The Face
And the
Offspring of Vatican II

Look carefully at
this emblematic and monstrous vision of Vatican II in the
Pope Paul VI Audience Hall. It is, for want
of any other aesthetic description, demonic and blasphemous,
hideous and frightening — a sign of times to come — that
are now here.
60 Years After its
Defection from Catholicism
and its Conversion to the World
Hideous — is it not?
80 ton monstrosity (the largest battle tank weighs only 54
tons by comparison) by erotic modernist “sculptor” Pericle Fazzini (see
below) has loomed threateningly over papal audiences for nearly half
a century now — and no one, apparently has told the Vatican that it
scares the hell out of visitors. That it appears much more demonic than
divine seems of little consequence. Much has changed since 1977 — even
apart from the growing defection in the papacy and the episcopate from
what Holy Mother Church taught for 2000 years before — and subsequent
to — that most pernicious council.
It is increasingly
female and feminist, and with each passing year it grows more elderly,
gray, and disheveled. Its children — fewer and fewer every year — are
largely the children of the world, checking off the boxes branded on
their young minds by a perverse generation that has lost its Catholic
Faith and Identity: for Abortion (yes), Homosexuality (yes), Lesbianism
(yes), Transgenderism (yes), Gender Identity Choices (yes), Gender Re-assignment
(yes), Euthanasia (yes), Cremation (yes), Pre-Marital Sex (yes), Co-Habitation
(yes), “Social Justice” Issues (yes!) — the proper formation of a Catholic
Conscience (NO!), Chastity (NO!) Virginity until Marriage (NO!) Sanctity
(NO!), learning the most fundamental aspects of the Catholic Religion
into which they were summarily Baptized (NO!) the Priesthood (NO!),
Religious Life (NO!) — Missionary zeal and the conversion of sinners
and those who do not know Christ — which Francis (perhaps heretically)
calls “solemn nonsense.” (NO!) When they look about them at their fellow
“Catholics” and” Priests,” “Nuns,” and “Religious” — even the papacy
of Francis and the current Episcopacy (bishops and cardinals) — who
can blame them? The Faith is not even authentically lived out by the
highest prelates — and sadly enough by Francis himself who gives scandal
on a routine basis.
The Tormenting Question ...
There was, however,
an excruciating question in the mind of Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli (John
XXIII): a question never quite settled; and it was a question, a doubt,
that relentlessly tormented him: was the “inspiration” to convoke a
council, which he had experienced — divine or diabolical?
Very clearly, as we had noted, there was no dire necessity in 1962.
The Church was thriving in Her members, Her seminaries, in Her Religious
and Missionary Orders, and consequently in conversions to the Holy Catholic
Faith. Whatever manic episode, or turgid epiphany “inspired” Roncalli
to move beyond the excruciating doubt that afflicted him (that is to
say, as to whether the impetus that motivated him was divine or diabolical)
— by the Age of Aquarius, John XXIII, infatuated with the world, rashly
and needlessly convoked a Council to deal with a problem that did not
exist until he created it.
We invite you to view a vignette of the Holy Catholic Church as it really
was — and is no longer. The pictures indeed speak more than any words:
. And, while I think of it, Vatican II as the Model of the Failed Corporation:
We also invite you to return to the image at the top of this page —
to the time when the poisons called Modernism and Ecumenism
were first injected into the Body of Christ — and to behold a prophetic
vision of what it would become. It is frightening. All that is counterfeit
and ugly always is.
Some of Pericle Fazzini’s other Obscenities
2 History of the Council of Trent, by Cardinal Francesco Maria
Sforza Pallavicini, translated to Latin by Fr. Giattini, SJ (Antwerp,
Geoffrey K. Mondello
Boston Catholic Journal
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Faithful to the Sacred Deposit of Faith entrusted
to the Holy See in Rome
opera tua ... quia modicum habes virtutem, et servasti verbum
Meum, nec non negasti Nomen Meum”
know your works ... that you have but little power, and
yet you have kept My word, and have not denied My Name.”
(Apocalypse 3.8)
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