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Boston Catholic Journal - Critical Catholic Commentary in the Twilight of Reason


Bergoglio Rewards

Ideological Collaborator in Amoris Laetitia  — 
and Spiritual Pornographer  — 


 Powerful Office of the DDF


Erotic Book I

Fernández’s Catechism for Youth Heal Me with Your Mouth

Heal me with

your Mouth

the Art of Kissing

“You don’t notice.
Your lips murder.
Your eyes don’t notice,
the wandering eyes that are preoccupied
before the divine flesh
of your mouth.

And you pensively miss
with that open mouth,
while you remain
the raving lunatics.
Come on down, my dear,
before you awaken
someone desperate
with a terrible hickey.

How was God so cruel
as to give you that mouth…
There is no one who resists me
witch! [translated “bitch” in the English

Victor M. Fernández
 (emphases by Boston Catholic Journal)

Erotic Author




(posing above, with “merse,”
a male “purse”)



Erotic Book II

La Pasio Mystica Mystical - Mystical Passion Spirituality and Sensuality Cardinal Fernandez

Mystical Passion:
Spirituality and Sensuality

“The Road to Orgasm”

“[There is] “a kind of fulfilling orgasm
in our relationship with God, which does not imply
so much physical alterations, but simply that God
manages to touch the soul-corporeal center of pleasure.

“Let us remember that God’s grace can coexist with
weaknesses and even with sins, when there is a very
strong conditioning. In those cases, the person can do
things that are objectively sinful, without being guilty,
and without losing the grace of God
or the experience
of his love,”

 (emphases by Boston Catholic Journal)

n a not-surprising move
that has startled even the usually supportive gallery of Bergoglio’s choir, Jorge has appointed former Archbishop Victor Fernández of Argentina to the powerful post of head of the (now-called) Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. And with it came a red hat for now Cardinal Fernández.  It is a puzzling move given Fernández’ lackluster theological credentials for this historically intellectually high-caliber position — but, we must emphasize, not given his admittedly “progressive” theological vision which, he says, exceeds even that of Bergoglio’s! This does not bode well for the Church.

At first glimpse, what shall we say of our new man in office? Let us be charitable.

Perhaps it was simply “a night out on the town … with the boys,” but this photo reveals nothing of the gravitas that we would expect of a man to be appointed to one of the highest and authoritative offices in the Roman Curia.

A man who has even once dressed and posed in this effeminate manner, and, even more troubling still, who, had written not just one, but two books salaciously titled Heal Me with Your Mouth: The Art of Kissing, and Mystical Passion: Spirituality and Sensuality with a chapter titled “The Road to Orgasm” should — if only for the sake of avoiding compound scandal — should have been excluded from so much as remote consideration for this office.

But not — not, if that person was Bergoglio’s ghost-writer for his own deeply defective and scandalous Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia (“The Joy of Love” — another title, almost certainly deliberately evocative of the wildly popular and equally graphic 1972 sex manual “The Joy of Sex” by Alex Comfort).

Fernándezs contribution to literature, to say nothing of theology, is not even superficially academic; neither is it remotely edifying. It is prurience.

Bergoglio may yet come to regret this “in-your-face-choice-because-I-can-make-it!
appointment. Except for the down-payment I would say that the devil is yet to be paid.

But then, pay-back has always been a bitch “witch,” eh, Jorge?


   Printable PDF Version

Comments? Write us:

Geoffrey K. Mondello
Boston Catholic Journal





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I know your works ... that you have but little power, and yet you have kept My word, and have not denied My Name.
(Apocalypse 3.8)

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