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Boston Catholic Journal - Critical Catholic Commentary in the Twilight of Reason



The Crucifixion of Christianity in Islam

“On the American battleships, the musicians on board were ordered to play as loudly as they could to drown out the screams of the pleading [Christian] swimmers.  The English poured boiling water down on the unfortunates who reached their vessel ...”


The jihadis shouted: Convert to Islam, or you will be crucified like Jesus,
Youssef said with a shaky voice in his daughter
s al-Qassaa apartment.1

He was a Christian walking in a Muslim enclave, carrying wood to sell. In these tense days, that is enough reason to die in the Central African Republic. A Muslim mob confronted Pumandele, 23, on a side street and pushed him around. Then, they threw him into a ditch. At least one man stabbed him before his throat was slit. ...The Muslims did this,” one of his relatives screamed. “They cut his neck like a cow. They are going to kill all of us.”

For some much needed perspective, let us go back a mere 90 years to the week of September 13, 1920, when:

“... the persecution of Christians culminated in their final expulsion  from the newly founded Republic of Turkey in the early 1920s [and] churches [were] demolished or converted into mosques, and the communities that used to worship in them [were] dispersed or dead. The burning of Smyrna and the massacre and scattering of its 300,000 Christian inhabitants is one of the great crimes of all times. It marked the end of the Greek civilization on Asia Minor. ... Sporadic killings of Christians, mostly Armenians, started immediately after the Turks conquered it on September 9, 1922 and within days escalated to mass slaughter ... Greek Orthodox Metropolitan Chrysostomos remained with his flock. ... The Muslim mob fell upon him, uprooted his eyes and, as he was bleeding, dragged him by his beard through the streets of the Turkish quarter, beating and kicking him. Every now and then, when he had the strength to do so, he would raise his right hand and bless his persecutors, repeating, “Father, forgive them.” A Turk got so furious at this gesture that he cut off the metropolitan's hand with his sword. He fell to the ground and was hacked to pieces by the angry mob.

The carnage culminated in the burning of Smyrna ... The remaining inhabitants were trapped at the seafront, from which there was no escaping the flames on one side, or Turkish bayonets on the other ... English, American, Italian, and French ships were indeed anchored in Smyrna's harbor. Ordered to maintain neutrality, they would or could do nothing for the 200,000 desperate Christians on the quay ... occasionally, a person would swim from the dock to one of the anchored ships and tried to climb the ropes and chains, only to be driven off. On the American battleships, the musicians on board were ordered to play as loudly as they could to drown out the screams of the pleading swimmers. The English poured boiling water down on the unfortunates who reached their vessel ... that was the end of Christianity in Asia Minor.” 1

The great “Christian” nations of that time: America, England, France, and Italy — fully able to prevent this atrocity that claimed the lives of over one quarter million innocent Christians — were not only witness to it, but by their carefully calculated political neutrality were complicit in it.  In that fearful and unmitigated slaughter of Christians by Muslim Turks in 1920, not only had Christianity ceased to be in Asia Minor, but it had ceased as a religious and moral conscience in the West. Political expedience trumped ... and trampled ... the very fabric of Western culture that had been woven by Christianity for 2000 years. For short-sighted political gain it forfeited — and repudiated — the very patrimony from which it sprung in the false belief that placating Islam redounded to the benefit of the West. After nearly 20 years of unrelenting war in Muslim countries (remember ... to purportedly defend Muslim “civilians” against fellow Muslim “militants” — not to defend helpless third-class Christians deprived of nearly all rights against Muslims and absolutely intolerant Islamic courts and states) ... that continues to this day, we have come to understand that we cannot placate Islam, nor, sadly, appear able to peacefully co-exist with it.

We have come to understand — but we have learned nothing.

Like children, we deliberately close our eyes and pretend that what is happening is not happening and that our pretension will magically culminate in reality. It will not. Our brothers and sisters living under the menace of Islam know this painfully — and if those who continue to propagate the illusion that Islam is compatible with Christianity (despite what Muslim clerics, courts and states maintain to the contrary) or that it is benign toward the values — especially the secular values — they most cherish in the West, then they justly deserve, by their indifference, to live under a Caliphate ... instead of under Christ.

Boston Catholic Journal



Boston Catholic Journal

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Scio opera tua ... quia modicum habes virtutem, et servasti verbum Meum, nec non negasti Nomen Meum 
I know your works ... that you have but little power, and yet you have kept My word, and have not denied My Name. (Apocalypse 3.8)


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