The Chief Heretic in Canada

” Heretic ...
in his ever-widening embrace of the heresy of Ecumenism, participated
in worshipping pagan gods with indigenous Canadians while condemning
the “ideological colonization” perpetrated upon native Canadians
by Catholic missionaries, especially the “North American Martyrs”, all
of whom were cruelly enslaved and viciously killed by Canada’s “Native
Americans” — especially the Iroquois:
But Francis, in his own ecumenical fervor,
would rather attack the missionaries (or, as Francis calls them,
“ideological colonizers”) than their murderers. Hence he embarks
on what he calls a “penitential pilgrimage” to apologize for what
missionaries were explicitly commanded to do by Christ Himself
in His very last commission to them before He ascended to the Father!
Unlike Francis, however, the missionaries
took Christ seriously.
An indigenous

summons the great “Western Grandmother”
with turkey whistle
Convening with the native-Canadian Elders
and Chiefs, Francis and Friends become gravely and appropriately reflective,
hands over hearts as instructed by the Elder who, after blowing a “Turkey
Whistle” four times: once each for the North, South, East, and West,
tells the cardinals with Francis, that they are to place their hands
over their hearts, each of which he describes as a “talking stick” [?]
and then asks the “Western Grandmother” [?] to “give us access to
the sacred circle of spirits.” At that point, every Catholic (and
human being) should have fled, rightly fearing the invocation of demons.
But not Francis! Or his coterie, including
men with towering titles but apparently little faith:
Cardinal Christopher Collins, Archbishop of Toronto
Gerald Lacroix, Archbishop of Quebec and Primate of Canada
Cardinal Michael F. Czerny, S.J. prefect of the Dicastery
for Promoting Integral Human Development
Cardinal Marc A. Ouellet, prefect of the Congregation
for Bishops
Archbishop of Edmonton Richard W. Smith;
and the Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin.
Of course, as good Ecumenists, the pope
and prelates obey with obviously deep emotion:

This is not merely deeply scandalous
and shameful — but is a sampling of the increasing defection from Christ,
Sacred Scripture, and authentic Church Teaching (preceding Vatican II).
Ecumenism, it appears, has become a “religion” in its own right,
not simply a “doctrine” of the new “Post-Conciliar catholic church”
that emerged from Vatican II, but as a central and defining dogma
within it. It is no longer an endeavor of the Catholic Church,
but has replaced it, retaining the name merely to maintain revenue
through a false sense of continuity with its glorious 2000-year
history — an historical continuity that no longer exists ...
and all remembrance of which it absolutely detests. The “Post-Conciliar
catholic church” abolished genuine Catholicism in 1962 when it chose
man over God and social remediation over the salvation of immortal souls.
De-Commissioning “the Great Commission”
Of course, this rabid emphasis on Ecumenism necessarily entails the
renunciation of what is called “The Great Commission”, or Christ’s very
last command to His Apostles:
“All power is given to Me
in Heaven and in earth. Going therefore, teach ye
all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and
of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe
all things whatsoever I have commanded you” (Saint Matthew
“Go ye into the whole world, and preach the gospel to every
creature. He that believeth and is baptized, shall be saved:
but he that believeth not shall be condemned.” (Saint
Mark 16.15-16)
Following the ritual, Francis delivered
the speech condemning “ideological colonization” (i.e., evangelization),
insisting that its complicity in fostering paganism was consonant
with Ecumenism! Indeed, Francis argued that,
“The Holy See and the
local Catholic communities are concretely committed to promoting
the indigenous cultures through specific and appropriate
forms of spiritual accompaniment that include attention
to their cultural traditions, customs, languages and educational
processes, in the spirit of the United Nations Declaration
on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.”
Is this Francis’s ultimate “appeal
to authority” — the U.N. … not God?
Sadly, yes.
Ah, yes, the Schools!
Catholic Culture has a commendable article concerning the Church’s
alleged responsibility in the matter of the Residential schools
which we would be negligent not to present:
“The particular offense for which
the Pontiff was busily apologizing was the role that Catholic
religious orders played in the “residential schools”
that took children from members of indigenous tribes away
from their families, and educated them in European culture.
Insofar as this program broke up families and denigrated tribal
customs, it was indeed an offense. But…
First, it was not the Catholic Church that devised the plan
for the residential schools; it was the Canadian government.
Today the country’s government leaders, having made their own
pro forma apology, are anxious to heap blame on the Church.
But the Catholic religious orders involved were only carrying
out the politicians’ plans.
The defects of the residential schools—the crowding, poor nutrition,
inadequate health care, lax supervision—can be traced to the
meager funding provided by the government. The religious
orders ran these institutions as charities. Clerics and lay
volunteers suffered in the cold and ate the bad food, sacrificing
to help young people. Some of them died on the job, and were
buried in poorly marked graves, alongside the indigenous children
they had served. They do not deserve the blanket condemnation
they are now receiving.
The current furor peaked more
than a year ago, with sensational stories about mass graves
at one residential school in British Columbia. But months later,
no human remains have been found at that site! In fact the site
has not even been excavated. Plenty of people have
an incentive to speculate that children’s bodies are buried
in mass graves; apparently no one has much incentive to discover
the truth of the matter.”
Geoffrey K. Mondello
Boston Catholic Journal
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to the Holy See in Rome
opera tua ... quia modicum habes virtutem, et servasti verbum
Meum, nec non negasti Nomen Meum”
know your works ... that you have but little power, and
yet you have kept My word, and have not denied My Name.”
(Apocalypse 3.8)
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