Most Holy Sacrifice
of the Mass
A Primer
Clueless Catholics

What the Mass
is NOT
now we should have acquired a fairly
clear idea of what the Most Holy Sacrifice
of the Mass principally IS.
It is no less important for us first be
clear about
the Mass is not, for a good
deal of what the Mass is
will become much more clear if we understand
what the Mass is not.
Most Catholics, as Pope John Paul II noted,
have either lost, or no longer have remembrance
of, the most central aspects of the Mass
and the fault, largely, is not their own.
It is the result of a systemic failure in
Catechesis over the past 60 years. Bishops
whose principal duty, above all other
duties, as
of the faith
appear to have forgotten, or
have simply relinquished, this absolutely
vital responsibility, relegating it to others
as something of a less
issue, failing to see that the larger
issues at hand are an immediate and
direct result of this failure.
and Dogma vs. Doctrinaire Dissent
Having been pawned off to and eagerly
seized by increasingly doctrinaire and
committees who articulated Catholic
teaching not in terms of the genuine Deposit
of Faith, but in terms of social and political
issues largely liberal and distinctly
feminist current or correct at the time,
the concept itself of doctrine
and dogma" came into disrepute, such that
the words themselves became terms of reproach
and disdain. In fact, doctrine
and dogma
became the antithesis to endless
which, disdaining doctrinal certainties
as somehow regressive, eventually came to
repudiate them however catastrophic the
results and however detrimental to the Faith
... and to the faithful.
Indeed, we
ourselves are not without blame. Unwilling
to accept, or even to recognize our own
complicity in the matter through our failure
to be the
primary teachers of our children
as the Church insists the reproach that
we legitimately lay on the doorsteps of
our Religious
and Catechists is no less an indictment
of our own irresponsibility. It is profoundly
true, unfortunately, that the Catechists
to whom we entrust our children had themselves
acquired little in the way of authentic
Catholic doctrine from their own
predecessors who themselves were
largely ignorant of the authentic teachings
of the Church and the Deposit of the Faith
... or disagreeing with much of it, deliberately
failed to teach what did not conform to
their own partisan commitment to prevailing
social, sexual, and gender-related issues.
It is equally true that we, as parents,
indeed, as Catholics, have been resolutely
indifferent to learning many of the most
basic tenets of our own Faith.
Our own indifference, together with the
ignorance or the dissent (or both) of the
Catechists and the
Religious Educators nevertheless
remain a direct consequence of the inexcusable
negligence of the bishops ... to whom Christ
entrusted us as children to a father. The
problem is that the father is remote, indifferent,
and largely absentee. He has washed his
hands of what his children are learning,
and appears indifferent to what they are
being taught. In this sense, the bishop
appears to have taken his cue from the majority
of secular fathers with children in public
education. Uninvolved and ill-informed,
he knows little or nothing of what they
are being taught, however destructive it
may be to the fabric of the family. By the
time the child comes home in confusion because
he has been prompted to question his own
sexual identity the damage has already been
done ... and very often cannot be undone.
only I had been more proactive, more informed,
more involved in my sons' or daughter's
education, this terrible situation would
never have occurred.
But he laments too late, and he knows it.
Something very similar occurred within the
seminaries of the Archdiocese of Boston
and at what cost in every way! The negligence
and indifference of the bishops exacted
a terrible and lasting tribute. Just as
it has within the classrooms of virtually
every Catechism class (now known as
classes being neither in any significant
So what is the point of all this? We know
little of our Faith, and therefore even
less of the momentous event that occurs
each day at our Altars.
While this
may appear an unkind assessment, it is sadly
borne out by the appalling lack of knowledge
of even the most elementary
aspects of the Catholic Faith by our own
children. From First Penance to Confirmation
they are processed,
grade by grade, to Confirming
that of which they know nothing because
they have been taught nothing.
This absence of what authentically constitutes
Catholic doctrine has created
a vacuum in the Mass. We celebrate
it and really do not know why. Most often
we appear, really, to be celebrating
The True, the Untrue,
and the Absurd
this vacuum, it comes as no surprise that
certain things practiced or left undone
things that have become part and parcel
of our experience at Mass really have
no place there. This can be a stinging
realization. No one likes being told that
they behave badly or without understanding
that what they have long practiced and
what has been long condoned and even encouraged,
is wrong.
In this respect we all lack humility.
We do not like being wrong.
Nevertheless, it remains the case that some
things are true
and others are not
however this vies with or offends our
largely democratically evolved sensitivities
that would hold the true to be what best
suits the most or the many, or, perhaps
better yet, what is least offensive to them.
