Amerikan Katholiks
and the August 19th, 1934
Election of November 3rd, 2020

A Practicing Catholic cannot
coherently be both a Democrat and a Catholic
You must Choose!
Envision this:
It is Germany, August 19, 1934, and a plebiscite
(popular) vote of 90% 1 results in Adolph Hitler assuming
the presidency of Germany.
Of course, to personally vote for
a political candidate is to actually affirm a correspondence between,
and an agreement with, your convictions and values and
those of the politician.
That is why you would choose
to vote for that candidate: he represents your
convictions and values which you wish to see promoted. Of course,
there will be subordinate issues with which you may be in disagreement
with him, but they will not be of sufficient importance to you in influencing
your decision to vote for him.
Despite (until recently) revisionist history, the German people were
well aware of Hitler’s ambitions — and either “despite” or “because
of” these ambitions — they chose to place him in office and his policies
into effect.
The popular German vote in 1934 had — were we to use a euphemism — “profound”
“They knew that
Adolf Hitler had repeatedly forecast the extermination of every
Jew on German soil. They knew these details because they had
read about them. They knew because the camps and the measures
which led up to them had been prominently and proudly reported
step by step in thousands of officially-inspired German media
articles [in 24 main newspapers— ed.] and posters
You Know Where this is going,
don’t you?
For a Catholic to vote as a Democrat (that
is to say, to agree with, and to promote the
murderous, perverse, and corrupt policies of the Democratic
Party) and for Biden as President, is precisely what Germans
did in 1934. They did not “turn a blind eye” to his murderous plan for
Jews and Slavs. They approved of it. They enabled it. It was
not a “subordinate issue”.
And neither is abortion a “subordinate
issue” in voting for Democrats whose platform supports the murder
of children through abortion — to say nothing of their militant
demand for promoting perverse homosexual inclusivity in every
political and social sphere together with draconian legislation to
enforce it. These, in fact, are two major goals of the
otherwise diffuse Democratic platform.
You cannot be claim to be a Catholic
and vote for a political party that:
Why? Because two millennia of Catholic
Teaching, Tradition, and Dogma anathematize murder and sexual
perversion. It is inseparable from your professed Catholic
Faith. You can no more vote for Democrats than a Jew or Slav could vote
for Hitler in 1934. They knew what the consequences would be!
They could not pretend otherwise!
In their case it would cost them their own lives; in the present case
it would cost the lives of millions of babies and promote the fiction
that homosexual perversion is as American as Apple Pie.
Oh, yes — even in civil law, if you “promote” murder, “procure
it”, “commission it”, or are “accessory to” it — you are guilty
of Murder! If this holds true in the City of Man, how, as a Catholic,
do you expect to be held to less account in the City of God?
Do not compound your sin of complicity in murder and sodomy with
the sin of Presumption: that “God will forgive you because He
is all-forgiving.”
He is not.
Know your Faith before you enter the polls! You will likely enter
with the Sin of Intent and exit with the Sin in Deed.
In both cases you will have both renounced and repudiated your Catholic
Faith — apart from which there is no salvation: “extra Ecclesiam
nulla salus” — a Dogma from the beginning of the Holy Catholic
Church. 3
Take no consolation from the present pope who, defying Christ Himself,
tells you that everyone of any and all religions or no religion at all
attains to salvation. Apart from this product of a strikingly delusional
episode — among his many such episodes — you will not find it in Holy
Scripture or the entire Patralogia Latina or the Patralogia
Graeca (the writings of the Latin and Greek Church Fathers).
Please do not weary me by taking refuge in the political distinctions
that characterize actual Nazism (a racial ideology) and the
Democratic Party — which also has become another iteration of racial
ideology as well as an incoherent and unsustainable economic ideology.
Communism (an ideology of class incompatibility) could serve
equally well. All three are totalitarian, necessarily admitting
of no opposition, rational discourse, and most especially any intimation
of toleration or dissent from the “Party line”. All are quite comfortable
with the notion of killing infants.
No political party, as no human being, is immune to evil. Some, however,
are acutely susceptible to it and particularly adept at implementing
We have mentioned three
— Nazism, Communism, and the Democratic Party — and all of them are
not simply inimical to Catholicism, but incapable of being reconciled
with it.
One cannot — cannot—
coherently be both a Democrat and a Catholic
It is simply the case — despite your purely
subjective desire that it were otherwise — that one
cannot vote for a politician or political party that is vociferously
pro-Abortion and Pro-Homosexual (the Democratic Party) — and claim
to be Catholic, much as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi does — any more
than one can commit murder and maintain that doing so does not incur
guilt. If the merest vestige of reason still resides in your waking
states, please do not embarrass yourself with the lame excuse
that you are “personally opposed” to abortion and sodomy ...
but are “not a single-issue voter”. After all, as you are likely to
further say, “lots of other issues are important!” in your decision
to vote for a candidate.
