The Assumption
of Mary into Heaven Body and Soul
a Prayer
for a Happy Death
and a
Mysterious Painting
Mariæ, perfectissimae omnium
creationum Dei.*

Beatae Mariae Virginis
Oratio ad Mariam pro Felici Morte
to Mary for a Happy Death)
dilecta mea super omnem creationem Dei in Caelo et in Terra; te amo!
Mea dilecta Domina, sponsa cordis mei, quaeso accipe totum amorem
meum in corde meo pro te; amor qui suppressus nec verbis exprimendus
est. Te amo totaliter, Domina mea, Mater mea, Regina mea, et Dilecta
mea. Quaeso, Maria, sponsa animae meae, obviam mihi esto in hora
mortis meae; saluta me cum ultimam spiritum emiserim, et tenere me
perge dum moriar. In ultima respiratione mea amplectere me, obsecro
te, et ad Filium tuum, Dominum meum, Deum meum, et Regem meum, duc
me, ut sim cum Ipso et te, et cum omnibus Angelis Sanctisque Dei, et
comitatu Martyrum, laudans et adorans Deum in Caelo in aeternum et
in saecula saeculorum.
Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro me peccatore. Amen.”
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Prayer to Mary
for a Happy Death
“O Mary,
my beloved above all God’s creation in Heaven and on Earth; I love thee!
My beloved Lady, spouse of my heart, please accept the total love in
my heart for thee; a love that I cannot suppress, nor put into
words. I love thee totally, my Lady, my Mother, my Queen, and my Beloved. Please,
Mary, spouse of my soul, meet me at the hour of my death; greet me when
I breath my last, and hold me as I lay dying. In my final breath embrace
me, I implore thee, and bring me to thy Son, my Lord, my God and my
King, that I may be with Him and with thee, and with all God’s holy Angels,
Saints, and Company of Martyrs, praising and adoring God in Heaven forever
and ever.
Holy Mary, Mother
of God, pray for me, a sinner. Amen.”
About this
Mysterious Painting
You will not find this painting anywhere
else in the world. It is The Assumption of Mary into Heaven,
body and soul at the instant of her death. This is a dogma of our Catholic
The origin of this painting, as well as the artist, remains a
complete mystery. It was given to the Boston Catholic Journal by an
anonymous donor in October 2024. We do not know who the donor was.
We do not know who the painter is. From the accompanying Latin
prayer, it is clear that the petition is for the grace of a Happy
Death, a death in the State of Grace; the soul being greeted by Mary
in the last hour.
This Latin prayer for a happy death cannot
be found anywhere else either, and the English translation is as close an approximation
to the Latin that we have been able to render.
We bring this to you, because the grace
of a happy death is an inestimable good, and must be counted among the
greatest blessings given to men: to die in the state of grace ...
and to behold the Face of God!
Geoffrey K. Mondello
Boston Catholic Journal
October 23, 2024
Feast of the Holy Martyrs Servandus and Germanus
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* To Mary the most perfect of all God’s creation
Because this picture of the Assumption of Mary is a gift to the
Boston Catholic Journal, it is copyrighted this date, 23 October
2024, all rights reserved. Please see copyright stipulations at
bottom of this page.

Faithful to the Sacred Deposit of Faith entrusted
to the Holy See in Rome
opera tua ... quia modicum habes virtutem, et servasti verbum
Meum, nec non negasti Nomen Meum”
know your works ... that you have but little power, and
yet you have kept My word, and have not denied My Name.”
(Apocalypse 3.8)
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