do We Go From Here?”

When Pope Francis Eradicates the Latin Mass
his rage against anyone and anything that stands in
the way of his ecumenical vision of a Church bleached of
its Catholicism, it is widely reported that Francis soon
plans to crush, once and for all time, what he
sees as the principal obstacle to this agenda: the Latin
Mass. It is, as he sees it, the last vestige, not simply
for the Catholic Church to become sufficiently
de-Catholicized (much in the way that the
Novus Ordo
“Mass of Paul VI” has been)
totally expunged.
The Latin Mass
alone cannot easily
be aligned with, nor be embraced by other “ecclesial
communities” that long ago, during the Protestant
Revolt, left the Church, finding her teachings and
worship abhorrent and hateful.
Francis, then, has
decided, to stamp it out! Every extant remnant that
could in some way, however remote, recall the life of
the Church as it existed before Vatican II is to be
remorselessly expurgated from living memory.
I had written about
this some time ago in another article (https://www.boston-catholic-journal.com/loss-of-language-and-other-paradigms-in-catholic-church.htm)
outlining the ecumenical need for the extinction of any
memory of the Catholic Church prior to Vatican II, much
in the way that North Korea implemented the “Three
Generations Solution” to eradicate any memory of what
life was like in North Korea prior to the Communist Kim
dynasty extending from Kim Il Sung in 1948 to present
day Kim Jong Un. By programmatically throttling the
transmission of culture from one generation to the next,
it succeeded — within three generations — in isolating
the last generation from any memory of the first. Only
the State remained.
In a similar manner,
Pope Francis is equally determined that only Vatican II
will remain, and nothing before it — and this most
especially pertains to the
Novus Ordo
“Mass of Paul VI.”
For this to happen,
the Latin Mass must go. It is the most monumental,
emblematic, and visible institution that is the sine
qua non of anything identifiable as uniquely
Catholic. And for this reason it is seen by Francis as
the most dangerous.
After 2000 years it
just will not go away by itself! It has survived
200 centuries of persecution, oppression, infiltration,
corruption, scandal, intrigue, pagan armies, heretics,
apostates, dictators, unworthy pontiffs, depraved
cardinals, craven bishops; every imaginable adversary —
and never folded.
There is a reason for this. And
this time will be no different.
Even if Francis closes
all the doors to all the Churches that celebrate the
Latin Mass, he does not (because he cannot)
abolish, let alone stop, the Mass of the Ages celebrated
in Latin as it has been celebrated without interruption
for nearly 2000 years. The Apostolic Constitution Quo
Primum of 1570 binds us
forever to the Mass as it was celebrated prior
to 1962. As the Church survived previous
disasters, it will survive Francis.
Master, the Steward, and the Keys
For a time, the Master
gave the Steward keep of the House, and even keys to the
doors, but what is written on the hearts of men is
etched more deeply and universally than the instructions
that came with the keys — instructions that the Steward,
in the Master’s absence, tossed away, seizing the House
and imagining it his own. There is a parable to this
effect, yes?
I will come to the
point: Francis cannot take your being Catholic
away from you. He can seize all the properties belonging
to the “Post-Catholic-Conciliar-Church” of Vatican II:
the buildings, the chattel, the real estate, the bank
accounts; in a word, everything tangible that is
the “property” of the Church. St. Athanasius spoke
poignantly of this in a deeply moving letter to his
flock during the Arian heresy (included below). Your
Traditional Catholic parish may be taken from you, yes.
But your
Traditional Catholic
Faith, together with the Latin language through
which it has ever been liturgically expressed,
and that treasury of countless
prayers, devotions, litanies, chants, hymns, classical
requiems, masses and motets in Latin — these beautiful and
sacred gifts that God Himself has nurtured within you
and which have become part of the fabric of western
culture itself — can never be taken from you by
any decree,
papal or otherwise
— simply because they may be
offensive to other “ecclesial communities”
outside the Catholic Church; communities in many
ways deeply antagonistic to the Church and what she
authentically teaches.
How would this be possible? Can the sacred love
in your heart that is inescapably bound up with your
being a traditional Catholic, be subject to law, interdiction,
suspension? Can it be abolished as ecumenically
Are you no longer a
in the eyes of the Post-Catholic-Conciliar-Church if the
word “Traditional” is prefixed to it, or is in some way
predicated of it?
We opened this article
with a question: “Where do We Go From Here?” that
is to say, when Pope Francis totally prohibits
the Latin Mass in parishes throughout the world.
This — unquestionably
— is the foremost question in the mind of virtually
every traditional Catholic throughout the world. “Where
do I go now?”
