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Boston Catholic Journal - Critical Catholic Commentary in the Twilight of Reason



Contra Fide!


How many years have we been brainwashed by the media, manipulated by various health programmes, informing us that the increasing family of man is, has, or could grow beyond that which our planet may be able to sustain?

How arrogant and how blind we are.

Do we not trust and believe that God will provide? ... for all things, in all seasons, at all times.

How much energy, time, resources, capital is being spent on preventing conception, or failing that, eliminating birth because it does not fit into our scheme of things at the moment, in this place, at this time blind we are! How lacking in trust! Deus providebit! God provides, and all existence in His hands ... not ours.

Population Control?

God is the only one who may control population, were He to will it ... not man.

Again we hear, see the tragic news of yet another agonizing disaster, this time in Pakistan — in a few moments of time, 20,000 people have breathed their last upon this earth.

How deep will our pride and arrogance yet grow that in our folly we think we can manage the universe, that human programmes, political schemes, social engineering, can possibly turn aside the will of God. Oh, yes, it can contend with it, and we have all seen, experienced, the evil that follows when man sets his mind against the will of God ... when man, and not God, determines who is fit to live, and who to die – and in what manner, in what measure. We saw it 60 years ago. We see it today.

And we have learned nothing.

The perpetual cycle of life and death is something none of us can engineer or escape. We can abbreviate life. We can even prolong it to a point, but we still cannot create it, nor have we the right to destroy what is not of our creation. Do not deceive yourselves that you create life! You cooperate with God and He gives life — or you snuff it out. You can only destroy, not create. But you can nourish what He has created through you, through others – just as you can allow it to wither and die.

We are ... so many of us ... liars and impostors, and if we look at ourselves honestly, our philosophy is that of the cult of selfishness, the self as the axis of the universe.

It has ever been the madness or folly of men to make themselves gods. Caesars of Rome, or Chairwomen of Planned Parenthood — the title, the venue, the corporate body changes, but not the madness endemic to it, or the evil that ever follows mans apotheosis of himself.

How manipulative we are in the lives of those around us, in subtle and in less than subtle ways — promoting control and disposal of life, whether on a natural or a spiritual level.

A Therapeutic Approach ...

Controlling population? How euphemistic! “Controlling it” sounds so much better, is less stinging to the conscience, than the reality of killing it. How clinical we have become in our approach to death (at least the death of others), how “therapeutic” our approach to the helpless or those we deem hopeless, through abortion on the one hand and "assisted" euthanasia on the other — that failing, we always have recourse to drugs and bombs — whatever it takes ... to take life. As long as it is not our own.

With the increasing secularization of society, we have attempted to make the City of Man by fleeing the City of God: and we have found that it is a necropolis, a city of the dead  —  those dead to their own conscience, to the laws of nature and God etched in the very fabric of the universe, to the cry of the unborn on the one hand and the dying on the other. And in our innermost being, we ourselves have become insensate, numb, dead long before we die.

Not satisfied with bringing putrefaction to nature, we allow the cadaverine to leech into the charade of our spiritual lives.

Contraceptive to the last, we ever seek to hinder another from so much as finding life in God. With what rancor and righteousness we stamp out religion in our midst!

And rightly so!


The Necropolis of Man

Religion — the call to life — has no place in a culture of culture of death, in the Necropolis of Man. This spiritual contraception is by far the deadliest purulence from the cadaver we hold up to the world to be the model of Man.

These times are a call to prayer, a call to generosity beyond our means, a call to deeply examine our own hearts, to authentically, even witheringly, examine our values and see how compatible they really are with those of Christ ...whom we presume to follow.

Do not cast the blame upon God for the disasters that we now are experiencing; they are largely attributable to the folly and avarice of men, to the mindless exploitation and abuse of our planet, and above all, to the obstinate refusal to submit ourselves to the laws of God.

Let us pray for all those called beyond the veil of this world, but it is far more important to pray for the living ... that we may read the signs of the time in God and not outside Him, for there is much to be read, and much to be repented of by the human heart.


Boston Catholic Journal

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I know your works ... that you have but little power, and yet you have kept My word, and have not denied My Name. (Apocalypse 3.8)


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