Giovanni di Fidanza ...
Why Our Children do not
Love God
we ask,
our children love God?”
They do not love God for
the same reason that they
do not love
Much to the point.
How can your children —
or you — possibly love
Giovanni Fidanza?
You have no idea who he
is! How can you love someone
you do not know? You cannot.
Moreover, whoever this Giovanni
Fidanza is, why should we
take the time to know him
so that, perhaps, knowing
something about him,
we may come to love
In some way it must benefit
us to know who he is; there
must be something advantageous
to us in our having some
acquaintance with him. In
some way it must redound
to our good. After all,
that is why we choose to
know anything at all ...
right? Whatever it may be,
we deem our knowing
it as somehow good for us,
useful to us — in a word,
we benefit from knowing
The problem, however, is
that we do not know Giovanni
Fidanza — and not knowing
him we cannot possibly see
how our acquaintance with
him could in any way be
beneficial to us. No one
has told us about him. Whoever
he is, those who know
of him must first hold him
in great esteem in order
to be motivated
to tell us about him — they
may even love him — this
mysterious person of whom
we know nothing.
In fact, it is one of the
quirks of the human psyche
that we wish others to love
whom we ourselves love.
We tell others about whom,
or what, we love — there
is something akin to a compulsion
in it. We have found something
wonderful and we absolutely
love it! So great a good
is it, that we wish others
to share in it as well —
at the very least those
whom we love. Most especially
your children.
If you love Giovanni
Fidanza, it is almost certain
that your children will,
too. They will know who
he is precisely because
you love him, and after
your telling them why
you love him, they themselves
will, presumably, come to
love him as well.
But, perhaps you are not
a great lover. Perhaps you
are tepid. You know him,
and love him — abstractly
— but, to your credit, you
nevertheless recognize that
it is a great good to know
Giovanni. But, really, you
love little, and consequently
you are not motivated much.
You entrust your children
to Giovanni's acquaintance
through others, presuming
that others will speak of
him where you do not.
The problem is
that your children
will not listen to others
as they will listen to
you (despite your
protestations to the contrary).
In a sense, perhaps in a
very profound sense, they
will find Giovanni in you,
see something of his face
in you, in your great love
for him. Love is like that.
It communicates the beloved.
And so it is with God.
is also why your children
do not love God
They are not to blame. They
do not know Him — because
you do not speak of Him
— so how can they possibly
love Him Whom they do not
Your children will know
God just as you
love God — much or little.
If you want your children
to love God,
introduce them!
They will get on splendidly.
It will make them happy.
It will make God happy.
It will even make Giovanni
Oh, yes ... Giovanni ...
You know him as Saint
Bonaventure, the Franciscan
“Seraphic Doctor,” contemporary
and friend of St. Thomas
Aquinas and King
St. Louis of France.
His name is actually an
utterance from the lips
of St. Francis himself who,
praying over the sick child
Giovanni, foresaw his tremendous
stature in the Church and
exclaimed, “O, Buona
Ventura!” — “O, Good
Greater fortune still, those
who behold the greatness
and goodness of God — and
in knowing Him, invincibly
love Him — and introduce
Him to all they know ...
who have no acquaintance
with Him.
Geoffrey K. Mondello
Boston Catholic Journal
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Totally Faithful
to the Sacred
Deposit of Faith
entrusted to the
Holy See in Rome
opera tua ... quia
modicum habes virtutem,
et servasti verbum
Meum, nec non negasti
Nomen Meum”
know your works
... that you have
but little power,
and yet you have
kept My word, and
have not denied
My Name.”
(Apocalypse 3.8)
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