A Viper
in the Vatican
and His
Own Brood of Vipers
Schisma iam factum est

Look closely:
The photograph on the right
is simply superimposed
on a Cobra
“You’re looking at a snake/reptilian head
with two large eyes, reptilian skin and a mouth with two
large fangs. The hall leading from the stage is curved and
even looks like a snake's tongue.
From the Pope’s vantage point to the audience,
it is a similar look except the mouth has multiple teeth.
In none of the other pictures that I’ve seen is there any
distortion of the audience or the pope do to a fisheye lens

expand image above for detail

Paul VI
Audience Hall
Even the outside of the building is designed to look like
a snake head.
The architecture of this building is completely
different from all other Vatican buildings. Why? It is different
down to the tile used on the outside to give a reptilian
skin appearance.
Furthermore there are no other traditional
Christian symbols in the hall.
There are absolutely no crucifixes.
Why built like a snake?
Why does the pope speak from the mouth/tongue
of the
serpents head ?!?”

Two Vipers in the Vatican
A Frightening Diorama
in the Paul VI Audience Hall
a description that is itself descriptive of the impoverished
minds of that sad body of men called the Catholic bishops in America,
the USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) describes the
macabre nightmare above as — ready? — “An ‘explosion’ of spirituality.”
Do you feel it? Are
you transported by this? What arises within you? What is that surge,
apart from the vomitus?
In a brief excursion
into the real world, they do go on to state that,
“[Fazzini] used
polystyrene, a then-experimental plastic which, when heated,
sent toxic microplastics into the air. Creating the model of
‘Resurrection’ gave Fazzini lung poisoning, which led to the
artist's death a decade after the sculpture was completed.”
It Killed Fazzini and
it Appears to be Trying to Kill you!
Regrettably, what killed Fazzini is still
killing us: even a brief look at this massive blight — which the USCCB
acknowledges that some [some?] find it, in their words, “creepy
and demonic” — is likely to send children running for their lives to
escape it while leaving adults just “creeped out.” Not only was it toxic
to Fazzini, it is toxic to us. Can anyone of a sound mind truthfully
say that they are spiritually elevated, “lifted up,” by this scrap metal
— and not have to go to Confession afterward?
A crack to Hell did not open up
in the Vatican following Vatican II as Paul VI observed. A chasm
did, and the throne of Peter tumbled into it headlong. Paul VI saw
this1 — and did nothing to stamp
out the encroaching flames; indeed he fanned them in all ecumenical
zeal. And not Paul VI alone. His three successors keep “celebrating”
the sacrilegious and now recurring “World Day of Prayer for Peace in
Assisi” — joining heretics and pagans in prayer to their false gods:
first John Paul II
on October 27, 1986)
, then Benedict
XVI (October 27, 2011 ) and, of course, Bergoglio on September 20, 2016.
And still you regard John Paul II
and Benedict VI as attempting to keep custody of the 2000 years
of traditional Catholicism? I think not. We have had no canonized pope
since the death of Pope Saint Pius X in 1914 — despite the auto-canonization
of every post-Vatican II pope by a successor (until the notion
of canonization has now become rote and meaningless).
As there was a snake in the Garden in the
beginning2, it is altogether fitting
that we find him now (possibly near the end) on the throne. The Paul
VI Hall is unquestionably emblematic of all that has gone wrong
in the Church since “good John” XXIII “flung open its windows” to let
in the reek of the world while providing a draft for the flames smoldering
beneath it. In this sense, it is the most fitting venue of the post-Vatican-II
popes precisely because it has been the abode of snakes for the past
52 years, and each of them has spawned their brood as recreant cardinals
and bishops every bit as poisonous as the first serpent was to our first
But none have made themselves
enemies of the Faithful and of the Gospel, of all that is good, true,
and beautiful — in the manner and measure of the heretic Bergoglio.
Do not be deceived thinking that a dove will arise from the pit of snakes.
The skin may be shed but a brood has already been spawned.
Do I
“judge” every pontiff since 1962?
Of course not. But I do recognize a snake when I see one, and for all
your pretensions that it is not a snake, and not poisonous, I will not
feed it. And neither should you.
Saint John the Baptist said it best:
Brood of vipers!
Who has warned you to flee the wrath to come?”
(St. Matthew 3.7)
work” weighs
1-1/2 times
than largest main battle tank at only 54 tons by comparison.)
1 “Satan’s
smoke has made its way into the temple of God through some crack.”—Pope
Paul VI, 1972
2 Genesis
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