Song of the
Empty Vestibule
child, my little one
you ask, Who are the blind, and who are the seeing?
The blind walk as the blind.
It is the
seeing who walk as those who are blind who are so much
in need — no, do not be hasty, my child — not of your judgment,
for judgment is Mine alone, I see in truth for I behold the heart;
you see much in error, for you grasp appearances only, and are so
easily deceived — no, little one, do not judge. Pray!”
I will do
as you ask, Lord ... but who are they of whom you speak; those whom
you say see, yet walk as blind men?
you stay with me one hour?”
know all things, Lord. You know that I love you.
You know I will stay.
“Then heed
what I say. There is much blindness in the world, and not all are
equally blind. Many, so many, have learned blindness,
some have become blind because they are weary; some have lost faith.
Those who have learned have been taught, and those who
teach have taught through example. It is they who have
taught the seeing to walk as the blind, and they are two:
parents and, so very grievously ... my priests.
By their
example have many been led astray; they are become blind
even as they believe themselves to see. For all their words, and
their Profession of Faith, it is by their behavior that
they teach, it is from their behavior that blindness is learned.
They are become a contradiction and do not realize how clearly this
is observed, for in enacting this contradiction, they teach blindness
through it. It is the blindness that denies on the one hand what
it affirms on the other.
Their faith
affirms my Real Presence, and so they teach with their tongue; but
their actions deny what they affirm; professing the real,
they are indifferent to it or perfunctory before it. It is encroaching
blindness; the darkness is not complete, but they are indifferent
to the diminishing light. It is the twilight of disbelief.”
My head is
not very good at this, Lord. Be plainer with me still. But first,
my God, may I tell you what troubles me most ... hurts me the most?
“Is not My
ear ever inclined unto you?”
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Totally Faithful to the Sacred
Deposit of Faith entrusted to the Holy See in
opera tua ... quia modicum habes virtutem, et servasti
verbum Meum, nec non negasti Nomen Meum”
know your works ... that you have but little power,
and yet you have kept My word, and have not denied My
(Apocalypse 3.8)
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