha.
The same day, Pope St. Agapitus,
whose sanctity is attested by blessed Gregory the Great.
At Milan, St. Clicerius, bishop and
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti
Mártyres, oráte pro nobis.
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

September 21st
This Day, the Twenty-First Day of September
The birthday of St. Matthew, Apostle
and Evangelist, who suffered
martyrdom in Ethiopia,
while engaged in preaching. The Gospel written by him in
Hebrew was, by his own revelation, found in the time
of the emperor Zeno, together with the relics of the blessed
apostle Barnabas.
In the land of Saar, the holy prophet
Jonas, who was buried in Geth.
At Rome, St. Pamphilus, martyr.
At twenty miles from Rome, on the Claudian way,
the martyrdom of St. Alexander, bishop,
in the time of the emperor Antoninus. For the faith of Christ
he was loaded with fetters, scourged, tortured, burned with
torches, torn with iron hooks, exposed to the beasts and
cast into the flames, but having overcome all these torments,
he was finally beheaded, and so attained the glory of eternal
life. His body was afterwards carried into the city by the
blessed Pope Damasus, on the 26th of November, on which
day his feast is to be celebrated by order of the same Pontiff.
In Phoenicia, St. Eusebius, martyr,
who, of his own accord, went to the prefect, and declaring
himself a Christian, was subjected by him to many torments,
and finally beheaded.
In Cyprus, St. Isacius, bishop and
In the same place, St. Meletius, bishop
and confessor.
In Ethiopia, St. Iphigenia, virgin,
who being baptized and consecrated to God by the blessed
Apostle Matthew, ended her holy life in peace.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti
Mártyres, oráte pro nobis.
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

September 22nd
This Day, the Twenty-Second Day of September
At Valencia, in Spain, St. Thomas,
of Villanova, Archbishop and confessor, whose birthday
is the 8th of September.
At St. Maurice, near Sion, in Switzerland, the birthday
of the holy Theban martyrs Maurice,
Exuperius, Candidus, Victor, Innocent, and Yitalis, with
their companions of the same legion, whose martyrdom
for the faith, in the time of Maximian, filled the world
with the glory of their sufferings.
At Rome, the martyrdom of the holy
virgins and martyrs Digna and Emerita, under Valerian
and Gallienus. Their relics are kept in the Church of St.
At Arpajon, near Paris, St. Jonas,
priest and martyr, who went to France with St. Denis,
and after being scourged by order of the prefect Julian,
ended his martyrdom by the sword.
At Ratisbon, in Bavaria, St. Emmeramus,
bishop and martyr, who, to deliver others, endured
patiently a most cruel death for the sake of our Lord.
At Antinoopolis, in Egypt, the holy
martyrs Irais, an Alexandrian virgin, and her companions.
Having gone out to draw water at a fountain near by, and
seeing a boat loaded with Christian confessors, she immediately
left her vessel and joined them. Being conducted to the
city with them, after many torments, she was the first to
have her head struck off; and after
her, priests, deacons, virgins, and all others underwent
the same kind of death.
At Meaux, blessed Sanctinus, bishop,
disciple of St. Denis, the Areopagite, who, being consecrated
by him bishop of that city, was the first to preach the
Gospel there.
In the territory of Coutances, St.
Lauto, bishop.
In Poitou, the holy priest Florentius.
In the territory of Bourges, St. Sylvanus,
At Laon, St. Salaberga, abbess.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti
Mártyres, oráte pro nobis.
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

September 23rd
This Day, the Twenty-Third Day of September
At Rome, St. Linus, Pope and martyr,
who governed the Roman church next after the blessed Apostle
Peter. He was crowned with
martyrdom, and buried on the Vatican hill beside
the same Apostle.
At Iconium, in Lycaonia, St. Thecla,
virgin and martyr, who was converted to the faith
by the Apostle St. Paul. Under the emperor Nero, she was
victorious over the flames and the beasts to which she was
exposed for the faith of Christ, and after many combats
endured for the instruction of others, she went to Seleucia,
where she ended her days in peace. Her memory has been eulogized
by the Holy Fathers.
In Campania, the commemoration of
blessed Sosius, deacon of the church of Misenum.
The holy bishop Januarius,
seeing a flame arise from his head as he was reading the
Gospel in the Church, foretold that he would be a martyr;
and not many days after, when he was thirty years of age,
he and the holy bishop suffered martyrdom by decapitation.
In Africa, the holy martyrs Andrew,
John, Peter, and Anthony.
In the diocese of Coutances, St. Paternus,
bishop and martyr.
At Ancona, St. Constantius, sacristan
of the Church, renowned for the gift of miracles.
In Spain, the holy women Xantippa
and Polyxena, who were disciples of the Apostles.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti
Mártyres, oráte pro nobis.
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

