Given our fallen nature and our subsequent inclination to sin, what do you suppose such images are intended to stimulate? Our intellect?
Through Adamic Sin we are predisposed to concupiscence, or inordinate
sexual desire, just as we are predisposed to corrupt virtually any
intrinsic good through disordered indulgence, or excess. Sex is not
sinful, and sexual desire is not sinful. Do you think that the Saints,
both married and unmarried, did not experience sexual desire?
What is important is not the impulse, over which we exercise
no willful control — but how we deal with the impulse, how
we respond to it beyond the initial physiological reflex it arouses.
Wall Street understands this. Marketers understand this. Pornographers and smut-dealers understand this. Isn’t it time that you understand this? Their lie is that they are so clever, their anorexic models so convincing, and your own susceptibility to both so overwhelming that you have little choice in the matter, and must both physically and morally collapse under the collective weight of their blandishments and your weakness. Couple this with the enticement and deceit of the “father of all lies”, and you find your own predicament, and the human condition at large, a bit more lucid.
• the heart, in which every
sin is first conceived, |
Is this to diminish the gravity of sexual sin? Of course not. It is,
however, helpful in placing our perception of sexual sin into perspective.
We must remember that sexual sins are considered by the Church to be
sins proceeding from weakness — as distinct from sins proceeding
from malice, the latter, of course, being the more grave of
the two.
But we must see that it
is equally indicative of our inability or unwillingness to come to terms
with the the other 8 Commandments that prohibit other
sins – sins not of a sexual nature – but upon which we are
seldom so fixated:
• Idolatry • Refraining from using the Lord's Name in Vain • Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy • Failing to Honor our Mothers and Fathers, • Killing, • Adultery • Stealing • Lying • Coveting your Neighbor’s Wife • and Coveting Our Neighbor’s Goods. (Exodus 20:3-17 and Deuteronomy 5:7-21). |
Of the 10, it is most often the 6th and 9th that we focus upon. Why?
This is an odd state of affairs.
The first sin, that
of Adam and Eve, so often depicted in sexual terms, had nothing whatever
to do with sex — it was disobedience prompted by the sin of pride.
Succinctly put, they sought to be like God (even though they were already
created in His image, which is to say that they were already
like unto God — but not in plenitude, hence the pride, and from thence
the disobedience) As the Catechism of the Catholic Church
teaches us,
tempted by the devil, let his trust in his Creator die in
his heart and, abusing his freedom, disobeyed God’s command.
This is what man's first sin consisted of.
All subsequent sin would be disobedience toward God and
lack of trust in his goodness.” (Part I Section II, 397) |
In fact, the most persistent and pernicious sin of which the Chosen
People of God, the Israelites, were guilty was idolatry. For this reason
they wandered in the desert for 40 years. It was a sin that provoked
God, through their obstinacy, ultimately to banish them in the Babylonian
Exile for 70 years. Once again, it stemmed from the immediate sin of
disobedience to the First Commandment — not the Sixth or the Ninth.
There are (121) references to
and in the Bible, (40) relative
to adultery, and (36)
to fornication.
Why, then, the inverse disproportion that we append to sins
of a sexual nature? The breach of each Commandment is equally repugnant
to God, so we have, on the one hand, no warrant to minimize one, and
by the same token, no warrant to emphasize another, either. Certainly
some appear to be more reprehensible than others, and most of us would
likely deem killing a more grave offense than, say, adultery or lying.
In other words, the proscriptions that we encounter in Exodus 20 do
not appear to be hierarchical. There is a reason for this. But we do
not, it is clear, acquire our focus on sexual sin from the Decalogue,
nor, if we examine it further, from the Books of Leviticus and Numbers,
both of which are replete with ancillary laws. Why are some apparently
more abhorrent to us than they are to God?
Again, what is the provenance
of our fixation on the 6th and the 9th Commandments? Both call us to
be chaste. Each is
a clarion for chastity.
Could it be that the 6th and the 9th somehow incorporate
all the others? Jesus summed up all the
Commandments in two, telling us that our observation
of the two was simultaneously our observation of the others. Let us
look at this more carefully.
Decalogue (the Ten Commandments) distinguishes between the two.
Jesus does not:
“But I say to you, that whosoever shall look on a woman to lust after
her, hath already committed adultery with her in his heart” (St. Matthew
5.28) The connection between the two is more than a matter of mere hermeneutics,
the first follows upon the second, the 6th after the 9th, the desire
before the commission of sin.
It is not that Jesus is saying something “other” than we find
in the Decalogue; He has simply elucidated the obvious nexus between
them. They are one and the same sin. The bringing to completion in the
body what has already been consummated in the mind is, in the way of
sin, only distinguished chronologically: the one precedes the other,
and is no less grave and no less culpable than the other. In fact, Jesus
says, the latter, the physical consummation, is not even necessary to
the imputation of the sin of adultery! It is already committed in the
thinking, the desiring, the willing. The physical act itself is only
a matter of opportunity, of the body participating in what the mind
has conceived, willed, and already done! It is co-opting the body —
which is a physical, and not a moral entity — to be complicitous in
the sin, and the sin then corrupts the total being, body and
St. Paul speaks of, “sinning against our bodies” (“he that commits fornication,
sins against his own body” (1 Cor. 6.18) — an odd statement until we
consider that not only do we “use” the body of another to fulfill
the sinful desires within the mind – but our own as well! We
subject our own bodies to sin, by bringing them into complicity
with the sinful mind and making them instrumental in the sin
— the sin erstwhile only affecting, injuring, our own souls without
bringing sin and injury to the person desired. This is abuse of the
body, ones own body, by making it accomplice to the desire of the mind
and resulting in the abuse, injury, and corruption of others, of
the world at large — beyond the confines of ones mind.
In other words, sin begins in the mind and corrupts the soul, but goes
no further unless opportunity affords it. The injury caused is to oneself
solely (the offense always against God). The vitiating nature
of sin is confined to the abscess of desire: its purulence poisons only
the soul that conceives it. Through
the body, however, the destructive nature of the sin extends beyond
this abscess, this self-injury; it suppurates and, through the instrumentality
of the body, becomes injurious to others. It has already been destructive
to the soul. It will now become destructive to others.
This is of the essence
of the pernicious nature of sin. It corrupts by seducing to complicity
everything that it touches upon. That the sin of one man, Adam, should
touch upon every human being, is, in this sense, completely coherent.
This effectively forms the matrix of the answer to our question: the
reason that we seize upon the 6th and 9th Commandments is that, in being
called to chastity, we are called away from that vicious concatenation
of sin and destruction that follows ineluctably upon the assent of the
will to desire unlawfully. Chastity calls us away from destructiveness.
In fact, it calls us to creativeness through calling us to
create ourselves in ever greater conformity to the image of God in Whom
our own perfection and felicity consists. It does not call us away
from desire; only unlawful desire, desire
that results not in something creative and beautiful, but destructive
and ugly; desire whose consequence is life and not death. The call to
chastity, in effect, is no less the call to abundant life than it is
the call away from suicide and murder — inasmuch as our pursuit of sinful
desires always entails the destruction of the self and the destruction
of another.
Every Commandment, we eventually find, implicates every other Commandment, for Jesus said,
“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. And the second is like to this: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments dependeth the whole law and the prophets.” (St. Matthew 22. 37-40) |
Geoffrey K. Mondello
Boston Catholic Journal
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