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Boston Catholic Journal - Critical Catholic Commentary in the Twilight of Reason



“Jesus Wept”

Mingling our Tears in Union with Christ


In Saint John’s Gospel we read that, seeing the grief of Mary on the occasion of the death of her brother Lazarus, Jesus wept ... Those that stood by, said,

See how He loved him ...

In the Gospel of Saint Luke we read:
If thou also hadst known, and that in this thy day, the things that are to thy peace; but now they are hidden from thy eyes!1

In the first example we have the death of the man Lazarus, and in the second the ‘death’, the dying, and spiritual decay of the city of Jerusalem — and in both cases, Jesus wept ...

From the time of its conquest by David in the tenth century BC, Jerusalem had been the heart of national unity. The very name Jerusalem, meant city of peace, wholeness, prosperity and blessing. It had become the dwelling place of God.

In the time of Jesus Herod the Great had endowed it with magnificent buildings, numerous residences and of course the new temple. It was the very heart and centre of religious worship.

And yet the city of peace had become full of corruption, contention, faction, fragmentation, extortion, hypocrisy and all manner of human sinfulness. Jerusalem wore the outward gown of beauty but within was full of dead men's bones.

Tears belong to this earthly sojourn, they are bound to human suffering and caused by sinfulness and death. We seek peace, but we will only ever attain peace, that state of wholeness — in Jesus Christ. The only peace we will ever truly know is that which Jesus gives, which the world and the worldly will never receive.

No matter how we may strive, no matter how hard we may try to obliterate tears, both our own and those of others, we will never succeed. We must offer our tears to God and all the pain contained within them, uniting them to Jesus suffering upon the Cross for the salvation of the world.

The tears of Jesus give us courage, they reveal the beautiful humanity He chose to take on Himself for our sake.

We walk it is true through a valley of tears, but let us look beyond to the New Jerusalem, placing our minds and hearts on eternity, trusting and believing in Gods promises, for at its longest this life is very, very short ...

Let us look to Our Mother, the New Jerusalem where:

He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, There shall be no more death or mourning, crying or pain,
 for the world that was has passed away. The one seated on the throne said,
Behold I make all things new!” (Apocalypse 21.4)


1  St. Luke 19.42


A Poor Clare Colettine Nun
for the Boston Catholic Journal

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