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Boston Catholic Journal - Critical Catholic Commentary in the Twilight of Reason


We Cannot Call This Man

Holy Father

... for he is neither

Jorge Bergoglio "Francis" fist clenched in anger

Nor can we call today’s sterile, Modernist, “Worship Spaces” 1 ... Catholic Churches:

Cathedral of St Mary of the Angels in Los Angeles outside Cathedral of St Mary of the Angels in Los Angeles inside

Cathedral of St Mary of the Angels in Los Angeles

“The house of our holiness, and of our glory, where our fathers praised Thee,
is burnt with fire, and all our lovely things are turned into ruins.”
(Isaiah 64.11)


We wish to make one thing clear in light of our criticism of the ever-evolving, ever-increasing defection of Jorge Bergoglio from the One, True, Holy, and Apostolic Catholic Church to what is theologically understood as Religious Indifferentism (any and every religion is sufficient to the attainment of salvation, however much each stands in reciprocal contradiction to one other) — we ourselves are not Sedevacantists, despite the ample and otherwise compelling reasons that Francis routinely provides.

The Seat of Saint Peter is, indeed, occupied ...

That it is occupied by a madman — Jorge Bergoglio — appears to be of little consequence to those who hold that merely occupying the Seat of Saint Peter by any means — of itself necessarily corroborates his fidelity to the Catholic Faith and in some unfathomable way equally attests to his sanity — despite 10 years of what appears to be recurring manic episodes (think the Roman Emperor Caligula who proclaimed his divinity, nominated his horse, Incitatus, as consul, and routinely conversed with the moon) to say nothing of patently illogical utterances (“spaces and power are preferred to time and processes”, “Space hardens processes * ) — coupled with his unpredictable and often incomprehensible behavior (think “Pachamama”).

We do not maintain that the Roman Catholic Church of our forefathers no longer exists, nor that the office of the pope is vacant — we simply argue that it miraculously exists despite its extreme attenuation following Vatican II and the manifold repudiation of sound Catholic teaching by the post-Catholic conciliar church that succeeded it — but did not, and cannot, supplant it.

We do, however, question the human integrity of the process that culminated in its present and often incoherent occupant, his faithfulness to the Sacred Deposit of Faith, and his recurring excursions into the periphery of human understanding. Moreover, we take issue with those who, in obeisance to prevailing ecclesiastical “correctitude” (here think the on-going cover-up of predatory homosexual priests/bishops/cardinals by Jorge-and-Friends together with the rampant corruption in the Vatican Bank) — or simply though lack of intellectual perspicacity, find it convenient to facilely “categorize” those in disagreement with them under various labels, all of them pejorative. As a category-of-a-person rather than a person himself, such a “categorized” person can presumably be put aside, mocked, ridiculed, and marginalized and with him, the “category” he instantiates. The problem with this dismissive attitude is that while the categories are quite small in number, the individuals populating them are not. Indeed, they are growing.

You are, no doubt, familiar with the phrase “the Holy Father” referring to the man who sits upon the Seat of Saint Peter and is eo ipso the pope of the Catholic Church. It was, for nearly 2000 years, a title of due reverence to the Vicar of Jesus Christ on Earth — and was associated with holiness in person, or at least integrity of character. He was always understood as a man who defended the teachings, doctrines, and dogmas of the Holy Catholic Church. The “post-Catholic conciliar church  of Vatican II however, beginning with John XXIII and promoted by each pope in unbroken succession — to the point of popes routinely canonizing their predecessors — placed increasing emphasis not on “the Salvation of Souls”, but on rapprochement with the world. This intensified exponentially under Jorge, and regrettably the Church, as a consequence became only parenthetically “Holy” (and if truth be told, no longer “Catholic” in a way that would be comprehensible to Catholics and prelates alike prior to 1960).

