The Vatican, Pope
and the
“Light Show”
... minus “the Light”
(Jesus Christ)

“from some
fissure the smoke of Satan has entered into the temple of God”
Paul VI
June 29, 1972,
It would frighten any child. It should
frighten all adult Catholics.
The following
are pictures from the presentation,
authorized by Pope Francis and the Vatican to conclude —
as the finale — the celebration for the Year of Mercy
(combined with Pope Francis's Environmental Encyclical
Laudato si.
Archbishop Rino Fisichella, the president
of the Pontifical Council for the “New”
Evangelization (rather than the “old”
that emphasized Christ ... ) described the event as:
“unique for its genre and
for the fact that it is being displayed for the first time on
such a significant backdrop.
These illuminations will present images inspired of Mercy, of
humanity, of the natural world, and of climate changes.”
Look below,
and tell us where you find any images of “inspired of Mercy”.
Most likely they will offend you as verging
on sacrilege; they will challenge your imagination in any attempt to
accommodate these images with God and Holy Mother Church.
Note that there is not one single
sacred image: not of Christ, of His Holy Mother Mary, or of
anything remotely tangential to Christianity

Is this a subliminal commentary on the
Twin Towers as the “consequence” of “sinful
capitalism”, “climate change”, and ... “payback”?
music could be from a horror movie, and the images and sounds are deeply
unsettling, even frightening. If these are images and sounds of
Mercy — I politely refuse the offer.
To add blasphemy to injury, this “presentation” was on the Feast
of the Immaculate Conception!
Beasts. Growls. Grunting. Aborigines. Almost a collage of scenes from
Hell — especially the sounds.
I am ashamed of this ... even humiliated ...
Not one Image of Jesus or Mary ... or of the Church — and
anything remotely related to it!
But everything else
conceivable (and frightening) is spattered
across the Vatican!
I have no words to describe my shame as a Catholic. What a message to
the world! “It’s not CHRIST, stupid ... it’s
And this irreverent farce of techno-genius was the finale
of the opening celebration for the Year of Mercy declared
by Pope Francis? Scandalous!
From all appearances, we will soon be worshipping at the zoo.
It was, in a single word, demonic.
Francis is either mad or evil. Perhaps ... indeed, in all likelihood
... he is both. He has clearly made Saint Peter’s Basilica the backdrop
of irreverence, irrelevance, and paganism — which, to think of it ...
makes it the poster and gallery of his papacy.
Boston Catholic Journal
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Totally Faithful to the Sacred
Deposit of Faith entrusted to the Holy See in Rome
opera tua ... quia modicum habes virtutem, et servasti verbum
Meum, nec non negasti Nomen Meum”
know your works ... that you have but little power, and
yet you have kept My word, and have not denied My Name.”
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