Part 2
Selling Our Mother into
the devil led him into a high mountain, and showed Him
all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time; And
he said to Him: To Thee will I give all this power,
and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered,
and to
whom I will, I give them.
(St. Luke 4.5-6)
from Part 1)
The Proliferation of
in the Catholic Church Today
of us are beyond these temptations,
but note well that now, as in the beginning, the evil one again
tempts the woman,
mother of all the living1
but this time he tempts the woman as Holy Mother the Church, the
Mother of all who live in Christ ...
That father of all misery and lies appears
to be consistent in his choices and uses the methodology that worked
so well and to so disastrous an end in the beginning. He seeks
to seduce the Woman. But this time there is a twist. The first woman
sold herself into sin to the desolation of her children. The second
Woman, Holy Mother Church is sold into sin by her children, into
desolation by those whom she bore and nourished and who sell her
into prostitution that they may benefit from her. There
is no polite word, no adequate euphemism, for this betrayal of the
Mother by the children. It is vile.
This is a time for repentance, a time for vigilance and prayer.
As in the beginning, no one is beyond the devils malicious jealousy
and implacable anger ... how many bishops and priests, religious
and laity, have been lured away from the zeal of first conversion
with its lofty ideals, its gleaming exemplars in the lives of the
Saints ...into ennui and mediocrity, by the blandishments of the
spirit of this world from which they were first called away and
to which now they return, as St. Peter tells us, as
to their own vomit, as sows returning, after having been washed,
to wallow again in the mire.
Not a very polite assessment, to be sure. St. Peter was seldom tactful.
How many of our bishops to say nothing of our priests and Religious,
our euphorically "empowered" laity lack
this holy tactlessness! How many are seduced and influenced by ...
how many so utterly infatuated with acquiring and exercising power
in the Church!
How eager they are to seduce their own Mother that they may profit
from her shame, and once surfeit with power, how readily they would
sell Her into prostitution for profit! Having acquired power in
Her and through Her, they now use Her
to their own evil and selfish ends and make a wage for themselves,
and a living to boot! Brood of bastards, they plunder the inheritance
of the children and subdue them lest their power and profit fall
to the heirs. This is the genealogy of power. It is the genesis
of sin.
Power as Petty
All too often within our churches, so-called
(and they are numberless ...) have proliferated to the point of
meaninglessness. Unable to acquire the perceived
of the Ministerial Priesthood, and indoctrinated with the notion
of ecumenism at the cost of genuine Catholic identity, the more
elements in the Church sought to participate in to acquire the
intrinsic to the priesthood through bifurcating what is
to the priesthood, from the priesthood and making a parallel power
of it. In so doing, in collaboration with equally
theologians and priests they relegated the priest to a truncated
conception of the priesthood, usurping what is
of the priesthood to newly
The result is a conflation of identities confusing to the faithful:
priests as eager to relinquish the responsibilities of the ministerial
dimension of their priesthood and laity as eager to acquire this
relinquished "power" of
because it is in nature sacerdotal, albeit pseudo-sacerdotal
and an acquisition of sacerdotal power.
This ancient grasping for power, especially priestly power, goes
back as far as Israels wandering in the wilderness where 250 of
men of the Synagogue
confronted Moses and Aaron in their indignation, protesting that,
...all the
congregation are holy, every one of them,
and the Lord is among them; why then do you exalt yourselves
above the assembly of the Lord?
Upon which Moses replied,
have gone too far! ... would you seek the priesthood
it is against the Lord that you and your company have
gathered together.
Even Miriam and Aaron reproached Moses jealous of Gods intimacy
with him, and resentful that the power given Moses was not equally
invested in and shared among the people of Israel at large who
coveted that power for themselves.5
How familiar this scenario ... how contemporary as it is ancient!
The laity indignant of, even as it covets for itself, the power
of priest! How many
Catholics, dissatisfied with and disaffected from the call to holiness
in their own vocations, clamor for a share in priestly
power, for a charism as unique to the priest as wedlock to the spouse.