In reality the “post-Catholic-conciliar-church” of Vatican II effectively resulted in a simulacrum, a caricature, of the once “Holy Roman Catholic Church” whose name it arrogated even as it threw the pearls of Her holiness under the cloven hooves of pigs. Do you believe such an assessment harsh? Christ Himself warned us against it —  and the consequences to those who would be so profligate:

“Give not that which is holy to the dogs, nor cast your pearls before the swine, lest they trample them with their feet, and turning round rend you.” (Saint Matthew 7.6)

I recognize that this sounds severe. It is meant to be.

How few those who with clarity and courage denounce this manifest and unmitigated distinction! Both clerical and lay are unwilling to call what is manifestly counterfeit nothing less than ecclesiastical forgery and fraud out of  fear of persecution — of being marginalized, being labeled a “rigid” or “Traditional Catholic” — the very type Catholic whom Bergoglio ridicules and apparently detests! Has the unreasoned fear of this crude and petulant pontiff so paralyzed the once courageous Catholic witness in the world that none dare defy him for fear of ... fear of ... what?

Do you fear that you will be “excommunicated” from this grotesque mutation that has lost all continuity with the real Catholic Church which it parodies — this pathogen that requires a host to survive even as it destroys the host? Why would you wish to be part of what has become a travesty? Better an orphan than a bastard. Oh, yes, you will have great difficulty finding a genuinely Catholic parish that worships the True and Living God in the “Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass” before the post-Catholic-conciliar-church banned and criminalized it —the Mass that nurtured and mothered all the great Saints preceding the Post-Conciliar Church — with the sole exception that you, at the same time, acknowledge and give credence to the farcical Liturgy accredited and mandated by the Council Fathers and cruelly imposed on the Faithful.

In these days fraught with heresy and apostasy, pan-paganism and atheism, this new Post-Catholic-Conciliar-church spawned by Vatican II has made it quite clear that the monolithic Catholicism which preceded it is, indeed, in need of extreme atteCuation, and exsanguinated of piety. Before being a “Catholic” required a conditional, and factional antecedent (“Conservative Catholic”, “Liberal Catholic”, “Progressive Catholic”, “Charismatic Catholic”, “Vatican II Catholic”, “Pre-Vatican II Catholic”, “Sedevacantist Catholic” —  that is to say, when a Catholic was simply a non-nuanced Catholic — and not a “kind” of Catholic, there simply was no confusion in being Catholic. Everything was quite clear and definite: matters such as morals, dogmas, millennia-imbued teaching, theology, marriage, sexuality, having children, and those now-quaint concepts of “obligations” and “certitudes”.

With Vatican II and the inauguration of the Post-Conciliar Church, kinds of Catholics” emerged and quickly began to divide the Church, splintering the One Body into separate — and separated — “ideological” ghettos; once again, prior to which the world could understand and reasonably predicate of you certain beliefs and practices (or at least of what you should have be, and what you should have believed) as a Catholic.

The Anvil

This, of course, is no longer so. Antagonism within the highest levels of the Church, now disparage, ridicule, and separate themselves from the mere Catholic who believes and cleaves to “the Faith of His Fathers” with its 2000 years of credentials. Such a Catholic is now dismissed as “backward” and “rigid” by “the Holy Father” (Bergoglio) of the post-Catholic-conciliar-church (once again, not to be confused with the authentic Roman Catholic Church of 2000 years). Jorge has much to say about this … most of it incoherent and disparaging ... when he is not pontificating about the Amazonian Face of the Church, the environment, plastic in the ocean, politics, economies — and yet strangely says nothing relevant to his job-description as Pontiff concerning salvation, Jesus Christ, the Conversion of Souls, and Hell itself (which he famously dismissed as a fiction).