September 24th
This Day, the Twenty-Fourth Day of September
The Feast of our Lady of Ransom.
At Autun, the birthday of the holy
martyrs, Andochius, priest, Thyrsus, deacon, and Felix,
who were sent from the East by blessed Polycarp, bishop
of Smyrna, to preach in Gaul, where they were most severely
scourged, hanged up a whole day by the hands, and cast into
the fire. Remaining uninjured, they had their necks broken
with heavy bars, and thus won a most glorious crown.
In Egypt, the holy martyrs Paphnutius
and his companions. Whilst leading a solitary life,
St. Paphnutius heard that many Christians were kept in bonds,
and, moved by the spirit of God, he voluntarily offered
himself to the prefect, and freely confessed the Christian
faith. He was bound with iron chains, and a long time tortured
on the rack. Then, being sent with many others to Diocletian,
he was fastened by his order to a palm tree, and the rest
were struck with the sword.
At Chalcedon, forty-nine holy martyrs,
who, after the martyrdom of St. Euphemia, under the emperor
Diocletian, were condemned to be devoured by the beasts,
but being miraculously delivered, were finally struck with
the sword, and went to Heaven.
In Hungary, St. Gerard, bishop and
martyr, called the Apostle of the Hungarians. He
belonged to the nobility of Venice, and was the first to
shed upon his country the glory of martyrdom.
At Clermont, in Auvergne, the departure out of this life
of St. Rusticus, bishop and confessor.
In the diocese of Beauvais, St. Geremarus,
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti
Mártyres, oráte pro nobis.
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

September 25th
This Day, the Twenty-Fifth Day of September
At Emmaus, the birthday of blessed
Cleophas, disciple of Christ. It is related that
he was killed by the Jews, for the confession of our Lord,
in the same house in which he had entertained Him, and where
he was honorably buried.
At Rome, under the emperor Antoninus,
St. Herculanus, soldier and martyr,
who, being converted to Christ by the miracles wrought during
the martyrdom of the blessed bishop Alexander, was put
to the sword, after enduring many torments.
At Amiens, in France, in the persecution of Diocletian,
blessed Firmin, bishop. Under
the governor Rictiovarus, after various torments, he suffered
martyrdom by being beheaded.
At Damascus, the holy martyr Paul,
Tata, his wife, and Sabinian, Maximus, Rufus, and Eugenius,
their sons. Accused of professing the Christian religion,
they were scourged, and tortured in other ways, until they
gave up their souls to God.
In Asia, the holy martyrs Bardomian,
Eucarpus, and twenty-six others.
The same day, St. Anathalon, bishop,
who was a disciple of the blessed Apostle Barnabas, and
succeeded him in the See of Milan.
At Lyons, the decease of St. Lupus,
at one time an anchoret, but
later a bishop.
At Auxerre, St. Anacharius, bishop
and confessor.
At Blois, St. Solemnius, bishop of
Chartres, renowned for miracles.
The same day, St. Principius, bishop
of Soissons, brother of the blessed bishop Remigius.
At Anagni, the holy virgins Aurelia
and Neomisia.
At San Severino, the decease of St.
Pacificus of St. Severin, confessor, of the Order
of the Reformed Friars Minor of the Observance of St. Francis,
illustrious by his extraordinary patience and love of solitude.
He was placed in the calendar of saints by Pope Gregory
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti
Mártyres, oráte pro nobis.
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

