Freedom, Sin, and Predilection:

Why God Chooses What He Chooses
“I, the LORD, am your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the
house of bondage.” (Exodus 20:1-17)
A two-fold question comes to us in today's reading and
it is simplicity itself —
The first part of the
question pertains to God:
Why did God choose to lead the Jews
and us —
out of
slavery ... and subsequently out of sin? What motivated Him to do this?
The second part of
the question pertains to man, and is this: why
did the Jews
and why
do we —
the manifest predilection of God, long to return to slavery,
to sin, once we are delivered from it?
Why would we ever wish
to go back?
We are perplexed on both counts. Implicit in the first question is
yet another: why did God choose the Jews among the many people
in Egypt at the time under the yoke of slavery? Why not the Nubians,
the Canaanites? Why?
Once freed, why did so many of God’s chosen people yearn to
return to Egypt during their sojourn in the desert, disdaining even
the Manna from Heaven itself that God gave them each morning to sustain
them when they had nothing else to eat? Why do we so often wistfully
look back and yearn for the sin that subdued us in misery – even as
we ourselves receive the Bread of Angels in the Most Holy Eucharist?
Even as we ponder this terrible incongruity, yet another question
arises that is latent in both: having been delivered from bondage in
Egypt, and knowing the misery and humiliation of slavery, why did Israel
perpetuate the obscenity of slavery itself?... much as we ourselves
perpetuate slavery to sin after our emancipation from it?
Having been a people delivered by a merciful God from the degradation
of slavery —
why did
they not abolish from their midst that from which they themselves prayed
for deliverance? Why do we not among ourselves? It is not unlike
like the Parable Jesus gives us where a debtor, freed of his obligation
by the mercy of his master, immediately sets about to throttle one indebted
to him and for far less? (St. Matthew 18.23-34)
Why do we cherish what we abhor? ... subject ourselves to that from
which we had erstwhile sought deliverance? What is this madness?
We cry out to God for deliverance ... and once delivered, return, as
St. Peter tells us like a dog to its own vomit? (2 St. Peter 2.22).
We cry out to be free, and then clamor again for the yoke of slavery,
and what is more, in our freedom immediately purpose to subjugate
others. We deplore the mercilessness of our former masters
and then exceed them in lack of pity toward those we have taken in bondage
to ourselves.
Let us attempt to answer the first question.
Why did God choose the
and not the
Because He chose to!
It is
that simple.
We are ever seeking to constrain the freedom of God, seeking one
way or another to make it more acceptable, more pleasing, in a word,
more amenable to us, to bend it to our own will
and failing that, indict God as unjust or unfair because it is
our freedom that is constrained when we would constrain
God’s ...
We look in vain for reasons, justifications, and warrants, that would
validate the choice, and disclose its justification to us – completely
failing to understand that anything which compels a choice,
in some way diminishes the freedom of that choice. The reason for the
choice lies outside the choice itself.
It is the way of men. But God's ways are not our ways.
We do not know unfettered freedom. Ours is a freedom that is always
either a freedom “to” or a freedom “from”, and we do not understand
it apart from things extraneous to the unconditioned notion of pure
freedom itself. Our most arbitrary choices are always understood in
terms outside of the freedom by which they are chosen. We are ever lacking
in some way, and all our choices are invariably choices that purpose
to supplement what we lack.
The most deliberately “arbitrary” choice to prove, to validate, our
freedom, is itself a choice intended to authenticate the very freedom
we presume ourselves to possess. It is a choice that is motivated by
something we understand to be necessary to authenticating it – which
is to say that it is not a totally free choice at all.
God lacks nothing. He is deficient in no way. He wants for nothing.
To such a Being, every “choice” is radically free, unconditioned, and
stands in need of no explanation for no explanation is possible. There
are no other “ends” that could possibly motivate a choice in God.
“I will have mercy on whom I will, and I will be merciful
to whom it shall please me” (Ex 33:19)
The people who would later become the nation did not merit, warrant,
earn, or deserve their deliverance. A cursory reading of the Book of
Exodus gives us ample evidence of the spiritual turpitude of this people.
They were not chosen for any reason apart from, or outside of, God's
perfect free will. He chose them. Why? Because He chose to.
Why Abel and not Cain? Why Jacob and not Esau? Why Joseph and not Reuben?
The list is endless.
We rebel against this free will of God – a will that is perfectly, indefeasibly
good – and despite what it chooses, which is invariably our own good,
we lay out a path for ourselves, and if it diverges from the path that
God has set before us, well, all the worse for God. “We will choose
what we will choose ...”
It is not only Caligula in his madness who apotheosized himself into
the pantheon of gods. He was simply less subversive about it than we
are, less ... subtle ...
The Second Question
Our second question was this – why, once delivered
from slavery to sin — do we return to it? We leave Egypt ... and then
long for it, throw off the yoke of the slave, and then yearn for it.
Do you seek a clever answer? You will find none. St. Paul himself
lamented, “the good which I will, I do not; but the evil which I will not, that
I do.”
(Romans 7.13-24). It is the mystery of sin. But take heart. It is also
the mystery of salvation.
We are no less stiff-necked than Israel wandering in the desert. They,
too, made gods for themselves, even as we make gods of
ourselves. But that same freedom by which God chose Israel, and by which
He chooses us – and against which both have rebelled – brought this
people, despite themselves, to the Promised Land from bondage
in Egypt,
... and it will bring us, too, to the freedom that only exists in
sanctity from the slavery that only exists in sin.
Deus vult.
God wills it. God chooses it — despite the countless reasons we can
enumerate why He should not.
Geoffrey K. Mondello
Boston Catholic Journal
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Faithful to the Sacred Deposit of Faith entrusted
to the Holy See in Rome
opera tua ... quia modicum habes virtutem, et servasti verbum
Meum, nec non negasti Nomen Meum”
know your works ... that you have but little power, and
yet you have kept My word, and have not denied My Name.”
(Apocalypse 3.8)
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