The Oppression of the Church by
the State

The Shameful
Submission of the Church
the State:
A Diabolical Reciprocity
W hich is more despicable;
which more vile and absolutely reprehensible?
The Iron Fist of the Liberal State or the
Spineless State of Catholic Bishops?
I cannot clearly decide which induces the greater volume of nausea
within me. I lean to the latter upon whom I would justly spew it.
On the one hand we have the Liberal State which remorselessly
crushes religion with no regard for human rights — shuttering and padlocking
churches, synagogues, and mosques under threat of imprisonment and financial
ruin if breached by priest, rabbi, minister, or imam ... and their congregations
— under the “benign” and gossamer-thin auspices of “care” for the people
— not, of course, the unborn, for such deep concern and compassion extends
only so far, leaving the abattoirs, or abortuaries open as “essential”
to killing babies. Right …
… and on the other hand, not just a fringe clique, but an entire
Episcopacy (effectively all the Bishops in the world
including the self-famous “Bishop of Rome”, Francis) — the counterfeit
successors of the holy Apostles themselves (one and all martyred
for the Faith except for Saint John) and virtually all of
them, each of them, are cowards eager to feed at the hand of the State
and appease prevailing liberal “social and political correctitude” —
doing the bidding of the State rather than serving God Almighty
in that unsurpassed and arduous work once called “the Salvation of Souls.”
From Francis down — from that contemptible “prelate”, Blaise Cupich,
to the homosexualist Jesuit James Martin — one and all cry out
to the pagan Liberal State — which detests God and Church:
“Serviam!” — “I will serve!”
A Cruel Redundancy
If a Catholic layman wishes to worship
God at Mass, it is forbidden by the State — for his own good,
you understand … Comply or go to jail. If a pious priest performs a
baptism or wedding or (forbid!) hears a desperate Confession, the police
will come first and arrest both him and the recipients of the sacrament
— after which his bishop surely would bitterly and stridently
protest the persecution … no?
No. The bishop will further penalize the offending priest ecclesiastically
(remove him from this parish1 or possibly
send him to a special ward in one of the mental hospitals (every diocese
has at least one) for “rehabilitation” — I mean, “re-education” — or
if the priest is a Religious (a Benedictine, or Franciscan, for example,
or an Oratorian) the bishop may suppress (disband, dissolve) not only
the offending priest but the Religious community itself from which he
came. Not only will the State persecute the priest, but his own bishop
will — who is more a servant of the State than the Church. Archbishop
George Stack in Cardiff, Wales, for example, knows of these things lately
and appears eager to do the bidding of the State.
That he, and all the other recreant bishops in the Catholic Church
(that is to say, most of them) may rot in Hell for
this, appears to be of little concern to “His Excellencies” who weigh
things “exceeding fine” on the socio-political scale … lest their often
palatial residences and perquisites be examined too carefully by the
State — and their tribute to their real masters be found wanting.
Literally, the devil is in the details.
Geoffrey K. Mondello
Boston Catholic Journal
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Faithful to the Sacred Deposit of Faith entrusted
to the Holy See in Rome
opera tua ... quia modicum habes virtutem, et servasti verbum
Meum, nec non negasti Nomen Meum”
know your works ... that you have but little power, and
yet you have kept My word, and have not denied My Name.”
(Apocalypse 3.8)
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