It is a grave misunderstanding of the notion of holiness to which
all alike are called, although not all in like manner.
In the end, this pernicious effort is the illegitimate demand to
locus Christi,
in the place of Christ, which belongs to the priest alone. Unable
to become priests, they become
... a term which, in American and European culture, is fraught with
historical implications of competing and always presumably sacred
power invested in the
in place of the
The Lust for
the personal acquisition and exercise of the power of
acquires a value of itself and precisely through the power perceived
within it, a relished power that takes precedence over all else
especially the
who become merely a means to an end that is neither in Christ nor
in themselves. The end, under whatever pretense and however cleverly
articulated, is the participating in perceived power, the possession
and the exercise of power by those who, in the end, are ministering
to themselves under the guise of ministering to others. In their
newly acquired pseudo-sacerdotal role, unlike the faithful, they
are not the needy, but the benevolent dispensers of what is needed
... and which is now in their power to give ... and equally,
albeit implicitly, to withhold. This is power. It is power as petty,
and all the more reproachable for its pettiness.
Because this power is petty, it is never anonymous. It aggressively
asserts itself through faces, offices, titles, photo ops; it is
splashed across Church bulletins, promoted, advertised, publicized
... that the benevolence of the one in possession of power is not
overlooked, unrecognized, and unappreciated.
So many of Gods servants and handmaids are being lured away from
the holy humility that is ever acceptable to God enticed by the
meretricious glory, the petty power, the sinister whisper of the
spirit of this world, by glamour, name recognition, the promotion
of personalities, by the bright lights ... instead of the promotion
of the Gospel of Jesus Christ at the expense of which because
it is the means through which such petty power is acquired.
All Bishops, priests, religious, laity alike have a sacred duty
to the Christ we claim as our God and our Redeemer, to call hearts
back to Him from errant paths to empty places.
The people ... like abandoned sheep
with no earthly shepherd perish for lack Christ, and we are all
responsible! We have lost sight of the simplicity and the urgency
of the Gospel message of love and in our arrogance sought Him among
the crumbling towers of Babel where all the tongues are clamoring
for power.
All of us need to look again into the mirror of the life of Jesus
Christ and see our own lives in that mirror. We are not to lord
it over one another as the pagans do but to serve each other in
humble love. Jesus did. And we are not greater that our Master.
Jesus Christ used all the powers of His intellect , of His heart
and soul and they were poured out in his Self emptying and giving,
making manifest His Fathers love to us here on earth that we may
know the path to eternal life. Jesus Christ willed our total good.
He wills it now. This is love ... that which nurtures and promotes
the good of others and gives life.
Mary said,
the handmaid on the Lord , be it done unto me according to thy word.
In this we have the example to which we are called by grace to
imitate and indeed to become, other Christs, other Marys
in this world not through power, but through love. Jesus
Christ the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords,
surrendered Himself to dwelling within an apparently powerless
piece of bread, the Most Holy
Eucharist wherein, in such utter humility, the plenitude
of God Himself dwells.
The greatest King that ever ruled exercised the greatest power ever
wielded ... from the Cross, nailed and bound, emptied of everything
but love and of His kingship, of this power, there will
be no end.
After all,
now even Catholics in the Novus Ordo
the non-Scriptural The
Kingdom, the power and the glory are His
... not ours ...
Return to Part 1
K. Mondello
Boston Catholic Journal
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1 Genesis 3.20
2 II St. Peter 2.22
3 Numbers 16.1-3
4 Numbers 16.7-11
5 Numbers 12.1-15

Totally Faithful to the Sacred
Deposit of Faith entrusted to the Holy See in
opera tua ... quia modicum habes virtutem, et servasti
verbum Meum, nec non negasti Nomen Meum
know your works ... that you have but little power,
and yet you have kept My word, and have not denied My
(Apocalypse 3.8)
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