It is vital to understand that Jorge Bergoglio (Francis) is a Modernist. Among the primary tenets of Modernism are the following: all religions are equally efficacious for salvation; religion is primarily emotive; a matter of feelings, not doctrine and dogma (think the Charismatic movement); doctrine evolves with human and historical understanding; etc. This is not to be understood frivolously; it is a reproach to him. We must clearly understand this indictment: St. Pope Pius X (1907), in his encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis — On the Doctrines of the Modernists, condemned Modernism as the Synthesis of all hersies. Reflect on that a moment. It is not just a heresy, but the Synthesis of All Heresies. This cannot be overstated. However, we must equally, and in all honesty, acknowledge that this newly-and-poorly-minted “church” was usurped long before Francis, beginning with the first ruminations of that most unfortunate event called Vatican II. We may consider Modernism the anvil upon which Vatican II was forged by no less than six successively extirpative hammer strokes:

• Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli (John XXIII)
• Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini (Paul VI)
• Albino Luciani (John Paul I)
• Karol Józef Wojtyła (John Paul II)
• Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger (Benedict XVI)
• Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Francis)

Some of the above, I recognize, are esteemed “heroes” of the Faith by many Post-Conciliar-Church Catholics — especially Karol Wojtyla (John Paul II) on whose watch the USSR crumbled and even Josef Ratzinger (Benedict XVI) who “restored” to “legitimacy” (what was never abolished nor can it ever be)  the ancient Tridentine Mass (which is actually much, much older) but only under the condition that it be understood as a perquisite, a bone tossed to the (Traditional) dogs who were obligated to acknowledge the “validity” and superiority of “the New Mass”. The Tridentine Mass — so spiritual, other-worldly, and rife with “superstition” was an embarrassment to the New-Age enlightened liturgists who relegated the Mass of the Ages to the mere effluence of the “Usus antiquior” — “the ancient usage” also understood as the “Vetus ordo” (the “old order”) —  each suggesting that its validity suffers from a lack of contemporaneity (it is no longer in current use) and obsolete (having been supplanted by the Novus Ordo, or “New Order” Mass of increasingly bizarre experimentation and imbecility). Ratzinger merely re-stated what was never denied.


But it was precisely Karol Wojtyla and Josef Ratzinger who vigorously promoted not just the absurdity of Ecumenism, but nothing less an affront to God as Pantheism. The inter-religious meeting and worship at Assisi under the auspices of Karol Wojtyla (JPII) was blasphemous and the sin of sacrilege no less than three times: 1986, 1993 and 2002. Josef Ratzinger pursued Ecumenism with no less vigor in 2011. And Jorge (Francis) is the culmination of this sacrilege by apotheosizing the Earth, the Environment, and the “Amazonian-Face” of Pachamama solemnly borne into the Basilica of Saint Peter and worshipped before him and his prelates in the Vatican Garden.

Each, in turn, as we have seen, alienated himself from the Church that preceded him for two millennia, successively and increasingly infecting the Body of Christ, defiling Her as The Bride of the King, and committing adultery against her with every other “belief system” on the face of the Earth. Francis will see this done, — and abjure, divorce, and leave desolate the once Beautiful Bride brought to shame by the Groomsmen.

The “Mass” presently used at every parish throughout the world is not just “different from” the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass prior to Vatican II: it is unrecognizable as the Mass that  Catholics had offered for two millennia (2000 years) prior to the Post-Catholic-Conciliar-church. The language is different (no Latin, but roughly 6,500 different vernacular languages in place of the one which everyone understood in every part of the world). There is no Altar because it is no longer understood as a “sacrifice” — it is merely “a table”. The priest is now merely a “presider” — not an alter Christus confecting the Sacrament of Salvation. There are no Communion Rails because everyone simply walks up to “the Table of the Lord”, hands out: “gimme”.

Saint Paul and the Prophet Daniel saw it coming long before it arrived, and Christ Himself admonished us:

“And many false prophets shall rise, and shall seduce many. And because iniquity hath abounded, the charity of many shall grow cold. ... When therefore you shall see the abomination of desolation (abominationem desolationis), which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place: he that reads let him understand. (Saint Matthew 24.11-15)

Let us recognize what has come upon us — and call it the “Abomination” that it is!


Geoffrey K. Mondello
Boston Catholic Journal

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