September 26th
This Day, the Twenty-Sixth Day of September
At America and Canada, St. Isaac
Jogues one of the eight North American Martyrs.
Captured by the Iroquois in 1642 he was imprisoned for 13
months and tortured. Several of his fingers had been cut,
chewed or burned off. After escaping and returning to France
in 1646, with apostolic zeal he returned the same
year with St. Jean de Lalande
and both were beheaded by tomahawk on October
18 by the Iroquois in 1642 near present day Auriesville,
New York.
At Canada and America, St. René
Goupil (26 September in Canada, October 19
elsewhere) one of the North American Martyrs, a Jesuit
Missionary brother, companion of Jesuit Father Isaac Jogues,
and the first Jesuit martyr in Canada. While traveling to
the Huron Missions he was captured by the Iroquois and tortured
along with St. Isaac Jogues. After teaching the native
children the Sign of the Cross, St. Goupil was killed by
a spear to the head on September 29, 1642.
At Nicomedia, the birthday of the
holy martyrs Cyprian, and Justina, virgin. Under
the emperor Diocletian and the governor Eutholmius. Justina
suffered much for the faith of Christ and converted Cyprian,
who, while a magician, endeavored to bring her under the
influence of his magical practices. She afterwards suffered
martyrdom with him. Their bodies being exposed to the beasts,
were taken away in the night by some Christian sailors,
and carried to Rome. They were subsequently taken into the
Constantinian Basilica, and deposited near the baptistery.
At Rome, the holy martyr Callistratus,
and forty-nine other soldiers, who endured martyrdom
together, in the persecution of Diocletian. The companions
of Callistratus were converted to Christ on seeing him miraculously
delivered from drowning in the sea, where he had been thrown
sewed up in a bag.
Also, at Rome, Pope St. Eusebius.
At Bologna, St. Eusebius, bishop and
At Brescia, St. Vigilius, bishop.
At Albano, St. Senator.
In the territory of Frascati, the
blessed abbot Nilus, founder of the monastery of
Crypta-Ferrata, a man of eminent sanctity.
At Citta-di-Castello, St. Amantius,
a priest distinguished for the gift of miracles.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti
Mártyres, oráte pro nobis.
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

September 27th
This Day, the Twenty-Seventh Day of September
At Aegea, during the persecution of Diocletian, the birthday
of the holy martyrs Cosmas and Damian,
brothers. After miraculously overcoming many torments
from bonds, imprisonment, fire, crucifixion, stoning, arrows,
and from being cast into the sea, they received capital punishment.
With them are said to have also suffered
three of their brothers, Anthimus,
Leontius, and Euprepius.
At Rome, St. Epicharis, wife of a
senator, who, in the same persecution, was scourged
with leaded whips, and struck with the sword.
At Todi, the holy martyrs Fidentius
and Terence, under the same Diocletian.
At Cordova, the holy martyrs Adulphus
and John, brothers, who won the martyr's crown in
the Arabian persecution.
At Sion, in Switzerland, St. Florentinus,
martyr, who was put to the sword
with blessed Hilary, after
his tongue had been cut out.
At Byblos, in Phoenicia, St. Mark,
bishop, who is also called John by blessed Luke.
At Milan, the holy bishop Caius,
a disciple of the blessed Apostle Barnabas, who passed calmly
to rest after suffering severely in the persecution of Nero.
At Ravenna, St. Aderitus, bishop and
At Paris, St. Vincent de Paul, priest,
and founder of the Congregation of the Mission and of the
Daughters of Charity, an apostolic man and a father to the
poor. His feast is celebrated on the 19th of July.
In the same city, St. Eleazar, Count.
In Hainaut, St. Hiltrude, virgin.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti
Mártyres, oráte pro nobis.
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

