there ...
“Necessary Evils”
and if so, can we co-operate with
(or, Turning a Blind
Eye to Evil — because the Authorities say it’s Okay)
Catechism of the
Catholic Church:
“One may not do evil so that good
may result from it.” (CCC 1761)
Vatican (Jorge and Friends):
are: “differing degrees of responsibility, of cooperation
in evil.”
Today, Jorge’s (Francis’s)
response to the growing concern of the vaccines’ use of stem cells from
human fetal tissue 2
is all the more barbaric and absurd: “why not take it?”
he casually asked.
That a third-grader
could answer this, understanding the context, borders not on absurdity
but insanity: “because an innocent baby was killed to get it!”
That Jorge is no theologian
is a given; but that he lacks the intellectual perspicacity of an 8-year-old
is truly astounding ... and frightening — because he then went on to
urge its universal use as an ethical imperative! Indeed, he went
so far as to demand that
must be done. ”
apart, could he have asked a more incredulous question given the many,
many, unanswered questions and unanticipated side-effects concerning
the proffered vaccine that has already killed some in the taking?
were we allowed by God and Holy Mother
Church to have
responsibility in evil, much less to “cooperate”
with evil in any way and to any degree?!
Saint Paul himself condemns this evil sophistry thus:
“we are slandered … as
some affirm that we say, “let us do evil, that there may come good.”
[and their] damnation is just.”
(Romans 3.8)
Kinda’ Dead
To say that “One may not do evil so that good may result from it” —
period! — in no way invokes, or even admits of, any specious notion
It is much like saying that the person
one killed is either dead — or is not. There is no middle way.
There are no “differing degrees” of death and being dead.
This is formally called “casuistry” — the use of sophistical reasoning,
the appeal to equivocal, deliberately abstruse, and overly-subtle principles
or reasoning to justify what is manifestly wrong — in this case, evil.
It is aptly described as “Jesuitical casuistry” (Jorge is a Jesuit)
— addressing moral issues not by appealing to indefeasible precepts,
but to isolated instances abstracted from any moral principles to the
end of either attenuating them or abrogating them altogether. In other
words, it is simply another tiresome iteration of the bankrupt notion
of “situation ethics”: there are no absolutes and no moral precept is
We are called in no uncertain terms
be good
— not evil. To
do good
— not evil. Always. Everywhere. At all times.
In fact, Christ tells us that we must be
even as His Heavenly Father is perfect. (Saint Matthew 5.48)
Christ never said that you are to be good
“only insofar as …”
— or that it is
“morally legitimate”
to be complicit in evil
a certain degree” as Francis maintains.
Neither has the Church ... only her increasingly
evil “princes”. That is the casuistry of
the World,
the Jesuits,
and the Evil One.
A few babies, we are told, were murdered 60 years ago — but somehow
“parts” of their tissues were … inadvertently, mind you … “kept”. Not
for “research”, you understand … they were just — somehow — conveniently
stored for no reason at all! What is more, they were “somehow” kept
in a viable state for over half a century — by “scientists”, “biologists”,
and “physicians”, no less! What a remarkable coincidence that they were
serendipitously “just found” — and quite suddenly and unexpectedly
became “useful”! We are amazed at this concatenation of totally unanticipated
and otherwise unrelated series of events! More amazing still is that
such evil does indeed have pedigree:
Unit 71 of
the Handbook on Moral Sophistry
Remarkably, it is not, however, important
now (you will soon see why I emphasize “now”) that a baby was killed
and its organs “harvested” — after all, the murder happened 60 years
ago — so it’s okay. As the years go by, we are to understand, culpability
is commensurably diminished with time until culpability no longer exists
— despite the parts remaining. Oh, yes, in the present case they are
only “little parts” — so that somehow makes the crime “little”, too.
The crime, we are implicitly given to understand, is only commensurable
to tissue size and weight. The mitral valve in your heart is small,
about a half-inch to just under an inch. According to this reasoning,
then, a lung that measures roughly 10 inches in height (or 20 times
larger than the mitral valve) is more vital (valuable) than a mitral
valve. After all, it is larger — and eo ipso more important! That one
can live without one lung for 80 years (like Jorge!) but cannot without
a mitral valve 1/20th its size for little more than five seconds, is
only of superficial significance. And stem cells are smaller still!
And what is more, they do not count as the products of murder ... since
it was committed 60 years ago!
As we had said earlier: these murders happened 60 years ago — so it’s
okay! If murder was committed yesterday, then, it is of far greater
gravity than had it been committed last year — and it diminishes in
gravity and culpability as the weeks, months, and years pass, until
it no longer attains to being murder at all. This is not juridical reasoning,
still less moral reasoning. In fact, there is no reasoning at all. It
simply falls under the auspices of liberal “policy” articulated in the
proposition that “abortion-is-not-understood-as-the-murder-of-a-baby-and-so-it’s-okay”
— the logically indefensible tenet of Planned Parenthood and the Democratic
Party at large.
