Francis who art in Rome ...”

Papa noster ...?
The motto of
Saint Michael the Archangel is rhetorical: “Quis
ut Deus? Who is like God?”
No one.
That is to say no one who is of a sound
mind would dare to say “Me! I am like God ... indeed,
even greater than God!”
Such a state of affairs appears to have
come to this with Francis:
“Maius ego sum Deus: I am greater
than God! God legislates. But I, Frances, amend,
abrogate, invalidate, or abolish what God legislates
... as I see fit.”
Is it madness? Perhaps; or something
darker in the making that has become a problem, the magnitude
of which the Church and Her popes have not encountered in
2000 years.
The Problem?
— specifically
his tampering with Sacred Scripture itself
yet again.
Now Francis has called for a revision
of the Lord’s Prayer in the way of amending the sixth
petition “and lead us not into temptation”.
That Jesus
Christ Himself taught us to pray this way apparently means
nothing to Francis. He has a better idea, a better
way to end the Our Father than Christ gave us when
He said “Thus therefore
shall you pray: Our Father ...”
(Saint Matthew 6.9)
Christ as a
in the papacy of Francis, Christ is now a secondary source.
Francis is the first.
Do you doubt it?
the following:
Jesus Christ:
“Every one that putteth away
his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery:
and he that marrieth her that is put away from
her husband, committeth adultery.” (Saint Matthew
“in certain circumstances,
a person who is divorced and remarried and is
living in an active sexual partnership might
not be responsible or culpable for the mortal
sin of adultery
particularly when a person
judges that he would fall into a subsequent
fault by damaging the children of the new union.”
finally declared this
to be his “authentic magisterium” through
his scandalous and deeply divisive Apostolic
Exhortation Amoris Latetia.
That is to say, adultery — in certain
circumstances — is now permissible in the Catholic Church
— no matter what Christ taught!
Why? Because Francis has determined it to
be so.
than his Lord?”
Did not Christ
say “The servant is not
greater than his Lord; neither is the apostle greater than
He that sent him.”?
(Saint John 13.16) How then can any man abolish the teaching
of Christ? Is the servant greater than his Lord? Will man
strike out what God Himself engraved in stone on Mount Sinai
and what proceeded from the mouth of His Only Begotten Son?
Who, we ask, would possibly have the temerity, the audacity,
to do this? In the 2000 year history of Holy Mother Church,
only one pope — Francis — and under the specious presumption
of permitting sin — that is to say, an evil — to achieve
a counterfeit good.
you, contend,
not the Church teach, has She not always taught, that”
“One may never do evil that good may come of it”?
(Romans 3.8) — how then are we to reconcile what
Christ and Saint Paul taught ... with the rhapsodic teachings
of Francis — that contradict them? Saint “Peter
and the apostles answering, said [to the authorities who
threatened them]: We ought to obey God, rather than men.”
(Acts. 5.29)
The Nine Commandments ... for
the Moment
If Francis is right about adultery,
then God is wrong and we must strike out the
7th Commandment against adultery. We are now left
with Nine Commandments ... until Francis attenuates
the next ... and again demands that we accept, with religious
submission of mind and will, his authority against God's.
Whether it
concerns homosexuality, adultery and “re-marriage”, the
Holy Eucharist and its worthy reception, and now the 2000
year old Lord’s Prayer, Francis has a new solution
to a problem that does not exist — a redaction which
is not consonant with either Sacred Scripture or Sacred
Tradition — and now ... even with the words Christ
uttered Himself. Will he revise all of Sacred Scripture
to “correctly” accord with the corrupt and “progressive”
Modernist agenda that he unabashedly pursues? Who — we ask
— can correct God Himself? Indeed,
“Shall he that contends with the
Almighty instruct Him?”
(Job 40.2) It is, quite suddenly, a real question
... and one that frighteningly verges on diabolical pride.
Two Solutions:
the Our Father — the
Pater Noster — in Latin:
“Et ne nos inducas
in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.”,
instead of proliferating “Our Francis who
art in Rome” into the nearly 7000 living
languages of Babel where the Novus Ordo Mass
is celebrated before an ever diminishing congregation.
And do
not commit adultery — no matter what Francis or
any other disaffected Catholic ecclesiastic tells
you. It is nothing less than sophistry. It may be
okay with him, but it is against the Seventh
Commandment given by God Himself. Let us say, rather,
with Saint Peter: “We ought to obey God, rather
than men.”
Let us be perfectly clear on this —
not we ourselves — but the Catechism of the Catholic Church
teaches the following:
“The task of giving an authentic
interpretation of the Word of God, whether in
its written form or in the form of Tradition,
has been entrusted to the living teaching office
of the Church alone. Its authority in this matter
is exercised in the name of Jesus Christ. This
means that the task of interpretation has been
entrusted to the bishops in communion with the
successor of Peter, the Bishop of Rome.”
Yet this Magisterium is not superior to the
Word of God, but is its servant. It teaches
only what has been handed on to it. At the
divine command and with the help of the Holy
Spirit, it listens to this devotedly, guards
it with dedication and expounds it faithfully. All that it proposes for belief
as being divinely revealed is drawn
from this single deposit of faith.” (CCC 85-86)
It is unimaginable that we
find ourselves uttering this ... of the man called
the Pope of the Catholic Church.
In giving Saint Peter the keys to loose
and to bind (Saint Matthew 16.19), Christ did not give him
— or his successors — the authority to abolish what
He Himself taught.
Indeed, Christ was insistent: “Going
therefore, teach ye all nations ... to observe all things
whatsoever I have commanded you.” (Saint Matthew
What are we
to make of all this ... for it is extremely portentous of
the future of the Church and its faithfulness to Christ?
If adultery “under certain circumstances” is
now permissible — while remaining against the express will
and commandment of Almighty God — what Commandment will
be abolished next? Will fornication and every sexual activity
— indeed will violating the rest of the Divine Commandments
become licit “under certain circumstances” also? This
is a travesty. Man cannot abolish the Laws of God. — It
is not a Pharisaical “rigidity” as Francis cleverly charges
those who disagree with him — it is faithfulness, faithfulness
to God and to Holy Mother Church.
Under Francis,
Christendom will crumble — but the sacred Church of the
Ages, the Faith of our Fathers, our holy Mother the Church
lives still, and will never be overcome. Christ promised
this. The authentic Catholic Church will be smaller and
holier because it will cleave to Her Spouse Jesus Christ
in enclaves, however small, throughout the world where the
Mass is still celebrated in solemnity, dignity, and beauty
— as it was before Vatican II, and where the true teachings
of the Church still prevail over the ways of the world —
and always will.
Christ commanded us to pray for our persecutors.
Let us, then, pray for Francis.
Boston Catholic Journal
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Comments? Write us:
Further Reading on the Papacy of Francis:

Totally Faithful to
the Sacred Deposit of Faith entrusted
to the Holy See in Rome
opera tua ... quia modicum habes virtutem, et servasti
verbum Meum, nec non negasti Nomen Meum”
know your works ... that you have but little power,
and yet you have kept My word, and have not denied
My Name.”
(Apocalypse 3.8)
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