Can Francis Abolish Hell?

... and can Bergoglio’s
supersede Faith?
thy hand scandalize thee, cut it off: it is better for thee
to enter into life, maimed, than having two hands to go
into Hell, into unquenchable fire: Where their worm dieth
not, and the fire is not extinguished.”
(St. Mark 9.42-43)
Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. “Francis”):
“Receive the
forgiveness of God and go among the line of souls who contemplate
Him, the souls of those who are unrepentant, and thus
cannot be forgiven, simply disappear.” and “Hell
does not exist, the disappearance of sinful souls exists.”
Jesus Christ:
“Depart from me, you cursed, into
everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels.”
(Saint Matthew 25:41)
“If thy right hand scandalize thee, cut it off, and cast it
from thee: for it is expedient for thee that one of thy members
should perish, rather than that thy whole body be cast into
(St. Mat. 5:30)
Pope Francis insists
that such antiquated concepts as Hell and punishment — even eternal
and unimaginable suffering — cannot possibly be
true! In fact he recently assured us that “No
one can be condemned forever, because that is not the logic of
the Gospel. Here I am not speaking only of the divorced and
remarried, but of everyone, in whatever situation they find themselves”
“ Who,
then, uttered this nonsense?” you demand.
The answer, of course,
is Saint Mark. What is more, we reply, we have never so much as heard
of the Bible in terms of logical premises and conclusions, or Sacred
Scripture understood as so many syllogisms.
Is there a “logic of the Gospel”, we ask? One that supersedes
and ultimately reveals as absurd what we actually find in the
Gospels? In order to really arrive at what is written in the Gospel
and uttered by Christ, must we abandon the obvious and demand, instead,
that it be reconstructed — and reinterpreted — along the lines of a
logical truth table?
A Propositional Exegesis of Holy Scripture?
In other words, must I
now construe the teachings of Holy Scripture not in terms of faith —
but logic — or more to the point, in terms of logical consistency (a
fabricated “consistency” that Francis never explains) rather than Divine
As reasonable men we must not simply disagree with Francis, but hold
this preposterous notion to be nothing less than absurd. The Four Gospels
are not, and have never been, understood as even latently logical treatises
— subject to the laws of propositional logic — rather than the Laws
of God enunciated by His Son and the Prophets in Sacred Scripture.
Indeed, one of the vexing issues that, in current circles, “do not accord
with the logic of the Gospel” occurs in today’s reading: Jesus became
angry. It does not “fit” the progressive (and fictitious) notion that
Jesus — and His Father, for that matter — never become angry! In fact,
they are never offended! They are totally understanding and accepting
of any sin and every evil; even our blasphemy! After all, the real Jesus
reveals Himself as properly emasculated in our effeminated culture,
and in the rudifacient “children’s homilies” at Mass by Deacon Dick:
“See Jesus come.
See Jesus hug the Pharisees.
See Jesus affirming the Sadducees.
See Jesus smile.
See Jesus apologize for inconveniencing and upsetting the
Roman soldiers.
Oh … that Cross-thing? Jesus is unhappy because we have
not hugged each other enough today.”
I hate to break it to you
and to offend your feminized sensitivities — and proclivities — but
Jesus was a man. Not Mr. Rogers, not Mrs. Doubtfire, and definitely
not a wimp. He was beaten, scourged, mocked, crowned with thorns, and
crucified — that is not the stuff of wimps. Or delicate men.
And, yes — He occasionally became angry!
It is recorded in and testified to in all four Gospels-that-are-not-textbooks-on-logic.
We believe it!
Not because you have arrived at a satisfactory truth-variable through
logic — but because God said so — in Holy Scripture. And because it
is what the Holy Catholic Church authentically teaches and has taught
for 2000 years. Because it makes sense! And because Christ is True God
and True Man! The Bible is not a Truth Table. It is the Living Word
of God. It is Truth, just as Christ is Truth Himself (Saint John 14.6)
— and most annoying to some, a truth at which you will never arrive
through propositional logic.
Only through Faith.
K. Mondello
Boston Catholic Journal
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Further Reading on the Papacy of Francis:

Faithful to the Sacred Deposit of Faith entrusted
to the Holy See in Rome
opera tua ... quia modicum habes virtutem, et servasti verbum
Meum, nec non negasti Nomen Meum”
know your works ... that you have but little power, and
yet you have kept My word, and have not denied My Name.”
(Apocalypse 3.8)
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