Are you prepared
to be
by God”
or Francis?
“Christians [note: not Catholics]
who say “it’s always been done that
way,” and stop there, have hearts closed
to the surprises of the Holy Spirit.
They are idolaters and rebels will never
arrive at the fullness of the truth ...
Obstinacy is also the sin of idolatry:
the Christian who is obstinate sins! The
sin of idolatry.” (Pope Francis 18 Jan
Who, we
are compelled to ask, is the real
and who the real
In other words, the Church,
then, has been obstinate and in darkness …
until the arrival of Francis
What does this
say of God?
What does it say of the last 265 popes who preceded Francis?
That they have all been obstinate and each of them idolaters?
From what he says, Francis alone is the one,
true, enlightened pope to whom God, after 2000 years, finally deigned
to reveal what Francis himself describes as “the fullness of truth”
about matters pastoral, theological, and doctrinal — which had
either eluded all his predecessors or from whom God chose to conceal the
real truth … until the inauguration of pope Francis.
is very much like the arguments that Catholics have ever brought
against Protestants since Martin Luther: would a supremely good and
loving God conceal the “real” truth about authentic Christian
doctrine and revelation (and all that is essential to salvation) for
1400 years until the arrival of Luther?
1400 years the Christian world, then, had lived in ignorance,
darkness, and idolatry. Is that our conception of a
supremely good and loving God — that He deceived all
those prior to Luther — and more to the present point, prior
to Francis? These two, in many ways, twin personalities,
consider themselves God’s unique emissaries to whom, for the first
time since Saint Peter … Christ has finally revealed
the real truth.
is a variation of another contemporary and chilling mantra:
“There is only one
God, and Francis (after Luther) is His prophet.”
before him were either deceived by God, or are liars
and idolaters. Given this apparently monumental ego we are forced to
ask, who is the real “idol” and who the “idolater”?
answer to each appears to be the same: Francis. Francis as the idol,
and Francis as the idolater adulating himself as God’s chosen
revealer of the truth — which had been withheld from all
saints and sinners ... until Francis came to Rome.
widely lauded (and widely publicized) “humility” appears to
only be exceeded by his own grandiose self-assessment as the
intrepid articulator of the new “more compassionate,” “less
judgmental,” “all-inclusive” Church — in which the only sin
is the “obstinate” adherence to what the Church has taught as indefeasibly true
for 2000 years.
us be very clear about this: where there is no judgment there
is no sin — which is to say, if nothing is evil, everything is
good; if every “life-style” is understood as “contributing its
own unique value” (however objectively abhorrent) to the Church,
…. then the “Church” becomes simply another noun,
another word, for the “World” …. and effectively indistinguishable
from it. The Corpus Christi becomes the Corpus Mundi
that is, the Church long understood as the Body of Christ
effectively becomes the body of the World, just another
iteration of it, a duplicate for which we have no need … in which
she has no purpose apart from it.
How, we ask, are we to reconcile this nouveau and all-inclusive Church envisioned
by Francis …. and which dangerously accords with the world — with
what Christ tells us concerning our relationship to the world: and I
“If you had been of
the world, the world would love its own: but because you are not of
the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the
world hates you.” (St. John 15.19)
are we to understand this all-inclusiveness which is the
charter of the contemporary world — with a very clear
admonishment to the contrary:
"Love not the world,
nor the things which are in the world. If any man love the world,
the love of the Father is not in him.” (1 Saint John 2.15).
Despite Francis’s effort to reconcile the two, they are
ontologically distinct and diametrically opposed. The proof?
Christ on the Cross.
What are we, then, to say of the “Old Wine Skin” and the “New”
Church? …. that is to say, of the Church before the devastation of
Vatican II and what John Paul II called the “Church of the New
Advent” in his 1972 Encyclical Redemptor Hominis,
subsequent to it?
turns out that the “old wineskin” — which for 200 years had been
understood to be Judaism — is now the historic Catholic Church!
deliberately refrain from calling it “traditional;” a
concept which has long been defamed and relegated to a
nonsensical connotation of “old” and “outdated” in
liberal circles both within the Church and outside of Her.
That is to say, for Francis it is the Church itself prior to
Francis that is the old wineskin. The old wineskin, the “old”
Church, preceded him. The “new” is in the making of
Francis’s image: the “being-surprised-by-God-Church.”
is a Church in which faithfulness to the teachings of Christ,
Sacred Scripture, and the 2000-year old Church is now understood as
… “obstinacy!” What is more, it is “idolatry” according
to Francis’s homily on January 18, 2016 at the Casa Santa Marta:
“Christians who
obstinately maintain ‘it’s always been done this way,’ this
is the path, this is the street—they sin: the sin of
divination. It’s as if they went about by guessing: ‘What has
been said and what doesn’t change is what’s important; what I
hear—from myself and my
closed heart — more than the Word of the Lord.’ Obstinacy is
also the sin of idolatry: the Christian who is obstinate sins! The
sin of idolatry. ‘And what is the way, Father?’ “Open the heart to
the Holy Spirit, discern what is the will of God.”
we, then, I ask …. clueless, and have we been so … for
two millennia? Do we not know the will of God
already? Did not Christ Himself reveal it to us? Was
this not the purpose of His Incarnation, together with His salvific
suffering and death on the Cross?
He did not reveal to us His will, which is one with the will of the
Father, then Holy Scripture is fraudulent. Do we not know
the Commandments? The Sermon on the Mount? The New Testament? Even
the Old?
Should we have to resort to “discerning the will of God”
in situations where His express will is already known …
as it is revealed in the four Gospels and in the Epistles?
we really have to “discern” the will of God concerning
adultery, homosexuality, the worthy reception of the Holy Eucharist
— all of them presently issues only because Francis
had made them so by his deliberate ambiguity where there is
nothing ambiguous about them in Scripture or Church teaching?
you really prepared to be “Surprised by God,” as Francis
should we more realistically say …. and with ample precedent
… “surprised by Francis?” He has a very clear, progressive, and
if we are honest, a repressive liberal agenda that is at odds
with millennia of Church teaching which he attempts to make
irrelevant, outdated, and out-of-touch, in an effort to feed an
apparently narcissistic hunger for adulation from a pontiff and
cardinals — by attempting to accommodate Church teaching to
the corrupt and scandalous demands of the world?
Will they go so far as to enervate … to efface and blot out these
sacred things in an effort to establish a détente with the world …
and other religions? We do not know, but the indicators are ominous
for the Church as She has stood for 2000 years.
That Francis has so much as entertained and even encouraged discussion
about long-settled issues concerning homosexuality, adultery,
divorce, and the Eucharist as the signal bond of unity in the
Church, is a scandal of epic proportions to the faithful and is
cause of incalculable confusion in the Church.
confusion … we must remember … is a cloven
print in the already scorched earth following the Second Vatican
Council, and the ineluctable prelude to division, instigated
by infidelity at the highest echelons of the Church , and which is
the second cloven print that now desecrates the Sanctuary.
Geoffrey K. Mondello
Boston Catholic Journal
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