The Newest “Paradigm”
The Emeriti,
and Dissolution
It is
reported that “Pope Francis says he
hopes for the grace to know when to quit.” (we ourselves humbly
submit that the time has long passed)
Given the scandalous and
illicit machinations of more than a handful of cardinals that resulted
in what can only frankly be described as a papal coup resulting
in Francis’s usurping the Seat of Peter — may we suggest that he reflect
upon the fact that he relinquished that grace the moment he accepted—
in full complicity — his “nomination” — given all the corrupt antecedents
to which he willingly and wittingly assented.
That moment — which will
likely be more a moment of calculated opportunity than “grace”
— is, may we suggest:
The man of “grandiose public humility” and “intolerable
private arrogance” still hopes, it would appear, to retain that
public image by doing — of course — a publicly celebrated act-of-all-acts-of-humility:
relinquishing the power he lusted for. Having accomplished the
de facto ruin of the Church, he, too, can resign … just
as Benedict did. His infamous motto, “Make a mess!” having been
effected, he can now leave the mess to others: a deeply broken and divided
Church that has lost virtually all continuity with its 2000-year-old
identity preceding 1963 and the notorious Second Vatican Council. The
mirror into which she long looked that was resplendent with the Glory
of God and which indefeasibly understood itself in terms of the Salvation
of Souls (Salus animarum) was defaced by the thoroughly Modernist
“Council Fathers”, and the reflection became at first indistinct, then
gradually nebulous, distorted, refracted, and finally opaque. Francis
merely took a hammer to it and shattered it as something worthless — not because it was now unrecognizable, but because it was redundant:
a mere reflection of “the world” — that obscured the face of God.
It is not that Francis
likely ever sought the latter and only destroyed it when he found that
it was not made in his image after all, but that there was no
image — only an empty frame through which the world peered.
The latest “New Paradigm” — EMERITI?
A duplex can be made of
the Papal Palace of Castel Gandolfo and the now “Emeriti
Benedict and Francis” can both retire to pursue matters more
to their liking while another Emeritus-in-waiting resumes the deconstruction
of the Catholic Church as the rank effluence of the Rhine continues
to flow into the Tiber. Eventually a theological flood will obliterate
all distinctions: Luther, Calvin, and Zwingli will be rehabilitated
and monumentalized (a statue of Luther already occupies a place of reverence
in the Hall of Pope Paul I at the Vatican) as precursors to “The
New Paradigm” that must, of ecumenical necessity, embrace Allah, Vishnu,
Shiva, Brahma, and Buddha, together with Neo-Paganism and Spiritism
(to mention a few) in a Pantheon that sublates and reconciles all competing
gods — regardless of their own abhorrence of ecumenism as the illogical
nonsense that it is. The atheist Lenin had once entertained the notion
of “The Withering Away of the State” into a Proletarian
Paradise. The “Conciliar” and “Post-Conciliar” Fathers will have “The
Withering Away of Catholicism” — and every vestige of Christianity
into a Pantheistic Paradise. If atheism and Catholicism equally
abolish Jesus Christ as an impediment to Pantheistic Ecumenism
— what is the difference?
The most pressing question
appears to be this: whence this self-loathing — this distancing
of Catholicism to the point of vanishing? Who can possibly be agitating
for so wicked an enterprise? Let us take another tack: Cui bono?
Who benefits from this “deconstruction” to the point of annihilation?
It is … Devilishly clever … no? Who has ever propagated lies
from the very beginning?
And now we are confronted
with yet another “new paradigm”: the resignation of the papacy as
de rigueur. 2000 years of popes (save one) stayed until death (or
murder) — but Benedict, still a pope, with the suffix “emeritus” as
though a retired professor of philosophy (PS: There has never been a
“Pope Emeritus” until Benedict fled.) It is a fabricated “title” necessary
to the amicable co-existence of two popes. We are, for all purposes,
back to Avignon except that one hand is now washing the other, and there
is no vying for primacy. Why would contention exist? The two are really
one. That fleeting hope for a return to authenticity under the papacy
of Benedict briefly quelled voices despairing of the increasingly liberal
state of the Church — just long enough, perhaps, to engineer the juggernaut
of brooding Modernism that would tear down the walls of the Church …
from within — and after Francis tosses the last brick
over his shoulder he will “retire” with much satisfaction and to great
acclaim, having succeeded in reframing the Chair of Saint Peter to accommodate
the recreant “reformer” Luther he so admired … and emulated.
Holy Mother Church has
consistently survived Her persecutors. Francis, Kasper, Marx, Danneels,
and many, many others will pass. She will remain … as
Christ promised — even if only “two or more are gathered in His Name”
(Saint Matthew 18.20). Little wonder, then, that Christ asked,
“When the Son of Man comes will He find faith on earth?” (Saint Luke
The question is no longer
Boston Catholic Journal
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Further Reading on the Papacy of Francis:

Totally Faithful to the Sacred
Deposit of Faith entrusted to the Holy See in Rome
opera tua ... quia modicum habes virtutem, et servasti verbum
Meum, nec non negasti Nomen Meum”
know your works ... that you have but little power, and
yet you have kept My word, and have not denied My Name.”
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