Does Francis defy God
for the Sake of Ecumenism?

receives the pagan Amazonian goddess Pachamama after the worship ceremony
he attended in the Vatican Gardens
abolishes the Commandments of God at will (specifically the 1st,
the 6th, and the
— we are awaiting the rest)
He has the inconceivable audacity
to re-write the ending of the only prayer that Jesus Himself
explicitly taught us (the Pater Noster, Our Father) to
make it more acceptable to “modern” sensitivities.
He repudiates the explicit Scriptural
condemnation of homosexuality in both the Old and New Testaments
(“God made you like this.” and “Who am I to judge?”)
He teaches that Hell does not exist
— despite Christ’s own frequent teachings concerning it — not
simply as a possibility, but as an distinct eschatological
reality to be averted at all costs. For Francis unrepentant
sinners simply vanish, cease to be, upon their death. The most
obvious consequence of this denial involves abolishing the fundamental
Christian concept pertaining to the notion of Judgment —
both the Particular and the Last Judgment, both of which
consequently become meaningless.
For Francis all religions
are willed by God — even those that are mutually contradictory
and manifestly evil — and which deny or denigrate Christ. Every
religion leads to God — despite what Christ said.
Francis insists that, “Women in
the Church are more important than bishops and priests.” (Why
emphasize women to the exclusion of the laity in general?
Francis is a covert Feminist).
Francis reproached Filipinos, telling
them that Catholics should not “breed like rabbits” — but
practice “Responsible Planned Parenthood.”1
The Church, for Francis is not the
unspeakably beautiful Bride of Christ — it is simply a
“Field Hospital”.
The Church has placed too great
an emphasis on abortion. There are other pressing issues
— such as Environmentalism. In fact the current plague
COVID-19 is not some aboriginal chastisement from God, or even
something biological in origin: it is Mother Earth, the environment
“having a fit.”
Oh, yes — atheists go to Heaven,
too, together with animists, et alia. (Why then did Christ
die on the Cross?)
At the Foot of the Cross, Francis
insists that, “Mary surely wanted to say to the Angel:
‘Liar! I was deceived.’ ”
“I imagine Mary as a normal girl,”
Francis said, “a girl of today, open to getting married, to having
a family”. However — Mary was not just “any” girl in Holy Scripture:
at the Annunciation the Archangel Gabriel hailed her
as “full of grace”, saying,
“blessed art thou among women”
and that she would “conceive the Son of the Most High.”
For Francis, “Proselytism
is solemn nonsense. It makes no sense. We need to get
to know each other, listen to each other…” — despite the very
last command of Christ in the Gospel of Saint Matthew: “Teach
ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of
the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things
whatsoever I have commanded you."
“Jesus”, Francis further claims,
“came to the world to learn to be a man and, and being man [and
with no mention of Christ’s divinity], to walk with men.”
Actually, Christ came into the world (the Incarnation) to
redeem the world, to suffer for our sins, to overcome the
devil and death — and above all to save souls.
Francis presumes to authoritatively
pontificate on economics and politics in a way that an economist
or a politician would never dare presume to authoritatively speak
about matters religious.
On the 50th anniversary of “Earth
Day” he reproached the Faithful, stating that “We have sinned
against the earth.”
“God”, Francis assures us,
“always forgives; we humans sometimes forgive, but
the earth never forgives. If we despoil the earth, its
response will be very ugly.” Can we really look to Gaia
2 — Mother Earth
— to absolve us for using plastic as we look to God to absolve us
from our sins?
Instead of teaching the Faith, Francis
laments the “increasing use and power of air-conditioning” as
inimical to environmentalism — even while Domus Sanctae Marthae
where he lives is air-conditioned and has refrigerators as well.
“Rigid Catholics” — whom he detests — would rightly
and “rigidly” call this hypocrisy.
As we
had said in the beginning — He is not my pope! However, nominally,
he is a Catholic Pope — if only in light of the fact that he indeed
occupies the Seat of Saint Peter — but as an interloper, an environmental
and social activist, a political and economic adviser with credentials
in neither, and a apparent syncretist
3 pre-eminent —
to whom every other “belief system” in the world is laudable, acceptable,
and praiseworthy to Francis — except his own Catholic religion
— from which he increasingly distances himself in an ongoing repudiation.
1 https://www.ncronline.org/news/vatican/dont-breed-rabbits-was-pope-francis-breaking-new-ground-birth-control
Geoffrey K. Mondello
Boston Catholic Journal
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Further Reading on the Papacy of Francis:

Totally Faithful to the Sacred Deposit of
Faith entrusted to the Holy See in Rome
opera tua ... quia modicum habes virtutem, et servasti
verbum Meum, nec non negasti Nomen Meum”
know your works ... that you have but little power,
and yet you have kept My word, and have not denied My
(Apocalypse 3.8)
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