Do not be shocked by the moral indifference of our scientific “caregivers”
— they are largely the product of other ghouls from earlier historical
nightmares: Unit 731
and Operation Paperclip.
American doctors, scientists, biologists and virologists, among
others, eagerly poured into those abattoirs to take notes on the Japanese
“experiments” before they could be destroyed — and even granted the
death-dealers immunity as a trade for their findings in the bodies subjected
to vivisection and every imaginable torture! Almost as frightening
as this, is that there is no existing record or account of pangs of
conscience from these ... academics. No moral outrage. Only sterile
scientific notes, and the picking of the bones of the dead.
“As the Instruction Dignitas Personae states, in cases where
cells from aborted foetuses are employed to create cell lines for
use in scientific research, ‘there exist differing degrees of
responsibility’ of cooperation in evil. For example, in
organisations where cell lines of illicit origin are being utilised,
the responsibility of those who make the decision to use them is not
the same as that of those who have no voice in such a decision…
“In this sense, when ethically irreproachable Covid-19 vaccines are
not available …it is morally acceptable to receive Covid-19 vaccines
that have used cell lines from aborted foetuses in their research
and production process.” As Vatican News reports, the CDF says the
reason for considering these vaccines morally licit is the “kind of
cooperation” in the evil of abortion, which is “remote” on the part
of those receiving the vaccine.
Geoffrey K. Mondello
Boston Catholic Journal
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Unit 731
the individuals in Japan after its 1945 surrender was Lieutenant
Colonel Murray Sanders, who arrived in Yokohama via the American
ship Sturgess in September 1945. Sanders was a highly regarded microbiologist
and a member of America's military center for biological weapons.
Sanders' duty was to investigate Japanese biological warfare activity.
At the time of his arrival in Japan, he had no knowledge of what
Unit 731 was.[69] Until Sanders finally threatened the Japanese
with bringing the Soviets into the picture, little information about
biological warfare was being shared with the Americans. The Japanese
wanted to avoid prosecution under the Soviet legal system, so, the
morning after he made his threat, Sanders received a manuscript
describing Japan's involvement in biological warfare.[104] Sanders
took this information to General Douglas MacArthur, who was the
Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers and responsible for rebuilding
Japan during the Allied occupations. MacArthur struck a deal with
Japanese informants:[105] he secretly granted immunity to the physicians
of Unit 731, including their leader, in exchange for providing America,
but not the other wartime allies, with their research on biological
warfare and data from human experimentation.[6] American occupation
authorities monitored the activities of former unit members, including
reading and censoring their mail.[106] The Americans believed that
the research data was valuable and did not want other nations, particularly
the Soviet Union, to acquire data on biological weapons.[107]
The Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal heard only one reference to Japanese
experiments with "poisonous serums" on Chinese civilians. This took
place in August 1946 and was instigated by David Sutton, assistant
to the Chinese prosecutor. The Japanese defense counsel argued that
the claim was vague and uncorroborated and it was dismissed by the
tribunal president, Sir William Webb, for lack of evidence. The
subject was not pursued further by Sutton, who was probably unaware
of Unit 731's activities. His reference to it at the trial is believed
to have been accidental. Later in 1981, one of the last surviving
members of the Tokyo Tribunal, Judge Röling, had expressed bitterness
in not being made aware of the suppression of evidence of Unit 731
and wrote, "It is a bitter experience for me to be informed now
that centrally ordered Japanese war criminality of the most disgusting
kind was kept secret from the court by the U.S. government.”[108]
While German physicians were brought to trial and had their crimes
publicized, the U.S. concealed information about Japanese biological
warfare experiments and secured immunity for the perpetrators
Operation Paperclip
Paperclip was a secret United States intelligence program in which
more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians were
taken from the former Nazi Germany to the U.S. for government employment
after the end of World War II in Europe, between 1945 and 1959.
Conducted by the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA), it
was largely carried out by special agents of the U.S. Army's Counterintelligence
Corps (CIC). Many of these personnel were former members and some
were former leaders of the Nazi Party.[1][2]
In February 1945, Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force
(SHAEF) set up T-Force, or Special Sections Subdivision, which grew
to over 2,000 personnel by June. T-Force examined 5,000 German targets
with a high priority on synthetic rubber and oil catalysts, new
designs in armored equipment, V-2 (rocket) weapons, jet and rocket
propelled aircraft, naval equipment, field radios, secret writing
chemicals, aero medicine research, gliders, and "scientific and
industrial personalities”.[3]

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opera tua ... quia modicum habes virtutem, et
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know your works ... that you have but little power,
and yet you have kept My word, and have not denied
My Name.”
(Apocalypse 3.8)
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