Questions that we must not blench from
Will we be able to attend
the Novus Ordo Mass at our local parish where it
appears to be understood as:
A Social
A Musical (“The
employment of the piano is forbidden in Church, as
is also that of noisy or frivolous instruments such
as drums, cymbals, bells, and the like.”
A Comedy (remember: at
the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass you are really
and truly present at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ
on Calvary. Would you really laugh ... and applaud?)
A Talent Show
A Liturgical
Laboratory and a linguistic exercise in evading
masculine nouns and pronouns, especially as they
pertain to God.
A simple Banquet
or Meal much as at Protestant gatherings,
devoid of the absolutely essential Sacrificial
nature of the Mass
A Diversity, Equity,
and Inclusion platform, an ecological platform, an
environmental platform, a platform for promoting
homosexuality, feminism, transgenderism, social and
racial activism, or for promoting what is, for the
moment, a secular agenda that has absolutely no
place in divine worship. That impedimenta is
left on the sidewalk outside the Church. It is not
of God. It is of the World (see Saint John 15.19 and
1 St. John 2.15).
Does your local Novus
Ordo parish have a “congenial atmosphere”
sterilized of the sacred but correctly “sensitive to”
the social and political toxins permeating the secular
world outside it; where music “ministers” provide
tinkling pianos before Mass much as we may hear in a
nightclub, together with “folk” music that no one
outside the Catholic Church has sung since 1970; where
the priest routinely leaves the Sanctuary to “engage his
audience” by homilizing in the aisle (often in a Q&A
format); where there is applause after Mass — and
even during Mass if something is particularly
cute; where there are more women by far around the
altar than men, and you feel privileged if you receive
Holy Communion from the consecrated hands of a priest
rather than from your neighbor’s
wife who is one of the many “Eucharistic Ministers,” and
where the Lectors are exclusively women — and now even
the acolytes (Francis’s
initiative). If you can overcome the sense of the
growing feminization of so many, many, roles around the
Altar, in front of it, beside it, and sometimes behind
it ... then perhaps your segue into the Novus Ordo
Mass of Paul VI will be painless. But I doubt it.
On the other hand, if you find yourself confronted with
the prospect of damaging, diminishing, or undermining
your Faith by participating in Novus Ordo Masses
that you find manifestly unworthy of God, corrosive to
your faith, and which present a danger to your immortal
soul, it would appear wise to worship somewhere that
your father’s
father — and his father’s
father — would recognize as the Catholic Mass of his
forbears ... as it was celebrated in the Catacombs
during that persecution of Catholics by other
As you see, I have no answer. You will answer
this question. I increasingly find myself moving across
a divide that I did not make, and do not relish.
That responsibility lies
with Francis alone.
I know my Shepherd
... and it is not Francis.
Geoffrey K.
Boston Catholic Journal
Pope St. Pius X 1903, Encyclical Tra le Sollecitudini:
Instruction on Sacred Music
Letter of St. Athanasius of
Alexandria to the Faithful:
“May God console you! ...What saddens you ...is the fact that others have
occupied the churches by violence, while during this time you are on the
outside. It is a fact that they have the premises-but you have the apostolic
Faith. They can occupy our churches, but they are outside the true Faith.
You remain outside the places of worship, but the Faith dwells within you.
Let us consider: what is more important, the place or the Faith? The true
Faith, obviously. Who has lost and who has won in this struggle-the one who
keeps the premises or the one who keeps the Faith?
True, the premises are good when the apostolic Faith is preached there; they
are holy if everything takes place there in a holy way ...You are the ones
who are happy: you who remain within the church by your faith, who hold
firmly to the foundations of the Faith which has come down to you from
apostolic Tradition. And if an execrable jealousy has tried to shake it on a
number of occasions, it has not succeeded. They are the ones who have broken
away from it in the present crisis.
No one, ever, will prevail against your faith, beloved brothers. And we
believe that God will give us our churches back some day.
Thus, the more violently they try to occupy the places of worship, the more
they separate themselves from the Church. They claim that they represent the
Church; but in reality, they are the ones who are expelling themselves from
it and going astray.
Even if Catholics faithful to Tradition are reduced to a handful, they are
the ones who are the true Church of Jesus Christ.
We remain because, as St. Peter once said to Our Blessed Lord at a
particularly challenging moment:
to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.’
(St. Jn. 6:69)”
That was in the year
373 A.D. — let us take it to heart now,
in 2024 — in the unimaginable realization that this
Letter pertains to us now, 1,561 years later.
Geoffrey K. Mondello
Boston Catholic Journal
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