This notion pleases us.
No one
is wrong. In fact, nothing is wrong.
And if nothing is wrong, nothing, eo
ipso, is intrinsically right. We have
the best of all possible worlds.
Truth, absurdity, contradiction all are
concomitant, but ultimately lesser issues.
We wish to get along. And we do
so by
In fact, the most certain formula for contention,
for not getting
is to insist that 2+2=4 and not another
number of our choosing. Our insistence
that the sum of this simple equation is
4, and cannot be 5,
is surprisingly fraught with deep implications,
for it
means that the world is
not arbitrary at least the world of numbers,
and with the world of numbers, the world
of matter as susceptible to quantification
of any meaningful sort. If we pay for two
apples and receive one, we are not indifferent
to it.
But there is an inherent tyranny in equations
of this sort, and, in fact, in any physical
phenomena construed in terms of laws,
in other words, as sequences or configurations
that do, because they cannot, admit of exceptions.
We are both constrained and confined by
them. People do not like mathematics, not
because it is abstruse, but because it admits
of definitive and unequivocal answers. There
are correct and there are incorrect
answers. There are right answers and there
are wrong answers and this infuriates
us. There is no latitude. We cannot fake
the right answer. And that burns us.
It provokes us because it violates our freedom.
It constrains our will. Do you doubt it?
State something categorically ... and a
hand will immediately rise to challenge
it. We esteem this. It is part and parcel
of our democratic patrimony and our allegiance
to it even at the cost of reason. The
will to dissent, has, in the West,
come to verge upon the pathological such
that the unwillingness to dissent
has come to acquire a pathology of its own:
we are asked incredulously, You
do not question? What is wrong
with you?
If we are honest, however, we will admit
that often our challenge has little to do
with a genuine questioning at all, but is
an expression of a contention with our will
which we perceive threatened by being deprived
of its freedom to choose otherwise. Dostoyevsky,
in his famous Notes from Underground,
stated it more succinctly:
me, 2 plus 2 making four is sheer insolence.
Would that the Moon were
Green Cheese
However much it may pique us, however undemocratic
it may be, it nevertheless remains that
some things are the case,
and some things are not; some things
are right and some
things are wrong that some things are
true and some things are not irrespective
of their pleasing or displeasing us. We
cannot make them other than they are simply
because they do not, and intrinsically cannot,
comply with our will or conform to our sensitivities.
However much we will a triangle
to have four sides, it will remain, withal,
a three-sided figure. There is, in short,
an ontological intolerance that is indifferent
to our desiderations and if there is one
thing that we will not tolerate,
it is intolerance ...
Absurdity may perplex us, but it does not
offend us. Truth offends us. It
vies with our will and is not amenable to
it ... especially when it does not accord
with our will.
So what does that have to do with the Moon
as green cheese and the Mass as the Sacrifice
on Calvary?
It is a prologue
to some things that are, and some things
that are not despite our wishing them
to be otherwise.
Let us look at some of these things in the
way of the
Mass and what it is
Not (in order to understand what
it really is):
A Social
A Musical
employment of the piano is forbidden
in Church, as is also that of noisy
or frivolous instruments such as drums,
cymbals, bells, and the like.
A Comedy
(remember: at the Most Holy Sacrifice
of the Mass you are really and truly
present at the crucifixion of Jesus
Christ on Calvary. Would you really
laugh ... and applaud?)
A Talent Show
The venue for a profane and nouveau
Liturgical Dance
because King David once danced
nearly naked and only wearing a linen
ephod (2 Samuel 6:14-20) It is to be
noted that his wife, Michal, daughter
of Saul came out to meet him and reproached
him sarcastically saying,
How the
king of Israel has distinguished himself
today, going around half-naked in full
view of the slave girls of his servants
as any vulgar fellow would! (2 Samuel
Your gift to God in an act
of personal munificence and sacrifice
on your part for which God should be
A Liturgical and Linguistic Laboratory
for avoiding
masculine nouns and pronouns, especially
as they pertain to God. (if you read
your Missal, note substitutions for
or "He,
with the personally corrected
gender-neutral God,
the addition of Co-heiresses to the
textually specific co-heirs, etc.)
No priest has the authority to alter
readings, nouns, or pronouns, especially
as they apply to God The Father and
God the Son! No one has that authority,
nor the right to abuse it.
of something
done long ago
albeit a very ancient one
A Feminist Platform
for priests
eager to accommodate the secular Feminist
agenda that is damaging to the Church
and antithetical to authentic Church
A Platform
for Social Agenda
what is, for the moment, entirely secular
agenda that has no place in divine
worship (Feminism, Gay-rights, promoting
homosexuality, inclusivism, environmental
activism, encouraging transgenderism,
Black Lives Matter, socialism, etc.)
