Pence Francis’s

Not a Single Cent!
“I will not
say one single word about this”
(Francis’s astoundingly evasive
— and implicative — response, when asked
if Archbishop Carlo Viganò’s statements were true in
a publicly disclosed
11 page document accusing Francis of knowledge of
the rampant homosexual priest-bishop-cardinal scandal
including his own hiding of a predator homosexual
priest from civil authorities.)
Well, clearly
he will not. But we will!
When the time comes
for the next Peter’s Pence Collection, in light of Francis’s
arrogance and complicity, allow us to have our say in the matter
and recommend the following:
Do not put in ONE Single Penny!
Francis — together with the debauched and nefarious bishops who are
in complicity with him — a message they cannot ignore! They WILL
take note! Guaranteed!
Money talks! Especially
to the tune of the $70, 000,000 to “Peter’s Pence” — from
the United States alone!
(that was in 2012: the last date in which we
could find any
data at all— and even that source is unreliable);
it speaks especially
forcefully in bishop’s
chanceries throughout the world — to say nothing of the consistently
questionable Vatican Bank.
Contribution to “Peter’s Pence”!
Unlike regular collections
that support the local parish and diocese (and “other causes” — such
as the former 2.2 million dollar 6,000 square foot personal residence
of liberal Atlanta Archbishop Wilton Gregory in 2014); their
airline tickets, hotel expenses, all meals paid, chauffeurs, office
and secretarial staff, medical and health benefits, etc., — unlike these
“perks”, “Peter’s Pence” goes directly to Rome and Francis himself
decides where the money — your money — from Peter’s
Pence goes! Given his track record for supporting secular, social, environmental,
aboriginal, and other questionable causes, this definitely gives us
pause for thought.
The sanctimonious drivel
that it supports countless projects for “the poor and the marginalized”
is a meme worthy of Madison Avenue advertising. We don’t know where
it goes! According to Italian writer Gianluigi Nuzzi in his
Merchants in the Temple, “we know how much money has been
collected from the faithful but not how it is spent. Absolute secrecy
is maintained around this detail.”
Let us, then, put
the entire matter into perspective: Francis has proven himself intractable
to questioning. He has obstinately refused to answer questions during
his pontificate, and remains stubbornly silent in the
face of overwhelming evidence, whether it is:
five simple questions submitted
by Cardinals in a humble Dubia or simple questions
— never answered, or in an act of contempt, even so much
as acknowledge
or the documented accusations
of Archbishop Carlo Viganò, to which he audaciously replied,
“I will not say one single word about this.”
the Filial Correction
published by
lay scholars and Catholic clergy addressed to the bishops
of the world accusing Francis of 7 specific heresies — which,
too, went unacknowledged and unanswered.
or the
Letter to Pope Francis from Catholic Women which,
too, was
ignored despite having 47,000 signatures of professors,
religious, laywomen, mothers, wives, etc. who legitimately assert
that they “have a right to know. We have a right to your
Father Weinandy’s
— former chief of staff for the U.S. Bishops' Committee on Doctrine
— who was asked by the U.S. bishops to resign
from the International Theological Commission for his
letter criticizing Pope Francis — personal letter to
Francis criticizing the current pontificate for fostering
“chronic confusion” in an
open letter to Pope Francis and who stated that the
“four defining ecclesial marks” — One, Holy, Catholic and
Apostolic Church — are presently in peril and that
the threat that is most dangerous comes from within the Church
episcopacy, including at its apex, Francis himself.
Francis is obstinate,
contemptuous, insolent, disdainful and autocratic
In other words,
he cares absolutely nothing about what you think or who you are.
He’s the pope and he knows that, “no one judges the pope” — an authentically
Catholic doctrine. He answers to no one!
Is this to say
that it is Catholic Doctrine that a pope should remain obstinately (and
audaciously) silent when asked a question? Of course not! Common
courtesy dictates otherwise. Is a pope above common
The Plaguing Question:
“Why?” — if there is nothing incriminating, why not respond?
It is, essentially
a juvenile or immature response that effectively states:
don’t have to answer you because, if I do, I know that I will be in
trouble. If I say nothing you can’t make me, and I won’t get into
any trouble! In virtue of my position as pope I have no obligation
to be forthright, polite, decent, honest, and not deceptive — and
you can’t say a word about it because canon law states that “no
one judges the pope”, and because I am above judgment by anyone,
and canonically unimpeachable, I can do as I please and you can go
Absurd? Put it in a Larger Context:
Billions of dollars
have been spent to cover up, pay-off — or in the realm of
civil law (to which abused victims had to appeal because of the
failure and refusal of bishops to act to protect them within their authority
in the Faith) in legal and court fees, to settle thousands
of credible and factual accusations concerning the perverse actions
of predatory homosexual cardinals, bishops, and priests — in the
United States alone!
Consider this:
More than three billion dollars
— that’s right: nine zeros after the 3 is not a “typo”)
of your money in the Collection Basket has gone
to litigation and victim compensation.
Let us put that into
perspective: that figure equals 37,500,000 (thirty seven million,
five-hundred-thousand) average lifetimes, or 8 million, 219 thousand
,178 years in geological history, which would put us in the Miocene
Era when apes first appeared during the age of the prehistoric primates
— and before man…
of that magnitude should stagger us:
1 million
dollars end to end = 97 miles of dollars end to end
x 1000 makes
one billion or 97,000 miles of dollars end to end
x 3
(billion) = 97,000,000 (97 million) miles of dollars
end to end, or more than the distance from the earth
to the sun (92,955,887 miles).
You have given
that much money in the basket — to be given to lawyers,
courts, and victims of homosexual predatory priest-bishop-cardinal
abuse — not to “the poor and the marginalized”
On top of this
… we are now asked by Francis to contribute even more
money to “Peter’s Pence” as well — which has ZERO
accountability in spending your money — every single year?
And that is in America
alone …
Well … Francis — sorry;
not this year!
Archbishop Viganò’s Letter
to Pope Francis
Read: Open-Letter-to-the-Bishops-of-the-Catholic-Church-2019
Read: Father Weinandy’s
Letter to Francis
Also see:
Geoffrey K. Mondello
Boston Catholic Journal

Faithful to the Sacred Deposit of Faith entrusted
to the Holy See in Rome
opera tua ... quia modicum habes virtutem, et servasti verbum
Meum, nec non negasti Nomen Meum”
know your works ... that you have but little power, and
yet you have kept My word, and have not denied My Name.”
(Apocalypse 3.8)
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