Complete audio files
for those who find on-line reading both burdensome and
uncomfortable, and who would much more profit from
listening to the Psalms. We have found
that many in this digital age of competing distractions
would prefer simply to close their eyes and reflect
on what is being read, or to learn to read the Psalms
in Latin in conjunction with the audio file.
The Complete
Book of Psalms in Latin:
as audio files or — or simply listen to them online

You can follow
the Latin and English text at
where you may pray
them in Latin, English, or see both Latin and English in the
Catholic Douay-Rheims Bible.
It is a wonderful opportunity
for the Catholic Clergy, Religious and Laity to learn the Divine
Office — or the Liturgy of the Hours — in Latin as well as
the more familiar English. Please remember that each Psalm, as you listen
to it, is prayed — not merely recited. You will encounter imperfection.
We nevertheless invite you to join us — and make perfect in your hearts
what passes haltingly from our lips. We ask Mary Immaculate, the Most
Holy Mother of God, to assist us in her unspeakable love for her children
— for it is She who prompts us to seek the face of her Son. She knows
the lisping of mere children and placing her gentle fingers on our lips
teaches us better to pray. How much our Mother loves us!
All that is good and holy
in these prayers is of God. All that is imperfect and faulty is ours.
We humbly ask God, and we ask you, to overlook all that is wanting.
To listen
to any Psalm in Latin, simply click on it below:
Consecrated to
Mary, Mother of God
The Seven Penitential
Psalms are in
RED (Psalms 6, 31, 37, 50, 101, 129
and 142)
The “Hallel Psalms”
(Psalms 113-118) are
in Fuschia.
They are called, “Hallel”, because they begin
with the acclamation, “Halleluiah!” Jesus Christ and His disciples
sang them as they went out from celebrating the Passover Meal, where
the Lord instituted the Sacrament of the Eucharist.
They went forth singing
these psalms. In some translations it says reciting, but
the psalms were chanted. (See Saint Luke 14 verse 26 onwards.)
To download
any file,
on the Psalm number and choose: “Save Link As ...” in Mozilla
or “Save Target as ...” in Microsoft Edge, and save it to
your desktop.
If you wish to listen
to the Book of Psalms in English, we highly recommend:

Other Free Audio
Files Available:

Totally Faithful to the Sacred
Deposit of Faith entrusted to the Holy See in
opera tua ... quia modicum habes virtutem, et servasti
verbum Meum, nec non negasti Nomen Meum”
know your works ... that you have but little power,
and yet you have kept My word, and have not denied My
(Apocalypse 3.8)
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Catholic Journal.