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Boston Catholic Journal - Critical Catholic Commentary in the Twilight of Reason


Raising Catholic Children:

Eight Small but Beautiful Ways to Welcome God
into Your Family Life, All Year Round

cherubs facing each other praying





If you are raising Catholic children, you probably have a never-ending list of ways to invite God into your lives. Unfortunately, it isn’t always possible to do everything.

There is pressure to help your child excel in sports, academics, their talent, and so much more. It may seem like you have no time to cultivate their relationship with God. However, welcoming God into your family life doesn’t need to be complicated.

Here are small yet beautiful ways to do it.


1.      Pray


If you have a guest in your home, talking to them is the best way to ensure that they feel welcome. The same applies to God. Do not wait until you get to church. Pray in the morning, before meals, and before going to bed. Pray together just as much as you make individual prayers.

 Acknowledge God’s blessings over your life and give thanks. If you need something as a family, come together and pray about it too. Invite God and the Holy Spirit to come into your home and bless your lives. Children learn from you. They will pick up the praying habit sooner than you expect.

2.      Eat Together

Meal time should be family time. Make an effort to get together around the table and enjoy each other’s company. It is a great way to build your bond and increase love in your home. It can be the time to share your fears, accomplishments, and goals.

3.     Acknowledge God

You can bring God into your family life by acknowledging Him. Acknowledge His presence, might, and goodness often. Let your family know that the Holy Spirit is always present. Use examples of the beautiful seas and majestic mountains to arouse the feel of wonder for God and all His creation.

The beauty of nature is always a powerful tool when you need to put things in perspective for your kids. Give your kids opportunities to spend time in nature and environments that showcase God’s power.

4.     Choose a Family Nativity Set to Treasure Year After Year

The nativity scene has become a Christmas tradition for many Christian families. It dates back centuries and could be part of your family’s tradition. If you are interested in nativity sets, one source that we have found in particular, which is both genuinely Catholic and sells elegant, but reasonably priced Catholic statuary together with a broad range of Catholic goods is House of Joppa. Whether you are looking for something ornate or simple, there is quite a variety to choose from.

5.     Read Scriptures Together

You can invite God into your family life by reading the Bible together. It teaches your loved ones to apply Catholic religious teachings in their daily lives. Scriptures are God’s way of communicating with you and your family. You don’t need to read an entire chapter every day. A short verse every morning is enough to keep you connected with God.

6.     Make Some Room for God

Your home needs to be a reflection of your faith. When people get into your space, they should know that you are Catholic. You could have a simple cross on your wall or a special prayer corner.


Make your home the ideal space for worship and thanksgiving. Your children need to see reminders of your faith all through the home. Even though God doesn’t need physical space to stay with you, children need reminders to keep trusting and worshiping God.

7.     Express Love

Love is a critical element of the Christian faith, and your kids need to learn it at home. Expressing your love for one another often brings joy and a sense of togetherness. God instructs Christians to love each other; home is the best place to start.

8.     Give to Charity Together

Small acts of charity or service to others can bring you together as a family. You can donate your clothes to the needy, volunteer at a soup kitchen, or help clean up the neighborhood. Such activities bring your family together and please God.


If you are trying to bring God into your family life, there is a lot to do. Consider the above tips and raise Catholic children that love God and the church. You don’t need to do anything extreme. Turn simple habits into routine, and your kids will stick with them.


Kate Westwood

the Boston Catholic Journal

(Kate is a Catholic Mom with 5 young children.)


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