The Formula for Happiness —
according to Francis:
1. “Live and let live.” 2. “Be giving of yourself to others.” 3. “Proceed calmly” in life. 4. Have “a healthy sense of leisure.”
5. “Sundays should be holidays. 6. “Create dignified jobs for young people.” 7. “Respect and take care of nature.” 8. “Stop being negative.” 9. “Respect others’ beliefs.” 10. “Work for peace.” |
You are not experiencing cognitive dissonance.
For the head of the Roman Catholic Church of over 1 billion souls, the fulfillment of these 10 “steps” constitutes happiness. Contrary to what the Church has taught from its inception over 2000 years ago, for Francis, apparently, God is not man’s happiness. In fact, He is not even alluded to.
“And no
religion, too”
Does it sound familiar?
“Why, now that you mention it!” It is an enervated reiteration
of the lyrics of the Beatles’ John Lennon’s song “Imagine”.
You can find the lyrics
. It is, arguably, the anthem of post-Christian man
different, yes? … I mean, from anything that you may have once learned
(or heard rumor of) from that “outdated” Baltimore Catechism
that put things in clear and unambiguous perspective, distinctly Catholic,
Scriptural, Patristic, and relevant. Here, let us help you. Below
are three questions concerning happiness, its nature and the means of
its attainment that vastly differ from what Francis would
have us believe to the contrary.
Answer: God made us to show forth His goodness and to share with us His everlasting happiness in Heaven.
Answer: To gain the happiness of Heaven we must know, love, and serve God in this world.
Answer: God made me to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world, and to be happy with Him forever in Heaven. |
If you wonder
to whom you should defer, we would suggest that tens of thousands of
Saints stand as testimony — so often indited in the blood of martyrdom
— that happiness is to be found in God alone — to the
tedious meanderings of one man in the Church who appears to find happiness
elsewhere than God — when he ought not, nor encourage others to.
Do we maintain that Pope Francis does not hold that authentic
happiness is to be found in God alone? Ten years after this scandalous
statement, it increasingly appears to be the case. Each successive year
we have found Francis promoting, not so much the authentic Catholic
Faith (which is his job description), as what increasingly appears
to be an an ideology, one rooted in contemporary secular
“values” that derive from and are promoted by a society hostile to God
— values not simply distinct from the Gospels that the Church has consistently
proclaimed and defended for over two millennia, but more alarming still,
opposed to them, especially in the way of sexual ethics and what can
only be construed as pan-ecumenism.
Francis, of course, has made many (very many) absurd and heterodox statements since then — and perhaps that is why we find such utterances so consistently troubling. More and more he appears to be what one close military officer describes as “a loose canon.”
He does not appear to be on a trajectory vectored at arriving at the Gospels anymore so now than he was ten years ago. And given his Petrine office, this continues to be deeply troubling indeed.
Geoffrey K. Mondello
Boston Catholic Journal
Comments? Write us: editor@boston-catholic-journal.com
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Meum, nec non negasti Nomen Meum”
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