Vatican II and the Corrupt
Papacy of Francis: Extinguishing the Light of 2000 Years

What does it take?
Why do so few dare utter the obvious — the indisputable realization
that Francis is recreant: an apostate; that his foremost agenda is nothing
less than destroying the Catholic Church as it had been known and recognized
for 2000 years prior to not just to his own papacy, but to Vatican II
— of which he is preeminently the pathological product — and the most
vociferous advocate?
Few — critics and supporters alike — understand his agendum as anything
Despite everything he says and does, people insist that he is doing
something other, something less — even when he himself states that:
“The Second Vatican Council, the 1962-1965 meetings that brought the
church into the modern world, had promised such an opening to people
of other faiths and non-believers, but ... the church hadn’t made progress
since then” and that in light of his predecessors’ failure to deliver
on the factitious Ecumenism promised... “I have the humility and
ambition to do so”. 1
That this is an oxymoron apparently escapes Francis — never a student
or adherent of logic — more than emphasizes Francis’s limitation to
prosaic rhetoric. The tone — to say nothing of the intention — is absolutely
clear: rapprochement with “the world” and pantheistic ecumenism that
extends no less to the heretic Luther than to American aboriginal tribes:
all worship the same god: Gitche Manitou no less than Allah
— for each is a merely a cultural iteration of the one same divinity
that all equally serve and worship ... even while Gitche Manitou
deems Catholicism demonic and Allah continues to reap with the
sword, holding Catholics to be idolaters. Quite a unilateral ecumenical
feat … Francis smiles, offers a few grains of incense and a Pantheon
of gods is established despite the incessant internecine war — to say
nothing of the logical absurdity.
Beyond Plausible Deniability
Who can deny it? Indeed, how many approve of it — especially
in the episcopacy — and encourage it, both inside Holy Mother Church
and, of course, outside Her. They clamor for the world, its perversity,
its immorality, its freedom from any inhibitions, prohibitions, and
all restrictions — that is to say, anything normative and proscriptive.
In other words, they aspire to perfect freedom and latitude in all things
— an aspiration that eo ipso precludes God. It is a matter far beyond
recourse to any credible notion of plausible deniability, for the clarity
of disaffection is striking, manifest, and unmistakable.
The Grayscale, and Moral Saturation
It is a world where nothing is intrinsically and indefeasibly
good and nothing intrinsically and indefeasibly evil. It is, as Francis
describes the moral terrain, fundamentally grayscale: it does not attain
to either black or white but merely fluctuates in saturation without
moral absolutes. It is essentially a sliding gamma scale whose slider
can move in one direction only: to ever diminishing saturation that
eventually culminates in the absence of distinction and discernability
altogether — at which point we can make no pronouncement because there
is nothing to pronounce. It is the impetus to moral relativity, and
eventually to moral collapse. Nihil bonum et nihil malum est.2
Logically, of course, this precludes any coherent conception of God
— a Being Who has decided demands, determinate laws, an invincible propensity
for ONLY what is good and an absolute and unequivocal demand for it.
The two … let us say “propensities” … therefore, are incompatible and
irreconcilable. It is called the Law of the Excluded Middle in Logic.
One cannot have something and at one and the same time the negation
of it. One cannot have God and turpitude, good that is concurrently
evil. Of course the two exist — but as contrarieties, not as moral and
metaphysical equivalents.
Instead of providing a breastwork against this doctrine that is alien
to Catholicism, Francis urges it further, and the further it is prompted
the more inconsistent it becomes, the less recognizable as something
distinct from a thousand other “iterations” of “Christianity” equally
claiming plausibility upon the most tenuous and most often absurd credentials.
The corrupt papacy of Francis, coupled with — and as a result of — the
horrific consequences of Vatican II has made the new “Church of Accompaniment
in Sin and a God of Surprises” a simulacrum and nothing more: a
poorly contrived counterfeit at best.
Expunging 2000 Years … in 5
“Make a Mess”, Francis “devilishly” proclaimed. He has succeeded
beyond any pathological fiction he could have possibly conjured:
In a short five years he has either contorted, disfigured or dismantled
the Catholic Church purchased with the Blood of Christ and sealed with
the blood of the Martyrs. He has brought the Catholic Church of over
2000 years to unimaginable turpitude and inconceivable scandal. It is
barely recognizable as Catholic in any sense that corresponds to an
ecclesiastical identity manifest in the two millenia before the breach
that occurred with the Second Vatican Council. No longer steeped in
holiness (and with a pronounced and growing aversion to it) — but in
perversion and perversity of the most execrable kind, it is the consummation
of homosexual inbreeding among cardinals, bishops, priests, and very
likely even a pope. Homosexual predators ordained homosexual priests
and barred men who were not homosexual. These predator priests became
homosexual predator bishops, who in turn nominated other bishops, who
then became homosexual criminal cardinals. Every “boy” took care of
and covered, his “boy” until the possession was nearly complete. It
took nearly 60 years of unremitting and totally dedicated work by the
Pink Collar Club — but it brought the Church to Her knees and perhaps
the brink of schism.
Possession of the most Demonic Kind
Nothing short of a total exorcism of this filth from the
seminaries, parishes, chanceries, and monasteries will suffice. Collars
must be torn off. Bishops and Cardinals must be laicized and evicted
in laymen’s clothing to the curbs of their luxurious offices and remanded
to state authorities for investigation. “The Church of Accompaniment”
is in too much complicity to entrust it with this absolutely necessary
Face it and own up to it, whether you are a cardinal, bishop, priest,
friar, monk, sister, nun — and especially a lay person. You trusted
to a fault and despite your own deep and justifiable misgivings that
would not go away … looked the other way instead.
The fault is yours. And it is mine. We did not have the courage to question
and demand answers when our children, our young men, fell victim to
this widespread and indescribably horrible predation in the holiest
of places. We wanted to believe otherwise. And so we did.
We got Francis because we deserve Francis — an uncouth, vulgar, vindictive,
and mentally incompetent man who was “nominated” through a conspiratorial
tour de force into the seat of Peter by men (members of the notorious
St. Gallen Group, a.k.a. the self-proclaimed “St. Gallen Mafia” ) unworthy
of their collars and birettas, men who conspired to make a simpleton
a king — and when the simpleton turned vicious and unpredictable, they
too became too fearful to contradict him. They had too much to lose.
And so do we. Even the little we have left will be taken away.
Please God that we can recover a remnant, a mere thread of the beautiful
holiness that was the Church before the Second Vatican Council — and
the papacy of Francis — the man who may have already overthrown the
Catholic Church of 2000 years in a mere five.
Despite him and despite us, Holy Mother Church will endure and prevail.
It may take years … perhaps centuries. But Christ Himself promised us
no less.
“Caelum et terra transibunt, verba autem Mea non praeteribunt.”
(St. Matthew 24.35)
2 Nothing is good and nothing is bad.
K. Mondello
Boston Catholic Journal
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know your works ... that you have but little power, and
yet you have kept My word, and have not denied My Name.”
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