Accompaniment, Ecology, and Bio-diversity”

the “Gaze of love”
you the shivers, yes?
is the “gaze of Love” — of which Francis effusively speaks in
his defective, and often heretical, encyclical Laudato Si — “The
Joy of Love” (given his insistence on abrogating the 6th
Commandment, it is an appropriately salacious title).
critics, and those to whom he accords less than this “gaze of love”,
are quite familiar with it — especially those “rigid Catholics” whom
he denigrates as suffering from “coprophilia, or arousal from
excrement, and ... coprophagia, or eating excrement”
But Francis
can — and will — stoop to less in the upcoming Synod aptly
called “Amazonia: New Paths for The Church and for an Integral Ecology.”
No, that is not a misprint: it is not “Integral Theology”
— that would be nonsensical enough, but the pope and the
Church clambering aboard the secular band-wagon of
Little wonder
that among those personally invited by Francis

pro-lesbian/pro-gay/pro-bisexual/pro-transsexual ex-United Nations
Secretary General Ban Ki-moon,

and left-wing propagandist Bishop Robert McElroy
of San Diego

Renegade Cardinal Reinhard Marx of Germany

Father Eleazar López Hernández, Mexican liberation theologian
and proponent of “indigenous Indian theology” that has
absolutely nothing to do with the Gospels.

German Father “we can discover God's Revelation among these
indigenous peoples” Paulo Suess

Jewish American economist Jeffrey Sachs, who
advocates abortion and Malthusian population control, and who
was a key contributor to Laudato Si, Francis’s Encyclical
confusing environmentalism with worship.
a tribe of themselves, yes?
(except Pro-Life) non-Catholic UN Secretary, Moon who at least
hints at his own confusion: “To those who are gay, lesbian, bisexual,or
transgender, let me say — you are not alone. ... decriminalize consensual
same-sex relationships, ban discrimination and educate the public”
— and whose attempts to state anything profound and memorable
(“Terrorism is a threat to peace and security”) do not quite
attain to the Analects of Confucius ...
Bishop Robert McElroy
that “Many times, our discussions in the life of the Church suggest
that chastity has a singularly powerful role in determining our moral
character, or our relationship with God. It does not.” Hmmmm. The
bishop, clearly, is no Biblical exegete. Moreover, consider the
following, “We have
to reflect upon the question as to how to assess in a differentiated
manner a relationship between two homosexual persons,” he says. “Is
there not so much positive and good and right so that we have to be
more just?”
Cardinal Reinhard Marx — oddly, much like Moon and McElroy — has
an odd fixation on male genitalia: “If
a same-sex couple are faithful, care for one another and intend
to stay together for life God won't say 'All that doesn't interest me.”
Father Eleazar López Hernández: Is an
outspoken proponent of indigenous and pre-Christian “Indian
(pagan spirituality) insistent on
“nourishing in the faithful expectations contrary to the Magisterium
and Tradition, as in the case of a permanent diaconate oriented towards
a married priesthood.”
Paulo Hess, it appears,
has found no need for
the Synoptic Gospels — or, far that matter, Sacred Scripture itself
— which has been regressively “aufheben” or abolished by the
— ready for this word? “aucthonomus” (a big word meaning
nothing more than native, but sounding so much more learned!)
religions and spiritualities that are held to have preceded Christianity
itself — which is warrant enough to imply that it is more authentic
in virtue of being presumably older (history and even historiography
were not fields of study in Amazonian culture. Apart from oral tradition
and crude artifacts there is no Amazonian history preceding Christianity
which brought this reflexive concept with it. In this sense “aucthonomus”
Egyptian religion circa 2050 B.C. with its polytheistic deities
(including animals) is superior to divinely revealed and rationally
articulated Christianity. Because it is older. Older = wiser = more
authentic = “aucthonomus” which = native, which = older.
Rather circular reasoning, but you get the point.
Jeffrey Sachs — a Jewish
— will likely be pontificating
on a religion he does not believe in the way that Francis pontificates
on economies he has no understanding of. It is a matter of competence
which neither seems to grasp — to say nothing of widespread perception.
“It’s the Ecology,
In a way
reminiscent of Bill Clinton’s famous mantra to his field workers,
“It’s the economy, stupid!” when his political machine swerved from
the central issue in canvassing for the votes that he was sure would
get him elected, the absence of moral credentials in those especially
invited by Francis is quite beside the point. The Synod is not about
morals. Still less is it about promoting Catholicism in a continent
quickly being lost to Evangelical Protestants through the religious
vacuum that resulted from the absence — and in Francis's case,
the prohibition against — Catholic Missionary zeal since Vatican
II. In this case “it's Ecumenism, stupid”. But no one is listening.
The planet must be saved! An ecological apocalypse is
upon us — now! And the Amazon, we are told, has “the Lungs” even if
the Catholic episcopate does not have “the Brains” to distinguish between
socio-political flatus and a clearly distinguishable reality.
In what Gospel, we ask, did Christ proclaim that ecological mandate?
Are endangered souls a concern to “the church” any longer ... or
just endangered species
and tribal affinities for a summum bonum understood as being
“close to the earth” rather than
close to God?
Must we now
confess (were Confession acknowledged as a vital Sacrament since Vatican
II) our “sins against Mother Earth, Sister Sun, and Brother Moon”
— and will two of the three constitute ecological incest?! Perhaps
that is the sin for which there is no forgiveness in the
New church-of-Accompaniment that supplanted the Holy Catholic
Church in 1969? — in addition, of course, to the “religious imperialism”
that Catholic Missionaries in centuries past inflicted — oddly, at great
cost to themselves — on this advanced culture — “with a perfectly good
religion of their own”— notwithstanding human and animal sacrifice,
the subjugation of women, and the enslavement of enemies with whom they
warred ceaselessly.
In the meanwhile,
let us strive to cultivate “the gaze of love” on all that moves
upon the earth — except the Catholics who have kept the Faith
against every persecutor in the “church” since 1960 — you know,
the gaze that so suffuses the countenance of its principle
proponent (see above). What’s not to love?
K. Mondello
Boston Catholic Journal
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Further Reading on the Papacy of Francis:

Totally Faithful to the Sacred
Deposit of Faith entrusted to the Holy See in Rome
opera tua ... quia modicum habes virtutem, et servasti verbum
Meum, nec non negasti Nomen Meum”
know your works ... that you have but little power, and
yet you have kept My word, and have not denied My Name.”
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