That impedimenta is left on the sidewalk
outside the Church. It is not of God.
It is of the World (see Saint John 15.19
and 1 St. John 2.15).
of the above is even remotely connected
to the Mass. To better understand this,
imagine the following scenario:
Jesus Christ, hanging on the Cross;
He is being crucified right in front
of you.
He is dying!
His hair is matted with blood
from the Crown of Thorns and His
face is bruised from the blows of
the Roman soldiers and covered with
spit from all who mock Him.
He is disrobed and open to shame.
Even as the blood continues to issue
from too many lacerations to count from
the Scourging at the Pillar an
hour before, and the nails hold fast
against the flesh yielding under the
weight of the cruciform figure of Christ,
He is crying out in agony to His
Mary, His Mother, is standing before
Him crying inconsolably, and would
crumple to the ground were she not borne
up by John and Mary Magdalene. They
are weeping uncontrollably, too. All
around, pious women are weeping and
wailing, men are sobbing and jeering.
It is a scene of utter desolation,
unfathomable sorrow, a torrent of tears
and a torrent of taunts.
Have you grasped the scene? this is what
is being enacted before you at the Most
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Now we arrive
The electric guitars are plugged in, the
drum and trap set are being set up, and
the piano is being tuned. The acoustic guitars
are being strummed aimlessly, and the flute
trills sporadically in the background. There
is chattering intermingled with laughter
among the musicians. They are preparing
to entertain the sobbing women, the raging
men, and the indifferent spectators looking
on. The entertainment is about to begin
and Cat Stevens
(now a Muslim), Morning
has Broken
is the song that will first greet us on
Calvary after the MC of the musicians cordially
welcomes us to the Crucifixion. Throughout
the Mass they will compete with Jesus Christ
on the Cross for our attention and adulation,
calling us away from the Cross that we
made of our sins for the Son of God to hang
upon to their virtuosity as singers,
guitarists, or piano players. They will
entertain us.
But we are
a restless audience, and demand more than
music during this drama. We want comedy,
too. The priest accommodates us, demonstrating
his own virtuosity as an entertainer. He
had stood briefly at the Altar by the Cross,
but is now eager to leave the summit of
Golgotha altogether and to walk among his
audience. He leaves the Sanctuary of suffering
and walks the aisles and avenues of the
spectators, much in the manner of talk show
hosts trying to garner the attention of
the people for himself. What better way
than comedy? And he is well provisioned
with anecdotes and jokes ... some rather
and just slightly off-color
a rascal!
we smile, as insiders of the joke with him).
There may be
a question
and answer
session in the style of successful television
hosts, but the point is to make you feel
terribly good about yourself, and him
despite what is going on in the background,
on that sad summit that he quickly left
and where Christ still hangs. With the
the skit ends, sometimes vaguely connected
with what is going on with Christ, or something
He said prior to His being raised on the
Still restless,
the audience is once again entertained by
the musicians, and they remain once the
Crucifixion has been consummated and Christ
is dead on the Cross ... awaiting our applause
which we extend them despite a sense of
terrible incongruity with all that has happened
in the background and from which we had
been constantly pulled away ... lest we
see or understand the consequences of our
sins ... and the magnitude of Christs love
for us.
An impolite
assessment, to be sure. But a very accurate
assessment ... nevertheless.
There are, of course, many other things
that the Mass is
These are merely the more salient among
them, for they are, very likely, what we
encounter most often before, during,
and after Mass, in the trivializing of the
most momentous act in history
unfolds before us.
It is true that we cannot fully comprehend
what the the Mass
We can, however, clearly grasp what it
is not ... however much we would have it
What we have
learned today:
The Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
occasion of the utmost
It is Holy Ground, and we stand, really
and truly, before Christ crucified.
Christ has died on the Cross ... and
we have died with Him.
And because we have died with Him,
we will also rise with Him ... not in
applause ... but in the Resurrection.
End of Series
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4 5
7 8
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Pope St. Pius X 1903, Encyclical Tra le Sollecitudini:
Instruction on Sacred Music
K. Mondello
Boston Catholic Journal

Totally Faithful
to the Sacred Deposit
of Faith entrusted to the Holy
See in Rome
opera tua ... quia modicum habes
virtutem, et servasti verbum Meum,
nec non negasti Nomen Meum
know your works ... that you have
but little power, and yet you have
kept My word, and have not denied
My Name.
(Apocalypse 3.8)
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