Really? Let us be remorselessly frank:
to argue this in America’s 2020 Presidential Election is to argue that
exterminating Jews and Slavs did not make German voters singularly complicit
in mass murder following the 1934 election of Adolf Hitler. Of course,
there were the harsh and unjust reparations imposed on Germany following
the Treaty of Versailles after World War I, and the subsequent economic
hyper-inflation that left the nation bankrupt, to say nothing of joblessness,
and political unrest ... that were “important, too! Are you,
then, prepared to argue that the Nazi Party’s obsession with the extermination
of Jews and Slavs was not sufficient of itself to warrant your
not supporting them? Were the other “issues” equally compelling?
History has already told us — yes? I mean, right? Or have
we not learned anything at all — after all?
It is Called Being an “Accessory
to Murder”
In Common Law, being an “Accessory”
to a crime (in this case murder) attains to the same culpability
— the same responsibility — as the “Principal” of the crime (the
murderer himself) — and is subject to the same penalty as the Principal.
In other words, you may not have personally dismembered the
baby in its mother’s womb, or snipped its spinal cord — but you promoted
this, enabled this, by your franchise or suffrage (your voting)
at the ballot box. Apart from your vote to license murder through abortion,
the doctor-turned-killer would be out of a lucrative “job” and Planned
Parenthood would be relegated to a contemptible and inexpungable episode
in our collective political and social memory.
Do you really think that murder in the eyes of God is of less
consequence than in the eyes of men — that if the State lets
you get away with it, God will, too?
your Democratic Party politics — or your Catholic
Faith. They are absolutely irreconcilable
“Non potestis calicem Domini bibere, et
calicem daemoniorum; non potestis mensae Domini participes esse, et
mensae daemoniorum.” *
Go: learn what this means.*
Amerika the Brutal
Oh, yes — these are the very
same people who support and encourage rioting, the Marxist Black
Lives Matter movement, Socialism, arresting Pro-Lifers for the harmless
expression of their First Amendment Right to Free Speech by writing
prolife messages on sidewalks using chalk while leaving violent anarchists
and lawless rioters to paint profanity and racist slogans on anything
vertical or horizontal; who destroy public property, pull down Catholic
statues, deface or burn Catholic Churches, assault citizens and police
— anything representing the American government, heritage and
They support the opiated “autonomous zones” of lawlessness where 48-year-old
men who never became adults still use skateboards and wear baseball
caps backwards; where criminals, delinquents, malcontents, miscreants,
and the mentally ill, spray-paint profound statements like “Kill Wit
people” [sic]. Not the brightest crayons in the box.
They are the governors of states and mayors of cities
and other petty “officials” who promote such violence
and destruction, agree with it, or at the very least tolerate
it either as a matter of political and social conviction — or out of
fear of the violent mob. They are your Demokratik
Congressmen, Congresswomen and Senators (you voted them in).
Unprecedented Malice
Never has such malice, such
hatred for the good, the moral, the just, and every upright principle
— and most especially those that promote Christian values
— been seen in America since its founding. It is nothing less than the
catalyst to totalitarianism — the suppression and criminalization
of any opposition or dissent.
“Demokrats” and “Toleration” cannot co-exist. Free Speech? Only for
those who toe the Party line. Any other speech is deemed “hate speech”.
Even the Bible!
Do you really fall for this madness? Humiliate yourself by
the knee” to BLM — but not to Christ? Imagine … not
simply arguing with, but forcing those who disagree with you,
to their knees! — even one’s “comrades” in anarchy: Sports, Politics,
State Houses, and the militantly Leftist Media. It matters not. One
and all fear violent reprisal from the Left — and lacking a spine,
collapse to their knees.
This is “Amerika the Brutal” — which is to say, the Demokratik
Party flexing their power.
You did
anyway, didn’t you? You voted Democrat, no matter how vicious, corrupt
and cruel they are. You thought that you could weasel your way as
a Catholic committed to murdering babies (Oh, I know that you are
“personally opposed” to this Liberal and Leftist holocaust, but
the “other liberal policies” are simply much more to your liking
to dissuade you from voting to enter into complicity with murder. “Why
cry over spilled milk blood”? ) and following the prevailing
social and political line espousing every imaginable license for every
sort of moral putrescence and sexual perversion and mutilation. And
still you are resolute that you are “a good Catholic.” After all, you
still receive Holy Communion, right? ... from your priest ...
who is a registered Demokrat, too. Ja?
* “You cannot drink the chalice of the
Lord, and the chalice of devils: you cannot be partakers of the table
of the Lord, and of the table of devils.” (1 Corinthians 10.21)
Geoffrey K. Mondello
Boston Catholic Journal
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opera tua ... quia modicum habes virtutem, et servasti verbum
Meum, nec non negasti Nomen Meum”
know your works ... that you have but little power, and
yet you have kept My word, and have not denied My Name.”
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