September 28th
This Day, the Twenty-Eight Day of September
In Bohemia, St. Wenceslas,
duke of Bohemia and martyr, renowned for holiness and
miracles. Being murdered in his brother's house, he went
triumphantly to Heaven.
At Rome, St. Privatus, martyr,
who was cured of ulcers by the blessed Pope Callistus. For
the faith of Christ he was scourged to death with leaded
whips, in the time of the emperor Alexander.
In the same place, St. Stacteus, martyr.
In Africa, the Saints Martial, Lawrence,
and twenty other martyrs.
At Antioch, in Pisidia, the holy martyrs
Mark, Shepherd, Alphius, Alexander, and Zosimus, his brothers,
Nicon, Neon Heliodorus, and thirty soldiers, who
were converted to Christ on seeing the miracles of blessed
Mark, and were crowned with martyrdom in different places
and in various manners.
The same day, the martyrdom of St.
Maximus, under the emperor Decius.
At Toulouse, St. Exuperius, bishop
and confessor. St. Jerome bears to this blessed man
a memorable testimony, relating how severe he was towards
himself and how liberal towards others.
At Genoa, St. Solomon, bishop and
At Brescia, St. Silvinus, bishop.
The same day, the holy virgin Eustochium,
daughter of blessed Paula, who was brought up at
the manger of our Lord with other virgins, and being celebrated
for merits, went to our Lord.
In Germany, St. Lioba, virgin,
renowned for miracles.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti
Mártyres, oráte pro nobis.
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

September 29th
This Day, the Twenty-Ninth of September
On Mount Gargano, the commemoration
of the blessed Archangel Michael. This festival is
kept in memory of the day, when under his invocation, was
consecrated a church, unpretending in its exterior, but
endowed with virtue celestial.
In Thrace, the birthday of the holy
martyrs Eutychius, Plautus, and Heracleas.
In Persia, under king Sapor, the holy
martyr Gudelia. After having converted many to the
faith, and refused to adore the sun and fire, she was subjected
to numerous torments. Then having the skin torn off her
head, and being fastened to a post, she deserved an eternal
In the same country, the holy martyrs
Dadas, a blood relation of king Sapor,
Casdoa, his wife, and Gabdelas, his
son. After being deprived of their dignities, and
subjected to various torments, they were for a long time
imprisoned and finally put to the sword.
In Armenia, the holy virgins, Ripsimus
and her companions, martyrs, under king Tiridates.
At Auxerre, St. Fraternus, bishop
and martyr.
At Pontecorvo, near Aquino, St. Grimoaldus,
priest and confessor.
In Palestine, St. Quiriacus, anchoret.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti
Mártyres, oráte pro nobis.
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

September 30th
This Day, the Thirtieth Day of September
In Bethlehem of Juda, the decease of
St. Jerome, priest and Doctor of the
Church, who, excelling in all kinds of learning,
imitated the life of the most approved monks, and disposed
of many monstrous heresies with the sword of his doctrine.
Having at length reached a very advanced age, he rested
in peace, and was buried near the manger of our Lord. His
body was afterwards conveyed to Rome, and deposited in the
Basilica of St. Mary the Greater.
The same day, the holy martyr Leopardus,
of the household of Julian the Apostate. He was beheaded
at Rome, and his body was subsequently taken to Aix-la-Chapelle.
At Soleure, in Switzerland, in the time of the emperor Maximian,
the passion of the holy martyrs Victor
and Ursus, of the glorius Theban legion, who were
subjected to horrid tortures; but a Heavenly light shining
over them, and causing the executioners to fall to the ground,
they were delivered. Being then cast into the fire without
sustaining any injury, they finally perished by the sword.
At Piacenza, the holy martyr Antoninus,
soldier of the same legion.
The same day, St. Gregory, bishop
of Greater Armenia, who after many sufferings under
Diocletian, rested in peace.
At Canterbury, in England, St. Honorius,
bishop and confessor.
At Rome, the birthday of St. Francis
Borgia, of the Society of Jesus. His feast is celebrated
on the 10th of October.
In the same city, St. Sophia, widow,
mother of the holy virgins Faith, Hope, and Charity.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti
Mártyres, oráte pro nobis.
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.
Martyrology by Month
New: the Roman Martyrology
now be downloaded entirely
as either a
PDF file,
or a
Microsoft Word File.

Totally Faithful to the
Sacred Deposit of Faith entrusted to
the Holy See in Rome
opera tua ... quia modicum habes virtutem, et servasti
verbum Meum, nec non negasti Nomen Meum”
know your works ... that you have but little power,
and yet you have kept My word, and have not denied
My Name.”
(Apocalypse 3.8)
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